How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six The Embolism Is Beaten

Yunshang ran away, not giving the old lady time to refuse.

The three people in the yard also listened to Yun Chang's words, and the old man sighed deeply, frowning even tighter.

Yun Erchuan, on the other hand, raised his head and glanced at Mr. Yun. After receiving a stare, he hurriedly lowered his head and continued to work, but his strength involuntarily increased a little, and his movements became more agile.

Yun Shuilian didn't wait for the old lady's order, she washed her face and prepared to go to the village to pick up the bolt.

These days, Yun Shuilian can be considered to be able to see it, now this family is the oldest Yun Chang, and even the old man and the old lady have to stand aside.

It's not that Yun Chang is not filial to the old couple, but that the girl is so stubborn that no matter what happens, as long as she hugs the old lady's waist and acts like a spoiled child, the old lady can surrender unconditionally.

And the old man is even more unprincipled than the old lady. As long as the girl's eyes are rounded and staring at the old man, the old man will have no choice.

Comrade Gu is the only one who can control Yunshang in the whole family, but when Comrade Gu comes to Yunshang, it is also the master who wants the stars not to be given to the moon.

Fortunately, the girl is old, but she knows that she is distressed, and she is also clever to protect her shortcoming. It is no wonder that it is so painful.

Thinking of Yunshang's quirky appearance, the corners of Yun Shuilian's mouth turned up unconsciously.

There are only two miles from the former village to the back village, and Yun Shuilian arrived home in only ten minutes. As soon as the door of Lao Yun’s house was opened, she heard Shuan Zi’s heart-wrenching cry and the woman’s shrill scolding. Voice.

Yun Shuilian's face changed, and she ran into the house without thinking.

Pushing the door and going in, she saw Li Hongmei sitting on the edge of the kang, pressing the emboli on her thighs, and using a broom to suck the emboli's buttocks desperately.

There was also a short woman with short hair sitting beside the kang, holding a teapot, drinking water and watching Li Hongmei play the embolism.

At this moment, Li Hongmei was beating and scolding: "Why don't you have any human 'sex'! I gave birth to you and raised you, and you can't eat a little food! With such a big bucket, why do you give your grandma something... "

Yun Shuilian's eyes turned red in an instant, and she rushed up to grab the broom in Li Hongmei's hand, and picked up the embolus, who was crying almost silently.

At this moment, Shuan's face flushed red.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't breathe from crying, rolled his eyes again and again, and his body was still twitching.

No one from the Lao Yun family had ever hit Shuanzi before. Yun Shuilian saw the appearance of Shuanzi, her face was so angry that her face was ashen, and she even trembled.

Li Hongmei did not expect that Yun Shuilian would come back suddenly, and she would also encounter the scene where she violently beat Shuanzi, her face turned pale in fright, and she looked at the head of the kang with a vacant look, and got down from the kang in a hurry. , shrank his neck and stood aside.

Yun Shuilian followed Li Hongmei's line of sight, and saw the wheat "milk" essence with plugs on the kang, but there was only a shallow layer of wheat "milk" essence that should have been full. .

Seeing the jar of Mai's "milk" essence, combined with Li Hongmei's scolding of Shuanzi, Yun Shuilian immediately reacted.

Li Hongmei brought Shuanzi's wheat "milk" essence to her parents' family!

Shuanzi didn't agree, and only Li Hongmei pressed him and beat him up!

Yun Shuilian was almost going crazy, and it took a lot of effort to restrain the urge to rush over and slap Li Hongmei.

And Li Hongmei saw that Mai's "milk" essence had not been talked about and was "exposed", so she quickly hid the jar of Mai's "milk" essence behind her, and stammered:

"...Shuilian, I, why are you back, this wheat 'milk' essence, I... emboli..."

"Yo! It's my aunt!" The short-haired woman sitting on the edge of the kang suddenly said, "I was shocked when you appeared out of nowhere. I thought there were bandits in the house."

Yun Shuilian turned her head and found out that the short-haired woman was Li Hongmei's eldest sister-in-law Wang Chunzhi, but she came in too hastily just now, and Wang Chunzhi turned her back to the door again, so Yun Shuilian didn't recognize it for a while.

Seeing that Yun Shuilian's face was not good-looking, Wang Chunzhi put the tea jug in his hand against the wall, and said with a smile, "My aunt, it's not me, you aunt are too used to the bolt, this child If you get it, you have to fight, or you won't be able to control it when you grow up!"

Yun Shuilian noticed that more than half of Wang Chunzhi's tea jar was filled with wheat "milk" essence, and her face became even more ugly. She turned around and asked Li Hongmei, "What did Shuanzi do? You want to beat Shuanzi like this!"

Li Hongmei's eyes wandered left and right, and she didn't dare to look at Yun Shuilian without saying a word.

Wang Chunzhi hurriedly picked up the conversation next to him, "My aunt, this bolt is too sloppy! Hongmei and I were banned for a bucket of wheat milk essence after just a few words! Ouch, this precious thing, Others drink it by flushing water, but in our family, we shove a lot of emboli into our mouths to eat! Look at it, a bucket full of them has been banned, how can this prodigal thing be beaten!"

Yun Shuilian was stunned and looked down at Shuanzi, while Li Hongmei looked at Wang Chunzhi blankly, as if she did not expect her to be so ordinary.

Shuanzi just couldn't speak well, it didn't mean he couldn't understand the good words. Hearing Wang Chunzhi eating a big bucket of wheat "milk" essence, he immediately complained aggrievedly hugging Yun Shui Lian:

"No time! Shuan... No time! Daddy, take..."

"Ouch! My mother-in-law, look, such a young child knows how to be blind! He still doesn't recognize the bill after eating the wheat milk essence, and he will still flirt when he grows up..."

"Our family Shuan never 'nonsense!'"

Yun Shuilian coldly interrupted Wang Chunzhi's words, put down the plug, pulled over the cloth bag Wang Chunzhi had placed on the edge of the kang, and took out a tightly wrapped oil-paper bag from it.

"Aunt Qin! This is my thing!"

"Shuilian, what are you doing..."

Seeing that Yun Shuilian was about to open the oil-paper package, Li Hongmei and Wang Chunzhi exclaimed in unison, and at the same time rushed towards Yun Shuilian.

In the chaos, the oil-paper bag was hit on the ground by someone who didn't know who, and with a "pop" sound, the wheat milk essence splashed on the ground.

Wang Chunzhi was stunned for a moment, seeing Yun Shuilian holding the embankment and preparing to leave, she quickly grabbed Yun Shuilian's arm and didn't let go: "My aunt! This is the precious thing that I finally found for my old lady. Stupid, you want to leave after you mess it up? No! You have to pay me a bucket of new..."

"It's clear to you whether you "touched" it or robbed the emboli for food!"

With Li Hongmei in front, Yun Shuilian really didn't have the energy to entangle with Wang Chunzhi, so she picked up the Shuanzi and walked out the door, "Li Hongmei, I took the Shuanzi away, think about the wheat milk essence. How do you want to explain to your parents!"

Li Hongmei was squatting down at the moment, gathering the wheat 'milk' essence on the ground little by little. Hearing Yun Shuilian's words, she shivered in fright. She quickly wrapped the wheat 'milk' essence in her hand and put it in In Wang Chunzhi's hands:

"Sister-in-law, you go back first, I'll talk to Erchuan about borrowing food..." Good Times in Sixty Rebirth

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