He didn't think that the gods would be any kind of hospitable existence, and since they were outsiders, they should not be guests but foreign audiences.

Moreover, the real Egyptians disappeared with the fall of the gods a long time ago. Except for some of the blood of the gods left behind, as well as those buildings and mummies, there is nothing else that has anything to do with ancient Egypt. Up.

Now that they are brought in, it is nothing more than for the soul. Since the gods are no longer picky eaters to this degree, Jon is more calm.

Isn't it a god? Didn't he have never seen it, he had even seen the appearance of the world.

It's nothing more than a change of clothes now. If you want to go to someone's banquet, you should naturally wear what they think of.

It is also a normal thing.

And what made him feel special was not the clothes on his body, but these existences. The person Sechatli contacted should be Osiris, and the gloves on his hands have something to do with Osiris, and he came out of the training ground. At the time, they were in two carriages with Sesatli, but others did not receive this treatment. Those outsiders needed to walk over by themselves. Obviously, there were definitely many tests on the way they came. And levels.

And Jon sat in this carriage and walked through the fog. No one came to stop him. It was like an aristocrat who was going to a palace for a banquet. Everyone ignored his existence and came to this door. Someone actually changed his clothes, which made him feel very strange.

If he can contact Helga now, he would like to ask Helga why this is, but now he is alone, Helga's consciousness seems to be immersed, and there is no response at all.

But when he just thought of this layer, there was a buzz in his mind, and Helga's voice echoed.

This was not something Helga had said to him before, but it was kept in his mind by some special means.

"Remember your own identity, Celie said that she gave you a hand strap, which can help you conceal your original identity and pretend to be another existence. Considering that you didn't kill anyone, so she and Celie The one who reached the agreement will definitely prepare an identity for you. Although I don’t know what it is, it must be an unremarkable and unobtrusive identity."

Helga's voice echoed in Jon's mind, as if he was telling.

"According to the message Celie gave me, the final battle is in the palace. After you enter by yourself, you still have to face many dangers. I need to remain silent until the end, waiting for you to face the last one. Only then can you reveal your own existence, so before that, you have to protect yourself and seek wealth and wealth. Whether you can step into the rank of sage in one fell swoop is up to you."

Step into the rank of sage in one fell swoop? Ancestor, did you make a mistake?

Jon subconsciously wanted to vomit, but after he calmed down, he immediately realized that Seschatli and Helga were not talking casually, but serious.

The so-called crisis means that there are great opportunities in danger, and whether or not the danger can be transformed into this kind of opportunity depends on the individual's ability.

Obviously, the two closest women around him thought he could do this.

Stepping into a sage in one fell swoop, and even reaching the level of a sage pinnacle, is unimaginable for many wizards. This is an extremely huge opportunity, second only to entering the realm of a legendary wizard in one fell swoop, Jon and that realm There is still a lot of precipitation, but if there is an external urging, it is not impossible to achieve.

To be promoted successfully, he has to give a lot of things, but in the current environment, these things have been condensed.

If there is a power in this small world that even Helga and the will of the world covet, then there is no problem for him to draw from this big power.

It's like a lake.

He walks a bucket by the lake and pulls a cart. The same is true of Helga. She has become a demigod. What is missing is probably not power but something else. So in terms of power, Joe How much you can take depends entirely on his ability.

The reason why there is no way to become a legendary wizard in one fell swoop is because compared with other wizards, the legendary wizard is completely two different realms. When it comes to the realm of the legendary wizard, it is no longer different from the demigod in the world, and the sage is legendary Under the wizard, but the difference between the two of them can also be described as the gap between heaven and the abyss. Jon is at most promoted to the level of a sage. He wants to become a legendary wizard, except for the perception and power of magic. Accumulation, it takes time to accumulate.

But if you can become a sage, it means that the legendary wizard is just around the corner.

This made Jon very excited.

This kind of excitement affected his state, and he suddenly had the courage not to know where it came from.

So he reached out from the carriage and greeted the monster carriage driver.

The curtains were quickly pulled down, and he began to walk forward again.

It's just that the more he moves forward, he feels the greater and greater pressure around him.

It was as if he was placed in front of a demon mirror, he was about to be beaten back to his original shape.

But ~www.NovelMTL.com~ everything is still within the acceptable range.

In areas with a tropical desert climate, it’s always a bit cold at night. Wearing this suit should feel cold, but Jon didn’t feel that way, because not long ago, he had just experienced the cold that was enveloped by malicious intent. In contrast, the blood of Hufflepuff that was constantly growing in his body provided him with great support.

Although this bloodline is not his blood.

He has pulled his bloodline power from his body into his soul, and now the blood flowing in his body is constantly being replaced. It is part of the transformation that Helga has begun to transform into his body. After all, It is not an easy task to allow the power of God to enter, even if it is the same bloodline, it takes a period of adjustment.

It was Seshatri before coming in, and she would face the crisis of being robbed of her body by her ancestors and rebirth, but now Seshatri has got what she wanted, exchanged the price with Osiris, and successfully left this small world. , On the contrary, it was Jon who wanted to use his body to summon the coming of the ancestors.

At this point, he was already very clear about the situation he was facing, and one thing was no longer a guess, but transformed into reality.

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