HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 646: How to become a wizard?

"HP approached the magic world (

After living here at Privet Road, Jon's daily routine has returned to the same state as it had been long ago.

Keep communicating with Dumbledore every few days, and then spend most of the time writing about the plan he will provide to the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

During this time, Jon relied on his memory to send Rank to the vicinity to protect Harry Potter.

Because in his memory, at the time of the Order of the Phoenix, that is, before Harry Potter's fifth grade starts, he will be attacked by a dementor.

Of course there is no danger, because in the plot of the story, Harry Potter summons the patron saint and clears away those dementors, but he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case something happens to him , Who will take care of it?

Especially when Dumbledore showed him the corresponding protection plan, so that he knew clearly that the wizard sent to protect Harry was not reliable.

So just in case, Rank was arranged by him to protect Harry Potter secretly, and this secret concept is to guard Mrs. Figg's side at ordinary times.

In fact, Jon wanted to mobilize the power of the magic net to turn Mrs. Figg from a dumb gun into a wizard who can use magic, but Mrs. Figg's situation is not the same as that of Filch. She is really too old. Up.

Speaking of turning a dumb cannon into a wizard, Jon has indeed not tried to turn a real Muggle into a wizard, because in his two successful cases, Filch and his father both possessed wizards. People with bloodlines, in the process of transformation, their bloodlines are indeed stimulated and grow, which reduces the difficulty of transformation a lot.

And a pure Muggle, either without a wizard bloodline at all, or a wizard bloodline, has fallen to the point where it basically doesn't exist.

Just like Joanne.

"Speaking of Sister Joanne, do you have any idea of ​​learning magic?"

"Learning magic, what are you kidding me? I'm so old now, even if I become a wizard with hindsight, there is no way to learn magic, right?

Joanne replied subconsciously, but then he reacted. Jon was not aimless, but was really asking her tentatively.

"What do you want to say?"

"I really want to discuss this matter with you, because you also know that I have experienced a sneak attack by a black wizard in the United States before, and the black wizard in the United States has a very cruel method that can turn an ordinary person into wizard,

Although the method was bloody, it was indeed successful. That's why I think Muggles and wizards may not be able to transform each other. Why do ordinary people suddenly awaken to become wizards?

Sister, have you thought about it? "

"What you said is not new. In the history of MI0 research, many people have been trying to break the barrier between wizards and Muggles, but they all ended in failure without exception.

Because it does involve a very serious aspect of life sciences, and the wizards don’t cooperate,

In addition, it is very difficult for Muggle scientists to see the nature of magic.

You don’t think we can use some unconventional weapons to harm wizards, but that is indeed under specific circumstances, and those weapons are developed by British wizards. Moreover, when the technology has developed to this point, you can use it. Go and shoot the wizard in the chest, and he will die.

As for the wizards not willing to cooperate with this matter... it is understandable, after all, if you have special abilities, of course you don’t want everyone to have special abilities like you, so you won’t be special ? "

That makes sense.

People always hope that they are more special than others. Of course, this special direction must be good and special, and the existence of wizards just occupies this characteristic of people's yearning for power. Those who are born as wizards, there is no way to refuse , If they were to make their own wizards, they would definitely not want to.

Jon is a special case.

Because he doesn't care if others are wizards or not, the more magical power in this world in his heart, the more beneficial it is for him.

In other words, it is more beneficial to Helga. After all, as a god, only when this world has been ruled by mystery, can she unscrupulously appear in the outer world from her own small world.

More importantly, what Jon is doing now is in full compliance with the trend of world restoration.

He has already mentioned long ago that the world’s decline and prosperity are actually a cycle.

When the world is in a prosperous period, the individual's power will be infinitely elevated, whether it is magic or other things, because the size of the world can withstand these existences, so individuals with strong strength will Will keep coming up.

When the world is in a period of decline ~www.NovelMTL.com~, the creatures living in this world, they must ensure not the strength of the individual, but the reproduction and development of the entire ethnic group.

At this time, whether it is human society or other organisms, their population habits will tend to be in a balanced situation. Under this situation, the collective tendency is more inclined to development rather than independence.

But now it seems that the decline period of the world has passed, and it has begun to gradually backtrack to the prosperous period. In this retrospective process, the wizard society is the first to be affected.

Because their power has increased more obviously, more and more little wizards will suddenly appear, and at the same time this group will continue to expand.

What Jon did was actually to share some of the characteristics of this group in advance. From his perspective, anyway, everyone will become wizards in the end, so I might as well improve this process faster. And he didn't think that breaking the information gap between the wizarding world and Muggle society was a matter of great interest.

This behavior will only speed up the backtracking of the world, because after knowing that magic really exists, those who originally yearned for this will increasingly pursue the existence of magic, and as a result they will produce more wizards. In fact, this It is a virtuous circle.

At the beginning of all this, it was necessary to use the magic net system he constructed to catalyze the transformation of a part of Muggles into wizards to prove that this was true.

Because of this, he needs some suitable experimental subjects, and these experimental subjects must not be dumb guns, because in that case, there is no meaning to do experiments.

He has to find some real Muggles, and the best choice is to start with Joanne and find people like her. These people understand the wizarding world and have contact with wizards, and they are more likely to become wizards.

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