How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 293 Buying Ginseng

Yun Chang quietly leaned into Gu Shinian's ear and asked, "Second brother, is this ginseng really eighty years old?"

It looks shorter than the hundred-year-old ginseng of Grandpa Gu in the previous life. This old man can't fool people just because they are young.

"Almost." Gu Shinian stretched out his hand and pulled Yun Shang behind him, and asked in a low voice, "Comrade, how much food do you plan to exchange for this ginseng?"

"One hundred catties of fine grains, even one catty less will not be exchanged!"

The two had a lot of trouble selling grain before, and the old man could see clearly from here, so when he said this, his eyes were amazingly bright, and the price was also very firm.

Gu Shinian glanced at the old man's withered, yellow and thin face, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Comrade, do you still have older ginseng?"

The old man quickly shook his head, "No more, just this one."

Gu Shinian looked at the guarded look of the old man, and there was something he didn't understand. He glanced at the crowd around him and said in a low voice, "Comrade, I'll trade you a hundred catties of fine grain."

The two discussed the location of the transaction in a low voice, and Gu Shinian carried Yunshang onto the cart and quickly left the black market.

Turning a few turns along the small alley, looking for an opportunity to enter the space, throwing off the follower, loaded a hundred catties of white flour on the cart, and went straight to the trading place discussed with the old man.

Yun Shang asked Gu Shinian, and after knowing that the ginseng was 80 years old, her small thoughts became active again, "Second Brother Gu, should we go to the Northeast to collect some old wild ginseng and wild game? Keep it as a family heirloom in the future?"

Gu Shinian: "..." The little girl's life has not yet begun, so she is thinking about family heirlooms.

He didn't treat her badly in his previous life, why did he become more and more wealthy?

"A-shang, it's not safe outside. From now on, the second brother will slowly find you a few hundred-year-old ginseng. Don't think about running around."

Yun Shang pouted dissatisfiedly, "Second Brother Gu, I still want to grow a garden of 100-year-old ginseng by myself. The ginseng you found is all dried, so how can I grow it?"

Gu Shinian didn't expect Yunshang to have a plan to grow ginseng, so he couldn't help laughing, "Okay, I'll ask the third grandpa later, he doesn't have any acquaintances in the Northeast, I'll take you there for a while."

Yun Chang's eyes lit up, and he said narrowly, "Second Brother Gu, it's best to go to the Northeast before August, stay there for a month and then come back, and kill those enemy agents in a hurry!"

"Okay, just do as you say."


The two talked and laughed all the way, and soon saw the old man waiting in the alley, Yunshang stretched out his mental strength and walked around the alley, and found no one around, so he signaled Gu Shinian to go directly to the transaction.

"Little comrade, you are here!"

The old man hurried over to greet him, his eyes turned around on the grain bag, and he handed the box in his hand to Gu Shinian, "Little comrade, this has been around for eighty years, please take a closer look."

Gu Shinian opened the box and took a look, then turned around and handed it to Yunshang, then helped the old man unload the food from the car, turned around and pulled Yunshang to leave.

"Little comrade!" The old man hesitated for a while, and finally stopped Gu Shinian, "Little comrade, do you want the century-old ginseng?"

Gu Shinian didn't even put down the cart, turned around, and asked casually, "What's the price of century-old ginseng? It's too expensive and I can't afford it."

The old man stretched out his slap and flipped it back and forth three times. When he was about to flip it for the fourth time, his fingers paused, and slowly retracted. After that, he looked at Gu Shinian anxiously and stopped talking.

"It's fine grain too?"

"Yes, all I want is fine grain." The old man added after finishing speaking, "You can give food stamps, but you have to pay for it."

The two really bought a lot of food stamps at night, and they didn't lack money, so they pulled the cart and turned back.

The old man carefully took out a red wooden box from the back basket, held it in his hands and touched it gently for a long time, then he sighed and handed it to Gu Shinian tremblingly.

"My family used to run a pharmacy,

This ginseng can also be regarded as the treasure of the town store... Baby, our land does not produce ginseng, after you take this ginseng back, you have to put it away carefully, it can be used as a family heirloom. "

Gu Shinian thanked the old man, opened the box and looked at it for a long time, then handed over the counted money and food stamps, and then put the ginseng box into the military bag under the old man's reluctant eyes.

After separating from the old man, the two found a remote place to enter the space, removed the disguise on their bodies, and walked home quickly.

As soon as they entered the gate, Lin Dani and Dacheng also came back from the night school, and Yun Chang could tell at a glance that their emotions were not right.

Lin Dani looked restless, with surprises flashing between her brows from time to time, while Da Cheng's complexion was pale, his brows were tightly frowned, and his whole body was filled with hostility.

Gu Shinian glanced at Lin Dani, played tricks on Yun Shang, and went to the next door with Dacheng's collar.

Yun Shang hung the army bag behind the door, sat down opposite Lin Dani, and stared at her without saying a word.

Lin Dani was very uncomfortable being looked at by Yun Shang, raised her hand to touch her face, and asked, "A Chang, is there something dirty on my face?"

"Aunt Lin, what happened at night? Did someone bully you?" Yun Chang asked with a straight face.

Lin Dani shook her head and forced a dry smile, "It's nothing serious. Dacheng and I have brought chili powder, so we're not afraid of being bullied."

So, something went wrong?

Yunshang frowned, "Aunt Lin, what is that trivial matter, tell me about it, lest I ask Brother Dacheng again."

Lin Dani's complexion twisted for a moment, turning green and pale for a while, "Shangnan, if you sprinkle that chili powder in your eyes, will something happen?"

Thinking of the man covering his eyes and screaming at night, Lin Dani shivered unconsciously.

That person's eyes must not be blind, otherwise Dacheng will cause big trouble.

"It's not high-concentration chili water, it's nothing serious." Seeing that Lin Dani breathed a sigh of relief, Yun Shang asked, "Aunt Lin, did the comrade who was going to send us home the other day come to you again? Powder in his eyes?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Dani's mouth, "It was Dacheng who did it, Liang Xigui has suffered a great crime today..."

Following Lin Dani's narration, Yun Shang quickly figured out what happened

After school in the evening, Lin Dani and Daxiang were preparing to go home as usual, but as soon as they left school, they were entangled by Liang Xigui again.

This time, Liang Xigui's face was much thicker, and he followed Lin Dani's side regardless of their objections, insisting on sending them home.

And when meeting night school students on the road, Liang Xigui would deliberately raise his voice and say some specious and misleading words, which made Lin Dani and Dacheng instantly angry.

Lin Dani drove Liang Xigui away twice, but Daguo made a decisive move, pulled Lin Dani away, and smashed a large bag of chili noodles directly on Liang Xigui's face.

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