HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 652: Method of collecting data

"HP approached the magic world (

Mondungus never thought that he would be suddenly attacked.

To be precise, he didn't even know who Jon was.

He just saw a young face come in. He thought it was the newcomer Dumbledore had hired. He had greeted Snape and the others. He thought this newcomer was very talkative, so he just wanted to go forward and was caught by Jon. Slapped.

With Jon’s current state, it is not a difficult task to clean up a wizard who is below him with mental arithmetic and unintentional. As long as Sirius and the others are not troublesome, he can quickly modify Monton without any problems. Gus's memory.

"To be honest, I don't think it makes any sense for him to be here."

Jon looked at Mondungus' eyes with a confused look, and then began to use his magic to shuttle through Mondungus's mind, and said.

"He was not there when I saw me for the first time, which shows that Dumbledore didn't trust him so much. It is really helpless to let him get involved in these things."

"These are all arrangements made by Dumbledore. Since Dumbledore made such arrangements, he must have made such arrangements."

Sirius explained, but apparently no one believed his explanation.

"Trust me, Dumbledore just finds it troublesome, after all, dealing with him is a troublesome thing."

Jon hovered with one hand near Mondungus' temple, and his fingers burst out with fine electric light, which was used to change the memory of Mondungus.

In fact, it is not that there is no better choice. He can brainwash Mondungus and then make him his own subordinate, but Jon feels that it is not suitable.

This method is more weird and evil than Voldemort’s usual methods—at least in the eyes of the wizards around him. Even if it takes a little extreme method to fight Voldemort, such extreme methods may not be able to be used by the Order of the Phoenix. Accepted by these wizards, they can't stand Mondungus, and they may not be able to accept the next Voldemort.

So out of such considerations, Jon still did not use that method, but only washed out Mondungus’ memory of him, and wrote a psychological suggestion in his soul, when he saw Jon’s At that time, he would forget Jon unconsciously. In fact, this kind of magic is what the Hufflepuff family is good at. Professor Sprout has also used this magic to make Hufflepuff’s students not Attention by Harry Potter.

It's just that the magic used by Sprout works on the students, while the magic used by Jon works on the viewer.

It's all about the same end by different routes.

"By the way, can the kid come in?"

Jon glanced at the door of the room, and Mrs. Weasley immediately understood, and added an anti-disturbance curse to the door of the kitchen. Those children are not untrustworthy, but there is a risk of leakage after all.

"Dumbledore wrote him a note. When he arrives, he can find this place with a glance, and sooner or later this house will be reserved for him."

Sirius said flatly, and his flat tone seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"If you say that, you have already considered it, haven't you?"

"I don't think about what it looks like. I am the only one left in the family. I need to bear the responsibility of inheritance. At least on this point, what the ancestors said is correct."

Jon nodded and didn't say anything more about it. In fact, if the two of them continued to talk, I'm afraid that no one else would be able to understand what they were talking about.

But now that he had figured it out, it was easy to handle. Jon put a tick on one of his plans in his heart, and then sat down.

The space in this house is very small, and for Jon, the environment is really a bit dirty.

But there is no way, he knows that this is not the time to be picky about this.

"Everyone already knows what to do next, isn't it?"

He wiggled his fingers: "Or do you still need to discuss it?"

"There is nothing wrong with us, but the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not the only one of us after all," Sirius said, "We still have to wait for them to come back."

Jon admitted that it was rare for him to see such a scene. Although Sirius and Snape did not speak, it was surprising that they were able to live peacefully in the same space.

It's a pity that in his plan, or in reality, these two are still going to die after all.

Jon was about to speak when suddenly there was the sound of opening the door. Hearing those sparse footsteps, he knew that it was their guard and savior.

"I'll go out and have a look."

Mrs. Weasley walked from the edge of the kitchen to the door, and then walked towards the people who came in in three steps and two steps. There was a very warm smile on her face, which was naturally for Harry.

"Oh, Harry, I'm so happy to see you."

She hugged Harry into her arms and whispered ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then looked at Harry's current appearance carefully for a while: "You look thin and need to eat more, but I'm afraid you will have to wait. Dinner will be in a while."

Then she looked at Harry behind him and the wizard whispered: "He just came, and the meeting has already started."

He, of course, refers to Jon, Jon's blind spot hidden in the kitchen, and when he heard Mrs. Weasley's words, he raised his brows.

Those wizards were still very curious about him. After all, everyone wanted to know why such a young man could receive Dumbledore's eyesight and guide many things in the Order of the Phoenix.

It’s just that they rarely show up in front of Jon. The most important thing is that they know how powerful Jon’s strength is, second only to Dumbledore’s existence, just like Voldemort’s strength to Death Eaters. .

Harry naturally wanted to have a meeting with Mrs. Weasley and the others, but unfortunately this was not in compliance with the rules. Only the Order of the Phoenix could participate in the meeting. To be precise, it was not that he could not be known about this matter, but Jon's existence. It is a more important secret than him.

Mrs. Weasley led Harry through the curtains, and then up the dark stairs. Upstairs was where Ron and Hermione lived. She told Harry a few words, and then patted the young man. On his shoulders, in the darkness and where no one noticed, a deep light penetrated into Harry's clothes, and then stuck tightly to Harry's skin.

The moment the light successfully stuck to Harry's body, Jon's finger jumped unconsciously.

This magic was naturally made by him and sent to Harry through Mrs. Weasley to monitor Harry's every move.

After all, the next situation is very complicated, and he must collect as much information as possible in this way.

Joanne can use it.

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