HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 619: Save people

   It is not a wise behavior to act rashly when he knows he can't beat his enemy.

   But at this moment, even if Jon was on Harry's point of view, he would feel that this behavior was correct.

   Because if you have to face death, it is better to die standing than kneeling.

   But this does not mean that he will support Harry's behavior from his own point of view.

Even if it takes a little longer, it’s better than going out rashly now. After all, it’s not without a chance to leave. The trophy that serves as the key to the door is lying there. Avoiding here for a while and regaining his strength a little bit. Through some wonderful angles, he returned to the trophy while circling, and then back to Hogwarts.

   But his choice is pretty good. Under such circumstances, he is still very young after all.

   But this is no way to go on.

   It is unrealistic to not be able to pin all hopes on the curse his mother left behind-Jon sighed and chose to help.

   It’s better to solve the problem quickly than to wait here.

   So, something strange happened.

   Just when Voldemort and Harry released their own spells at the same time, Jon tapped his power out.

   The lights of the two spells met in the air, and then Voldemort and Harry's wands were connected at the same time-the dazzling golden beam connected the two wands, allowing the owner of the wand to feel their tremor.

   Jon swore that he hadn't done anything extraordinary, he just guided it a little bit, and used the peculiarities of the wands of the two of them to stimulate their power.

   For him, this is not a difficult thing.

   It’s just that there is no trace of everything to do, which seems to be a waste of time.

   But it is obviously not a good idea to let them continue like this.

   Jon thought about it, but he didn't see any new changes to the gold line.

He snapped his fingers and re-transmitted a little power. Then, the golden thread suddenly split, and numerous arcs of light appeared above Harry and Voldemort. These photovoltaics intertwined around them, and finally formed a golden color. network of.

   This network is like Lichang.

   is a cage made of light, and the subordinates of Voldemort surround it.

Internal things and external things will be strangely separated because of the isolation of the force field, but this separation is obviously not hidden from Jon. During the formation of this network, he slightly moved his hands and feet, and mixed some of himself. The power goes in.

   Everything is going well in general.

   is like everything he did in the past.

Voldemort yelled something like his subordinates. Jon didn’t hear clearly, because he didn’t come close at this time, but soon he came closer. At this moment, Harry still clenched his hands firmly. Holding the magic wand, maintaining the golden thread that connects together.

   At this time, Jon was thinking about the source of the power of this golden net.

   He vaguely saw the traces of magic power belonging to Dumbledore in the golden network, because he had known that the curse that protected Harry was from Dumbledore's hands, so he was not surprised at all.

   What he really thought about was how to use this power.

   This kind of power is definitely not too easy to use, because for well-known reasons, it is difficult for different wizards to use each other's power together.

   It is naturally the same between him and Dumbledore.

  The power cannot be shared, but it does not mean that he cannot exert influence.

   And the spell guided by him actually had a spontaneous reaction, and he didn't need to do too much.

   He just needs to protect Harry.

   He can clearly feel that the network of magic power is drawing on the soul power around him, what remains in Harry's bloodline and what remains in the cemetery here has not yet dissipated.

Harry’s parents, Cedric, and the messy people that emerged from Voldemort’s wand, all these people appeared here without knowing what the spell was. They were not attacked. Possibility, because they are not entities at all, but illusions that exist here, but they can have some influence on Voldemort.

   It’s good to have an impact, and an impact can at least cause some changes.

   Jon feels that anything that doesn't need to be done by yourself is a good thing.

   So he passed some information through the Internet.

   in the network.

   Harry suddenly heard something like this in his ear.

"After the connection is disconnected, we can only stay for a short time...but we will buy you time, you must get the door key...it will bring you back to Hogwarts...understand, Harry ?"


   Harry gasped.

   His wand slid in his hand, and he had to use all his strength to catch him.

   And he heard it again, Cedric said to let himself take the body over and give it to his parents.

   Harry made a guarantee.

   Then he forcefully pushed the wand up a peach, the gold thread broke instantly, and the light net was gone.

Harry rushed in the direction of Cedric's corpse, but Jon did not leave that position. He turned his soul to trap Voldemort. One of the Death Eaters seemed to be stunned. Harry didn't stop at all.

   By the time they reacted, Harry was about to run near Cedric~www.NovelMTL.com~ At such a distance, the spell was very difficult to hit.

   After all, they all use a spell that can only fly in a straight line.

   "The trophy is coming!"

   Jon heard Harry yell, and then Voldemort's incompetent fury followed.

   He shook his head and didn't stay here any longer to make sure that Harry and the others had indeed left. He also twisted the nearby space and left here.

   Such a weird place, even he didn't want to stay too much.

   And after returning to school, there must be many things to deal with.

  For example, how did Harry explain Cedric's death?

   He is quite familiar with Cedric, and he doesn't want Cedric to die in vain.

   Forget it if he was once weak in strength. He won't be entangled in this kind of problem, but now he is no longer the student who used to be unable to do anything without strength.

   His power is very strong, and the opportunity is rare. He is holding Cedric's undissipated soul in his hands.

   It was summoned by Harry Potter's flashback curse. Although the soul is not complete, the essence has not disappeared. As long as the magic is used carefully to warm up, there is still a chance that Cedric will be resurrected.


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