How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 168: The Eight Trigrams of the Old Wang Family

A little daughter-in-law next to him answered, "My sister-in-law's family and Xu Dalan's family are neighbors. My sister-in-law said that Xu Dalan's mother boasted that Xu Dalan was a great hero of the old Wang's family every day. It is to save the family for Xu Dalan's four sons. It is also said that if Wang Lao Er and his wife do not work honestly, her four grandchildren will not give Wang Lao Er a pension in the future."

"This is too irritating. Xu Dalan is using Wang Lao Er and Anna Mae Ju as coolies."

Erwa's daughter-in-law tutted twice, lowered her voice and continued to gossip, "Anna Meiju is not a fuel-efficient lamp! I guess, Anna Maeju has long wanted to split up, this time Xu Dalan carried so much famine, how could Anna Maeju endure this? No, as soon as something happened, Wang Lao Er was forced to split up."

"I don't blame Anna Mae for making trouble. How much can the second couple eat? They don't have any children to support. The two strong laborers earn enough money to support Xu Dalan's family? Then Xu Dalan is someone who doesn't know what to do, Mr. Wang. Two couples are not thankful for their efforts, who would be happy?"

"This time Wang Lao's second family split, Xu Dalan was dumbfounded. In the future, there will be no two strong workers to work for her to raise children!"

Erwa's daughter-in-law patted her thigh and stabbed the little daughter-in-law next to her excitedly, "Hey, Xu Dalan made trouble at the brigade this morning, saying that the old Wang's family recruited thieves, and that someone in the family hooked up with outsiders to steal the food. You Say, this is a bit true, isn't it about Anna Mae?"

"It's hard to say, the two daughters-in-law of the old Wang family are more than a traitor. It's not bad if you can believe five and a half sentences in ten sentences."

Erwa's daughter-in-law sneered a few times, "Then Xu Dalan was still scolding at the brigade, saying that Mrs. Wang had given up, and asked Mrs. Wang to break up with Anna Mae, and the family tightened their belts and married him an eighteenth head. Married girl, give birth to a son for Wang Lao Er."

"Ouch, it's ridiculous! The second Wang's is in his thirties, the old Wang's family still owes a lot of debt, and he wants to marry an eighteen-year-old girl... Hahaha, this old lady Wang is so beautiful! "


Yun Chang listened to the gossip of the old Wang family and quietly buried her head in the arms of the old lady.

There was always a hunch in my heart that the incident of the thief in the Old Wang family should have something to do with what she said to Aunt Li.

But Yun Chang didn't regret it, if she didn't do that, the thief would be her own family.

The old man and the old lady listened to the old Wang's gossip without saying a word, and their faces were not very good-looking.

When the mule cart arrived in the town, the others got off the car and went back to the village. The old man looked at the little feet of the old lady, and then looked at the little quilt on Yunshang's body, gritted his teeth, and spent 30 cents to let the handlebars hold the group of people. Return to Xinglin Village.

After returning home, the old lady was busy cooking ginger soup for everyone, and the old man went to the backyard to grab firewood to burn the kang, and then he was busy making the stove.

The ginger soup that Yun Chang drank is added with brown sugar alone. The ginger taste is not so strong, but after drinking it, the warmth spreads from the stomach to the limbs in an instant, forcing the chill out of the pores, so comforting that her eyes narrowed. .

The old man built the stove, and while heating the fire, he talked to the old lady about the old Wang's family.

Yunshang ran to the side house to get a few sweet potatoes, asked the old man to help her bake them in the stove, then climbed onto the kang and listened to the old couple.

The old lady spread the blue coarse cloth she bought on the kang, cut it into shoe uppers a few times, and then locked the edges with Yun Shuilian neatly, and said to the old man:

"Even if the old Wang family splits up, the food that we owe Changnan won't be able to escape. If we don't look for anyone, we will ask boss Wang for food. If we don't give it, we will go to the town to sue Xu Dalan. If we don't believe him, he will not give it."

The old man sighed, "The boss Wang is a jerk. If you are in a hurry, you can really do what Xu Dalan has to do. At that time, people will not say that the old Wang's family owes Chang Nan's food, but they will say that Chang Nan does not talk about family affection. , to dismantle her uncle's good home."

When the old lady heard what the old man said, she also became worried, "Then how to fix it? Let the old Wang family take care of this?"

"That can't be." The old man answered immediately, "With old man Wang here,

This one is probably indistinguishable. Even if the family is separated, we can go through the village to ask Boss Wang for food. If you can’t give 100 catties in a year, you can give 50 catties. If you can’t give it in ten years, then you can delay it for a few more years. One thousand catties of grain will always be given out. "

Yun Chang nodded secretly while listening, thinking that what the old man said was very reasonable.

The purpose of Lao Yun's family is to ask for food for the widow Wang, not to make a revenge.

It doesn't matter if the time is a little longer, if you can coax and deceive, and ask for food in a kind manner, the goal will be achieved.

Besides, when the village came forward to ask for food, Boss Wang didn't dare to blatantly cheat...

The sky gradually darkened, Yun Shuilian cooked a pot of sweet potato soup, and the family simply ate dinner. The old man asked Yun Shuilian to stay here to accompany Yun Chang, and helped the old lady to go back to the village to rest.

Before going out, the old lady turned around and confessed to Yunshang, "Shangnan, tomorrow and your mother go to Houcun for dinner, remember to go early, we will make dumplings for dinner."

Yun Chang was stunned for a moment, "Nah, for the New Year tomorrow, Second Brother Gu has prepared the New Year's goods for me early. Let's all have dinner at my house. Let the second uncle, second aunt, and Shuan Zi come over and set the big table together. Put it next to the stove, it's warm, and it's extended, and we can all sit down."

The old lady hesitated, but the old man agreed immediately, "Okay, just listen to Sang-nan. Shuilian, help Chang-nan to clean up the house early tomorrow, and your mother and I will come over before noon."

Yun Shuilian gave a crisp response, and the old couple walked out of the courtyard together. Yunshang also heard the intermittent voice of the old lady in the wind:

"Get over the food prepared at home early tomorrow. The whole family will open their mouths and wait to eat... You can't let Sang Nan suffer... Comrade Gu Xiao can make up for Sang Nan, what is it like to make up for our family... "

Yun Chang pursed her lips and felt a little hot in her heart.

The old couple has the most simple and kind-hearted qualities of the people at the bottom. They don't know much about the big truth, but they live a simpler and more understandable life than most people in this world. They live with self-esteem and peace of mind.

Yun Chang breathed a long sigh of relief, returned to the room, and after a brief wash, he got into the bed.

When Yun Shuilian's breathing became longer and longer, Yun Chang opened her eyes, took out a pillow from the space, stuffed it into the quilt, and made the illusion that someone was sleeping in the quilt.

Dodged into the space, took out the induction cooker, iron pan, chopping board, kitchen scale, etc. from the supermarket, and placed them in the open space in front of the building.

After that, I found a cookbook from the shopping mall, followed the above cooking steps, washed and cut in a hurry, fried lotus vegetable meatballs, tofu meatballs, vegetarian meatballs, and fried tofu and sweet potato pieces.

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