How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter one hundred and seventy fifth trouble

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Yun Chang was speechless again, this Li Hongmei's brain should not be flooded, right?

Widow Wang is a widow! She didn't remarry, if she really gave birth to a younger brother, wouldn't she tell everyone clearly that Widow Wang broke her shoes?

Not right, Li Hongmei should not be so stupid.

Yun Chang glanced at Li Hongmei's belly that kept stroking, and a flash of light flashed in her mind. She suddenly thought of a possibility, and she was so angry that she wanted to pounce on Li Hongmei and scratch her.

A fool who still wants to play her as a fool, is it possible that the words 'brainless' are engraved on her forehead?

This Li Hongmei is not very good, and the bad idea is really good!

Yunshang didn't show her face, she turned her head and pinched Shuanzi's little face and said, "My grandfather, my grandmother, and my second uncle said that Shuanzi is my younger brother, and he will be my mother's family who can support me when I grow up. people!"

Li Hongmei's face twisted for a moment, resisting the squeamish response, and then said, "Shuanzi Zadi is also from our second room, across the room, how can my own younger brother be caring. Look, the second aunt took the boy in her stomach. What about your family? You will have a younger brother in the future, but you have more hope than Shuanzi!"

Yun Chang's face darkened, she wanted to say a few words to Li Hongmei directly, but she felt that she couldn't communicate with such an idiot. Yu Guang left the old man and Yun Erchuan into the yard together, put the sugar in his hand into Shuanzi's mouth, and rushed outside the door shouting:

"Master! Second uncle! Second aunt said that I would give the little brother in my stomach to our family, and let me raise her baby, so I will be filial to her when she grows up!"

The old man: "..." What? What did I hear? Li Hongmei wants Changnan to raise her children? She thinks so beautiful, why can't she go to heaven!

Yun Erchuan: "..." This scumbag who remembers eating but not beating is in need of beating again!

Li Hongmei: "..." When did the old lady ask you to raise a baby for me, so that you will be filial to me when you grow up? Why did this little turtle open his eyes and talk nonsense, without even stammering?

Just as he was about to open his mouth to refute, Yun Erchuan clenched his fists and rushed in with a black face. Li Hongmei quickly got up from the kang, with a white face, he hesitated:

"Er Chuan, I didn't say that... I, I just asked Chang Nan if he wanted to have another younger brother... I... That's what Chang Nan made up!"

That's right! It's the little girl who is blind in the movie, deliberately tricking me! Even if I have the idea of ​​a big room in my heart, I can't say anything without a door!

It's just that Li Hongmei was scolded just two days ago because of her adoption, and Yun Erchuan was really in hell if he believed her words.

With a dark face, he first asked Yun Chang to return to the main room with Shuan Zi, closed the door and raised his fist at Li Hongmei.

It was just before the fist fell that Yun Erchuan somehow remembered that Li Hongmei was still pregnant, and when he tilted his hand, he punched the cabinet next to him.

Li Hongmei was almost beaten for the first time, and she was so frightened that she leaned against the edge of the kang with her legs slack, scolding Yunshang half to death in her heart.

Yun Erchuan opened his eyes angrily, his eyes burst with red blood, and his anger almost overflowed, "Do you want to be ashamed! Are you ashamed? Yesterday's food is still in the stomach, and today's it. Carrying someone behind your back to count on Sang-Nan! Let Sang-Nan help you raise the child, how can you be so embarrassed to say it?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and punched the cabinet again.

Li Hongmei's body also trembled.

"Er Chuan, Er Chuan, I, I really didn't say that..."

Li Hongmei refused to admit it, Yun Erchuan was even more angry, she spoke directly, pointed at her nose and scolded, "Li Hongmei, you are a traitor, our family are all cowards, right? You are saying that Changnan is a five-year-old. The child made up nonsense and wronged you? Do you believe it yourself!"

wrong! is six years old!

She turns six today!

Yun Chang was lying on the door panel and whispered in her stomach.

In the room, Li Hongmei didn't speak anymore, leaning against the edge of the kang and the corner of the cabinet, she didn't dare to move.

Yun Erchuan's face was blue, and he continued, "Even if Chang Nan really made up a lie and wronged you, what point did she say wrong? Did you not fancy the big tile-roofed house of your eldest brother's house, or did you not envy Wang Guihua's thousand catties of grain? Or? Don't you have the intention of climbing up to Comrade Gu Xiao through Chang Nan and letting those two children raise your son for you?"

Xiaoxin was picked up by Yun Erchuan again, and Li Hongmei was extremely embarrassed. Because of the child in her belly, Yun Erchuan did not dare to do anything with her, and shouted at the top of her voice:

"What if I'm thinking about it? Look at what kind of life Chang Nan lived, and then look at what kind of life Shuan Zi lived! Chang Nan drank refined grains, eggs and meat can be eaten as much as they want! Shuan Zi sees the sky. I'm eating elm bark, Wowotou, and I can't get enough to eat. What do you want me to think?

Do you think I am willing to adopt my son out? If I didn't want your son to have a good life, I could have this thought? Would you be willing to let my son call Widow Wang a mother? "

Li Hongmei said, and started crying.

Yun Erchuan staggered backwards, so angry that he almost breathed out, his hands were shaking non-stop, his eyes were red, and he stared at Li Hongmei.

"Li Hongmei, after all that, don't you think that I, Yun Erchuan, have no ability and can't afford to raise a wife and children! In this case, we'll go to the town to get a divorce today, and I won't stop you from running a good future! Baby, if you want to have a baby, our Lao Yun family will keep it, if you don’t want to have a baby, a medicine will fall, and I will depend on you.”

The more Yun Chang heard, the darker his face became, and he wished he could go in and grab the couple and beat them up.

Why is she eating refined grains? Widow Wang has already distributed the orders. She eats badly and lives like Widow Wang's house. What's wrong with Li Hongmei?

When the original owner was about to starve to death, he didn't see Li Hongmei taking care of her behind his back. Now that it's good, he wants her to help raise his son, just because of her horse's face?

And Yun Erchuan, is this how Li Hongmei is taught on weekdays?

If you get angry at every turn and get divorced, if this is really divorced, Li Hongmei's family can't help but hate her?

Surely this is teaching his wife, not revenge for her?

Really, stupid!

Yun Chang was so angry that she stared at the door panel for a while, her eyes were red, and she turned back to the main room to complain to the old lady.

She doesn't believe it anymore!

This time, if Li Hongmei cried and called her mother, she would take Li Hongmei's surname!

In the main room, the old man had already told the old lady about Li Hongmei's little calculation. The couple sat on the kang head, one frowned and smoked a tobacco bag, the other lowered his head and kept sighing.

Yun Shuilian sat at the stove, her lips pressed together tightly, and she didn't turn around to hug Shuan even when she was spinning beside her.

Yun Chang lifted the curtain of the door and did not go in. She stood at the door frame and kept crying "Two words.

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