HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 660: Lena's wish

The meeting did not last long, and the meeting ended after about half an hour.

The plan that Jon made before is very complete. Although he is not a professional, he has already considered all the basic things that need to be considered. As long as he follows his plan and invites professional personnel to evaluate it, he Sitting here for this meeting, one is that he really wants to meet all the employees once, and the other is that he needs to communicate.

And Anthony.

And Laura.

Sure enough, after the meeting, Anthony and Laura put forward the idea of ​​visiting the UK.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with their thoughts. Jon has indeed not seen Anthony for a long time. He has been in the US and has not returned to China. It is time to come back for a holiday and rest.

So their request was quickly approved by Jon. As for when they will come back, that is not something Jon should consider.

"But our plan belongs to the plan. Can we easily take down this piece of land?"

"I think our lawyer is responsible for this, and Secretary Kim will take care of it, right?"

"This, of course, the boss can rest assured and promise to take care of it."

The current lawyer in their company is Fren’s father, so Jon has no distrust of his family, and he can just take a moment to talk to Fren about this later.

In fact, it doesn't need to say that Fren should be in the wind with his own home about his father's new job. After all, he never shy away from this matter when he was in school, and even talked about it to Jon.

"But you are not your style. I think you didn't care about the company's affairs at all in the past, and the company's general direction is not research-oriented. Your transition is very blunt.

I guess Anthony and the others should be thinking about what you want to do, or whether to contact them alone later. "

Jon shook his head: "Anyway, they will be back in two days. Don't worry. After they come back, I need to talk about these things in detail. Moreover, the main direction of our company is the financial direction. These things are not just my sudden. Fantastic, it’s mainly for the future transformation, involving another matter, and I can’t tell you now."

"The less you say, the more curious I am!"

Lena smiled and looked at the empty figures in the corridor, thinking that they should be busy at this time. After all, she and Jon are the only idlers in the entire company.

"Go for a walk? I want to see the place you choose."


It's just that walking from the company to the abandoned park he chose would be too slow. Jon raised his eyebrows and looked at Lena carefully.

This woman who made great contributions to the establishment of the company in the early stage of development, her physique should be much better than that of ordinary people, and she is also one of the few people who know her identity better.

-Taking advantage of this opportunity for a showdown, it does not seem to be a bad choice.

"I will take you over."

He took Lenna's hand and said softly.

"Grasp it securely. This is the first time I have taken someone. If you faint, I won't be responsible."

Lena nodded, still with that plain smile on her face.

In fact, his smile lasted until Jon, but he changed his shape and came to a shady place behind the amusement facilities in the abandoned park. This place has been abandoned for a long time. In fact, no one came. As long as he was more careful, Don't worry about being discovered by others.

Besides, he also enveloped them with the phantom spell and force field.

It was just something beyond his imagination, and Lena did not show any discomfort after landing.

It's like getting used to it.

"Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes? You have to know that I have been in war-torn areas for a long time, and the characteristic of such areas is that there are many strange people and strangers, so whether you use magic, Okay, it's still a supernatural power. I don't think it is any strange. I have known that this world is not as ordinary as I see it, so even if I see the truth, I won't think there is any problem."

Her unremarkable reaction was to make Jon lack of interest. Two people walked out of the shade and Jon never knew where to find two cups of coffee and handed it to Lenna.

"Although it's still in August, isn't it a bit strange to drink hot?"

Lenna touched the temperature of the coffee: "It's broad daylight."

"Sorry, the wrong magic was used."

Jon himself is not particularly sensitive to temperature, his skin has improved a lot, and his tolerance to temperature has exceeded that of ordinary people, so he didn't think the coffee was hot, just similar to normal temperature.

Take back the coffee in Lenna's hand, connect with the cup in his hand, and use magic to throw it somewhere where he doesn't know, and then Jon makes two more cold drinks. This time it is more appropriate.

"This park has been abandoned for a long time. I have inquired that after the original operator went bankrupt ~www.NovelMTL.com~ but this piece of land, because the place is not good, has not been sold, and you know that the UK is here now The conditions are that land is not particularly valuable. After a year or two of economic recovery, the real estate economy may drive the economy back up, and it will be too late to start."

"I have heard that the government's regulation and control has already been discussed. However, this time the economic system has been damaged and there is no way to respond within a short period of time. Otherwise, the situation you mentioned. It should come this year and next year. Now that the economy is fully recovering, we will have to wait another three or two years.

It's just that you said before that there is no real estate involved, I thought you bought this place for pure use. "

"Capitalists do not have so much spare money to waste. The plan to buy this place to build a laboratory does have more important things to do. If it succeeds, the benefits he can bring are hundreds of times calculated, so I will spare no effort to push this matter forward. Speaking of this one, I think you are the most suitable person to help me take charge of this matter. There are not many people available around me, and fewer people can be trusted. and so……"

"I don't care. I don't usually do anything here anyway. Supervisors shouldn't be a big problem, but I have one condition."

"What conditions, say, as long as I can satisfy you, I will satisfy you."

"I want to see the magical world."

Lena's eyes flashed with danger. She is an adventurous person. She has longed for the terrible things in the eyes of others since she was a child, and now there is such an opportunity here.

She didn't want to miss it.

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