How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 553 Are you going to country r?

When An Yunxi came back from the hospital, he didn't go back to his home, but ran to Yunshang's side with a terrified expression.

Seeing that Yunshang was doing her homework on the coffee table, An Yunxi threw her handbag on the sofa, squeezed over and sat down next to Yunshang: "Yunshang, I went to see Wen Baobao with my classmates today, she...she can... Scary."

An Yunxi's face turned pale, his voice was not high, and he was still trembling, obviously frightened by Wen Baobao's appearance.

Yunshang just heard Gu Shinian mention that Wen Baobao was disfigured, and she didn't know what she looks like now, but now she heard An Yunxi talking about Wen Baobao, and she immediately regained her spirits, "Sister, I heard that Wen Baobao The baby is disfigured, is it true?"

"It's true." An Yunxi nodded, took a sip of water from the cup, took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart and continued, "When we went, we happened to meet Baby Wen who was changing her medicine. ..."

An Yunxi pointed to her cheekbones, "It's all gone now, which is very scary. There is also a piece of flesh missing from the tip of the nose."

Thinking of Wen Baobao's sunken cheeks showing bones, An Yunxi couldn't help retching twice, his complexion became paler, "Yunshang, you haven't seen Wen's too scary!"

A few days ago, Wen Baobao was the high school belle in the school and one of the most popular marriage partners in the Hong Kong business district. With a superior background and good looks, even many boys' school students would come to see Wen Baobao's beauty.

But in just a few days, Wen Baobao has changed from an object of envy to a terrifying existence that everyone can't avoid.

That face was completely ruined, like an evil spirit crawling out of hell, without the half beautiful posture it had before.

Especially Wen Baobao couldn't bear this kind of blow, and his spirit collapsed all of a sudden. No one can get close to her, otherwise he would struggle and scream violently. Even if the doctor changed her medicine, he had to use mental patients on her in advance. Tranquilizer.

In other words, Wen Baobao was not only destroyed by her face, but also her spirit and will.

Whether she can recover in the future depends on her own psychological endurance.

The corners of Yun Chang's lips curled quickly, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Wen Baobao's situation is indeed miserable, but Yunshang doesn't sympathize with her at all.

In the final analysis, this matter is Wen Baobao's own fault, and he can't blame others.

After all, Wen Baobao spent a lot of money,

Those four people were going to kill her directly. If she hadn't had the space and mental strength to rely on, Gu Shinian would probably be busy helping her with the funeral right now. How could she sit here, listen to An Yunxi's story of Wen Baobao's tragedy, and then sneer in her heart that she deserved it?

The vengeance was avenged, Yun Chang was extremely comfortable in her heart, and took a sip of water from the teacup before asking An Yunxi, "Sister, have you met the Wen family in the past? Did they say how they plan to solve the baby Wen?" ?”

An Yunxi thought for a while, and said, "No encounter, only two nannies are guarding outside the ward. I heard from those two nannies that the Wen family has been fighting with people on the road recently, and their business has been ruined a lot. The family didn't have time to come and see Baby Wen, so they left her alone in the hospital and ignored her..."

"Are you fighting?" Yun Chang's eyes lit up, then she lowered her head and hid the smile on her lips, "Aren't the Wen family businessmen? Why can't they get along with the people on the road?"

"I don't know." An Yunxi sighed and shook his head, "The nannies don't know much about the business of the master's family. They probably heard a few gossips in private, so they can't take it seriously."

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Yes, the Wen family has a great career, even if people on the road make trouble, they can afford to lose money."

Loss is the beginning of loss, but the real headache for the Wen family is yet to come.

People on the road in Hong Kong City are the most difficult to mess with at this time. If the Wen family came back after causing such a big trouble, if they could not eradicate the members of this gang at one time, the Wen family would inevitably be punished when they went out or in business. Stumble.

It's a pity that the Wen family are businessmen after all, and it's not easy to eradicate a gang based on their connections in the Tao.

Even if the Wen family spends huge sums of money to unite two old gangs to attack the emerging gangs, who can guarantee that no one will slip through the net?

Who can guarantee that those who slipped through the net will not trouble the Wen family again in the future?

Thinking about these things clearly, Yun Shang's emotions that had been silent because of Gu Shinian's departure suddenly rose.

The person who met An Yunxi wentssiped for a long time, and when it got dark, he went to the next door to An's house for dinner, and then went back to his room to sleep.


Early the next morning, as soon as Yun Chang entered the classroom, she was dragged out by Xu Tian and Lu Yunling before she could put down her schoolbag.

"What are you two doing? What's the happy event?" Yunshang asked with her schoolbag in one hand and the skirt that was tightly held by the two of them in the other.

Xu Tian looked excited, and looked at Yunshang with sparkling eyes, "Do you want to go to Country R?"

"Going to Country R?" Yun Shang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lu Yunling who was beside her, "You two are going to Country R?"

Lu Yunling nodded and said, "My fourth uncle is going to country R to participate in the Asian Film Festival. I pestered my parents to let go. They promised to let me go to country R with fourth uncle to play for a few days."

Yun Chang was even more surprised, and asked with rounded eyes, "Your fourth uncle makes movies?"

"Yeah." It was probably the first time talking about her family, Lu Yunling felt a little embarrassed, she lowered her voice and said to Yunshang, "Xu Tian knows, my family runs a commercial firm, and Lu's commercial firm belongs to my family. My father He and my second and third uncles all work in the firm, only my fourth uncle... In my grandfather's words, my fourth uncle is out of business and went out to act in an opera."

Yun Shang: "...???"

Lu Family Firm! ! !

Every year I go to the mainland to participate in the Canton Fair, and the Lu's firm that is covering for Lao Li is actually owned by Lu Yunling's family! ?

What a coincidence!

Seeing that Yun Shang was still in a daze, staring straight at Lu Yunling, Xu Tian couldn't help it, and quickly grabbed Yun Shang's arm and shook it a few times:

"Yunshang, what Yun Ling said is true, this opportunity is rare, let's go to country R with Yun Ling! Anyway, we will be back in a few days."

This is the first time Xu Tian has the opportunity to go abroad, so he naturally wants to go out with Lu Yunling to see him.

It's just that the people in country R are unfamiliar with the place, and the crew would not easily talk to her, a child's house. If they can take Yunshang to go there together, they can also have a companion for shopping and chatting.

Yunshang also came to his senses at this moment. Thinking of Lao Li pretending to be an employee of Lu's Commercial Bank and sending cultural relics back, and thinking of the last time when he went to country R with the crew, the director and the person in charge of the props team secretly took care of them. The doubts in Chang's heart were all solved at once. ()

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