Knowing that Bai Yancheng didn't leave the study so soon, Lin Wenlan packed up a few gifts and returned to Lin's house with the three children.

Mrs. Lin is indeed much less energetic than before. Before, she could get out of bed and walk around, secretly hide delicious food under the pillow, and scold her three "unfilial" sons by her neck, but now she lies on the bed all day long. , People also lost a lot of weight, and even their hair was all white.

Mr. Lin seemed to be in good spirits, but his body was thinner than before. When he saw Lin Wenlan bringing his three grandchildren, his face flushed with joy.

He pulled the three grandchildren one by one to look carefully, and stuffed a handful of melon seeds toffee, and then asked about Lin Wenlan's recent situation.

Lin Wenlan lay on the bed and looked at the sleeping Mrs. Lin, then sat next to Mr. Lin, and whispered about the housework with him.

Seeing that there were only the old couple and a few younger ones in the huge courtyard, Lin Wenlan asked, "Father, didn't the boss come back?"

Mr. Lin let out a long voice, "Well", and said, "Aren't you busy at the end of the new year? Wenshan and the others will spend the New Year in the army again this year, and they probably won't be able to come back until the first day of the new year."

Lin Wenlan: "What about the third child? The third child works in the Planning Commission, so he should be at home, right?"

"Wen Jun? Wen Jun has a few days off this year, and he said he couldn't come because he has something to do today." Mr. Lin said in a depressed mood, "I reckon he hasn't reconciled with his wife, and I'm afraid I will worry about it, so I just leave I can't hide."

Everyone thought that he would become an old fool when he was older, and they didn't even think about it. He has been the father of these bastards for decades. Can you hide it from him?

Hmph, not saying anything is saving face for the bastards!

Seeing that Lin Wenlan's face was not very good-looking, Mr. Lin took a sip of tea, and then asked, "Are you worried that the third daughter-in-law will get into trouble with the third child because of the Yu family's affairs?"

"Well," Lin Wenlan responded, pouring water into the old man's teacup, and then said, "The Yu family has been too ostentatious these past few months, it's not a good thing, plus the Yu family wants to take my uncle under the knife, Yu Min has It's from Yu's family's house, and I figured that she was fighting with the third child because she wanted the Lin family to stand by the Yu family."

Mr. Lin snorted coldly, lowered his eyelids, and covered the coldness in his eyes, "Looking at her, who doesn't know what she's thinking. Why did the eldest and the second ignore her when she came back last time? She went back to her mother's house arguing. If you don't go to Yu's house to pick her up, and don't let a few children go to Yu's house, don't you want to get involved in the mess of Yu's house?"

Lin Wenlan was stunned,

"Father, you mean, Yu Min has returned to her mother's house?"

The old man put the teacup in his hand on the table, with a serious expression and an indescribably cold tone, "It's fine if you go back, but at this point, even if she doesn't go back, I won't dare to let her come here. If you hide something dirty at home, all of us will be in bad luck."

Back then, he was not willing to marry the Yu family, if it wasn't for the youngest bastard who wanted to marry him back, he wouldn't have such a headache now.

Look at the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law, one was chosen by him and his wife, and the other was sent by the organization. Although there are some small thoughts, they are generally passable.

Besides, no one is perfect, and it's nothing to be a little careful for your own small family. As long as you can distinguish between the inside and the outside, you can protect the face of the Lin family on the outside, and don't do dirty things behind your back to drag the man down. Must be a qualified daughter-in-law.

From this point of view, the old family and the second family are still qualified.

Seeing that the old man knew it well, he had long been on guard against the Yu family's small tricks to drag the Lin family into the water, so Lin Wenlan stopped wasting words on this matter.

The two talked for a while, and the old man was not in a very high mood. Lin Wenlan changed the topic in due time and talked about Lin Dani's happy event.

"... After graduating from university, Wenjin and Wenjin were assigned to the Linyang Municipal Party Committee. If there are no accidents, they will be settled in Linyang for the rest of their lives.

Last time I brought it to me to take a look, and said that I came to the capital during the Chinese New Year so that my family could meet. The young man looks pretty good, he doesn't have a heart. My hometown is in the mountainous area of ​​northern Jiangsu, and my family is a bit poor, but it is far away from Linyang. Even if there is something wrong at home, Wenjin can't make a fuss.

From now on, the couple will send some money to their hometown every month to settle the parents-in-law well. Our family Wenjin doesn't need to live with her mother-in-law, it's like spending money to buy cleanliness. "

It's not that she doesn't want her sister to be filial to her parents-in-law, but that there are very few mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in this world who can get along well.

He Zhonghua's family is in the mountainous area of ​​northern Jiangsu. Naturally, there are differences in the taste of food and living habits between the south and the north. If she lives with her in-laws, as a junior, Lin Dani is the only one to accommodate her elders. How can a mother-in-law accommodate her daughter-in-law?

In addition, Lin Dani is the second marriage, and He Zhonghua is the first marriage. In this matter, the He family will definitely feel wronged for He Zhonghua. The two live together. After a long time, there will inevitably be a voice in life. It was Lin Dani who was wronged.

Only by being so far away can the two sides avoid conflicts and live in peace and beauty.

When the old man heard the last word, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and brows, "That's right. We Wenjin looks at his temperament, but he actually has a plan in his heart. This person is easy to find, and he is very suitable for Wenjin."

As he said that, he glanced at Lin Wenlan approvingly, and continued, "You are doing things well, and you have spent a lot of time on Wenjin in the past few years. When Wenjin gets married, you should take care of yourself and take care of yourself." things at home.

Qingzheng will graduate in a few months, is he planning to stay in the capital or go to the military area below.

Also, after Qingzheng graduates, he will be able to find a partner immediately, you have to be careful, don't be like the third child, and find a wife who is as inconspicuous as Yu Min. Don't be like the three in your eldest house, who are all delayed to become old bachelors..."

Listening to Mr. Lin's advice, Lin Wenlan was in a bad mood.

In the morning, she and Chen Guo got together head-to-head, thinking about finding a partner for the three old bachelors in the big house, but in the afternoon someone persuaded her, don't just think about finding wives for the bachelor in the big house, you You have to be prepared to show your son, or your son will take over the three sons of the big family in the future and become a new generation of old bachelors in the Bai family.

This feeling is really... indescribable.

What's more, if the old man didn't mention this matter, she really couldn't think of it. This made Lin Wenlan feel that she was not a qualified wife, nor a qualified mother.

The expression on Lin Wenlan's face froze, and it took a long time to find her own voice, "Father, I understand, I will mention it to Yan Cheng when I get back, and ask him to talk to Qingzheng to see what Qingzheng himself means. .”

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