HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 632: Trivia and negative emotions

   After dealing with these things, there is nothing to do. When there are only trivial things to deal with every day, there is actually not much need to do.

  And the most important thing is that Jon doesn't have to deal with the final exams and courses like Stephen and others, he doesn't have to do anything, because he has now graduated from Hogwarts.

   As the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore has no difficulty in getting a student to graduate without any qualification certificates at all.

  Especially when this student graduates, he still retains his identity as a fifth grader at Hogwarts, which makes it easier.

   As long as people are there, there are many ways to explain.

   Although I don’t know exactly how Dumbledore works in it, Jon’s name is no longer on the list of Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic.

   And under Dumbledore's deliberate concealment, Jon seemed to have disappeared from Hogwarts, and only some people who should know the inside knew his existence.

   "According to Dumbledore's thoughts, what do you guess he wants to do?"


   Night chat in the dormitory.

Cedric’s parents have left with their son, so this matter has all been covered up according to Dumbledore’s ideas. When someone like Dumbledore decides to do something, Nothing can stop him.

   As Jon’s direct line and friend, there are some things that Jon never kept from his three roommates.

   "As for what Dumbledore wants to do, it has nothing to do with us, right?

   We only need to do what we have to do, don’t we have it?

   There are already a lot of things in the Society for Magic Research. Brother, you don’t do anything day by day, but do you look at our faces, do you seem to be leisurely? "

   Steven drew a circle on his face, and then drew two circles on the sleepy faces of Scully and Fren.


   Jon snapped his fingers, and a magical force shot from his fingertips, transformed into three parts in the air, and then penetrated into the eyebrows of the three people in front of him.

  Magic power has no effect, it's just for refreshing.

   Actually, this kind of magic that can improve is not uncommon in the magical world, and it can even be said to be very common. Those social animals working in the Ministry of Magic often use it, but compared to Jon, their magic is more crude and crude.

   But no matter whether it is subtle or simple, it can be useful.

Stephen and the others are obviously accustomed to the inexplicable magic that Jon uses from time to time. To be honest, they think that there is probably an insurmountable gap between Jon and them. This gap is so clear that they can be very straightforward. Feel the gap between the two.

   And now at this time, they have been forced to sit here, and they are forced to endure Jon's awakening magic, so naturally they can only accept reality.

"Okay, okay, if you have something to say, we are really sleepy, because there will be class tomorrow morning, and we have to go to the large study room tomorrow morning to prepare for study, and we have to deal with the learning matter. Of course, if you are willing to help deal with these things, we don’t mind staying here for a while."

   Hearing these words, if Jon didn't say anything, it really seemed that he was too inhuman, so Jon quickly expressed his position.

   "In that case, let me make a long story short. I will tell you my position first, and then you will go back and consider it for yourself, and we will talk to you tomorrow."

"Do you think about learning things here and Dumbledore’s side, do we have to strike a balance? After all, we are very likely to be used by Dumbledore for a long time to come. Take care of his own business."

   "Also, about the Order of the Phoenix, did I mention it to you before?

   If you haven’t mentioned anything, then I’m telling you now, but your current state obviously doesn’t have the energy to listen to me too much, so wait until tomorrow when you have time to elaborate. "

   "Now, you can go to bed. See you tomorrow."

   Jon smiled and watched the three corpses dragging them back into the tent, looking at the moodiness.

In other words, the Goblet of Fire incident and the death of Cedric did deal a great blow to Hufflepuff College. In addition, due to the agreement between Jon and Dumbledore, in Hufflepuff College, It’s not that too many people know that Cedric’s life is not dead. It’s just been concealed, and Jon feels that Dumbledore and the others are building a heroic image. This kind of thing is for Hufflepuff. To the strange students, it is somewhat disgusting.

Cedric himself is such a person, and they are not opposed to it, but this kind of image creation seems a bit deliberate, but the decision made by Dumbledore and Jon must be justified by them, so they don’t Will go to refute, and for ordinary students of Hufflepuff, having such an honor added to Cedric is somewhat of their comfort to Cedric~www.NovelMTL.com~ After all, Cedric Ke is indeed a very good senior and really helped them a lot.

It’s just that Cedric’s thing happened suddenly, and many things of the Magic Research Society fell on Stephen’s body. This time was already very busy and there was a big exam in the fifth grade, so Jon was responsible for these things. deal with.

  Understanding these things, Jon also understood the negative emotions of Scully and the others.

   But he is not worried.

As his roommates and friends, Stephen and the others have honed a very good adaptability in the past so long. Although Cedric’s affairs are indeed unacceptable, after knowing the truth, they should It will be adjusted soon.

For people of their age, negative emotions are like the flu of Muggle society. They will visit from time to time, and the cause is different each time. It may just be because of a mistake in one thing, it may be It's because a girl suddenly changed her attitude. It's more likely that something like Cedric happened. There are many ways to deal with negative emotions. It doesn't matter if you are encouraged or not dealt with, after a period of time, even if something If you don't do it, this negative emotion will naturally fade away, because time is the best medicine in this world.

   Compared with the long life, all the pain and negativity are nothing but pain.

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