HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 194: Countdown to death

   In the mysterious world with magic, there are many things that cannot be observed from a normal angle.

   But this abnormality is only for the human group. After all, the mystery of nature is endless, and all magical things can happen.

  Soul symbiosis is not an incomprehensible problem, and there is no practical difficulty, at least for Voldemort.

   The parasite doesn't have feelings. The face that was formed behind Quirrell's head is just a fake face. To put it more directly, it is a flat, magical figure.

   What he can see and hear actually comes from his perception of the outside world.

   Soul without body protection, although there is no problem living in the dissipated magic element, it is not a good thing after all.

   But when he gets the Sorcerer's Stone, he can have a body again.

   With a light burst of air, Quirrell disappeared from the room.

   Soon after, news of the theft of Gringotts spread throughout the wizarding world.


   Time jump.

   "So, it's nice that we live in this place."

   The old man polished the case of his hand. His technique was very skillful, but his wrinkled fingers were unusually flexible. Every time the little blade that jumps across the case, a faint magical power was engraved on it.

   This is an ordinary afternoon.

   In a remote alley in Hogsmeade Village, a new watch shop suddenly opened. This should have been a very popular thing for students, but strangely, no one came here.

   There is the sound of clocks and clocks ticking in the shop, it seems that the afternoon time is quiet and leisurely-of course, today is a day without much business.

  Because of the Courageous Faithfulness Mantra used here.

   No one can see this shop, so naturally there are no customers.

   But the boss didn’t feel impatient at all. He just concentrated on making clocks, but sometimes he raised his head and said a few words to the old lady behind the counter who was immersed in reading.

   Towards the evening, an old man with black gloves and a coat pushed in and sat on the other side of the workbench and chatted with the boss for a while-but their conversation seemed unpleasant.

   After the old man left, Nicole LeMay put down the work in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

   "This guy, Dumbledore, looks like he is about to start moving, and he actually thought of using that mirror to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

   asked me to say, just destroy it directly. A stone that has no magic power is left for nothing, and that Voldemort is also a fool.

   However, looking at Dumbledore's anxious look, I am afraid that something new has happened. Did the Dark Lord come out of the tower again? "

"What does it have to do with you?"

   The old lady sitting behind the counter bent her finger and flicked Nicole Le May with a stream of air.

   "Don't care about things that shouldn't be taken care of. The young people have to do things well for their young people. We are all old guys who are about to get into the soil. Don't you honestly wait here?"

   Although it is said that, but the same gray-haired old man, Mrs. Le May is obviously more energetic than Mr. Le May.

   Maybe it’s because you don’t have to worry about anything.

"makes sense."

Nico Lemay lowered his head again and began to make this alchemy item. If nothing else, his life span is about one or two years away. He intends to give the real "time converter" to him at this last moment. Manufactured.

   is not the kind of inferior products used by the wizarding world that can only deceive children, but the real legendary alchemy items that can call the rules of time, or the relics of gods.

   The remains of the gods made by his own hands.

   Unfortunately, he has failed many times.

   In this watch shop, all the clocks on display are defective products made by him.

   These clocks from big to small, without exception, can maintain absolute time accuracy, but they cannot be called back.

  Because there is no need to calibrate the time like ordinary clocks, the shells of these watches are very brilliant, or there are some special designs on them-that is from the design of Mrs. Le May.

   The reading witch obviously possesses an extremely high level of art. The one hanging around the witch’s neck is the one that is closest to the ideal “time converter” among all the works so far.

   is a silver-gray pocket watch.

It’s been a few years since this pocket watch was made. From the small scars on Mrs. Le May’s neck, it can be seen that it is by no means a light object. The pocket watch is not inlaid with any gorgeous gems. Or other objects that store magic.

   Instead, a pair of delicate bird heads are carved.

   is not like a phoenix, but like the head of a peacock, with feathers on the left and right sides, but strangely, the pair of bird heads stretched out with long necks intertwined together, it looks like some kind of black magic.

   Even if it hasn't reached the level of breathtaking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not a simple magic.

   After all, they are wizards who have lived in this world for six hundred years. What they understand is something that most wizards in this world cannot imagine.

   After speaking with her husband, Mrs. Le May’s interest in reading was completely interrupted. She reached out to hold the pocket watch, opened the cover skillfully, and looked at the inner dial.

   This is an activity. Observing the steady trend of this work can help them complete the next better work.

   The pointer is still moving steadily, but those ticking sounds are like death knell in Mrs. Le May’s ears.

   Although she is not afraid of death, after living for so many years, death has long ceased to be a problem for their husband and wife.


   "Today's pocket watch seems to be a bit different?"

  Mrs. Lemay frowned. She was indeed old and sometimes not quick-thinking, but after thinking about it carefully, if something went wrong, there was still no problem.

   It seems to be, the time is a little slower?

  Mrs. Lemay can't remember what time it is now, but although there are so many clocks in the room, like this one with a second hand in the hand, few can determine the time in a short while.

   She was about to stand up and go to the opposite side of the counter to look at the precise clock, but when she just stood up, she suddenly heard the bell ringing when the door opened.

   The witch turned her head, just in time to see a young boy walking in the doorway.

   "Excuse me, anyone?"



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