How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 124 Grain distribution

The strong guys are quick to work, and in less than half an hour, nearly 10,000 catties of grain are finished and loaded onto a flatbed truck.

The group also knew the severity, even if they were so excited that they wanted to howl to express their joy in their hearts, they still tried their best to restrain their emotions and quietly stood by the car, not daring to make a sound to disturb the silent night.

After the village chief checked the scales, he pulled the old accountant and climbed into the cab of the big truck together.

With the light of the flashlight, the two spread out the cloth bag that had been in their arms all night, ready to settle the food money to Gu Shinian.

The old accountant first handed Gu Shinian the documents that registered the type of grain and the number of scales:

"Comrade Gu, this is the list I weighed just now, 15 bags of sweet potatoes, 2,300 jin, and seven bags of Dashan "medicine" eggs, 1,000 jin. Shelled sorghum rice, millet, buckwheat, oats , there are 4,300 catties, corn with cob, 1100 catties, brown rice, 800 catties, you can see if this scale is correct."

Gu Shinian took out the notebook from the seat, glanced at it, and nodded, "The village chief, the accountant, and the scales are all correct. My uncle registered the same number."

The old accountant took out the abacus that he had held all night and turned it halfway, finally shaking his hands, he counted five times before he counted out a stack of banknotes and handed it to Gu Shinian:

"...Comrade Gu, this is 6,600 yuan. Do you think it's that much money? Let's see if the amount is correct."

The expression on the old accountant's face was extremely painful, and even when Gu Shinian took the money, the corner of his mouth grinned fiercely. If it wasn't for his strong restraint, he would have almost rushed up and grabbed the money back. .

Yun Chang wanted to laugh when she saw it by the side, and quickly turned her head out of the car window, no longer looking at the twisted face of the old accountant.

Gu Shinian counted it carefully and confirmed that the number was correct. He put the money in his notebook, took out a blue cloth bag from the car, put the notebook and money in it, folded it carefully, and put it in his arms. inside.

Seeing that both the silver and the goods were finished, the village chief sighed and said to Gu Shinian with a look of happiness, "Comrade Gu, thanks to your early warning, the price of grain on the black market has risen by 10%. Years later, it is estimated that the village will not be able to buy food even if it wants to.”

The village chief is really not polite. Right now, the county is under strict investigation. There is absolutely no food to buy on the black market. The price is also rising again and again.

In the village, centimeters are worthless, and people with a lot of strong labor can only divide seventy or eighty yuan all year round, and how can they be willing to spend one year's income to buy one month's rations.

Even if you want to buy it, you may not find a way to buy food.

After hearing this, the accountant couldn't care less about the money. He nodded again and again, followed the village chief with a few words of thanks, put the rest of the money in a cloth bag, jumped out of the car, and whispered to the convoy that was pulling the grain to set off as soon as possible. Bring food to the brigade.

Gu Shinian had such a large sum of money with him, and the village chief was very worried. He originally wanted to arrange for someone to escort Gu Shinian to the town, but he was dissuaded by a few words:

"Village Chief, I really don't need it. My uncle and the others didn't show their faces at night. First, they were tired from the journey and needed to catch up on sleep. Second, the limelight was tight now, and they were worried about their safety... They didn't want to see strangers, and they didn't want to let them go. I know where I'm going. It's now at this point, and there's no one outside, so I can't go wrong here."

The village chief nodded in understanding, but it was normal for the other party to have concerns and refuse to "show" his face.

Such a large-scale food transaction, once the news is leaked, it will be a big deal.

There are more than 30 people in their village. Even if he can ensure that everyone is trustworthy, the other party can't trust them.

In case someone remembers his face, and then knows about the workplace, it will be a sure thing.

The village chief no longer insisted, turned around and jumped out of the car, "Okay, then I will not arrange people, you quickly send the money to people, let your uncle and the others go back early, but don't dare to waste time!"

Gu Shinian responded, put a hat and scarf on Yun Chang, and jumped out of the car, "Village Chief, Ah Chang and I are going to go back later, the convoy will enter the village later, and I will ask the village chief for help. Greetings to unload the coal to the house. Grandpa Yun and I said, "The milk is ready, they are waiting at home."

"Okay, as long as someone opens the door. If no one is at home, this person has many eyes and is not safe."

The village chief explained a few more words to the two of them, and quickly chased the convoy with a flashlight. When Yunshang and Gu Shinian were also quiet again, they put the truck into the space, released the off-road vehicle, and headed towards the county town again. Gallop away.

The two returned the truck, and went back the same way. When they entered the village, the belly of the fish was "exposed".

The old lady was sitting on the head of the kang, and when she saw Yun Chang and Gu Shinian entering the door from the window, she quickly got off the kang, washed her face with water for her skirts, and went to the pot to serve the thick rice porridge, and her mouth was still distressed. muttered:

"My Sangnan and Comrade Gu are suffering from old age! This cold boy has not slept all night after tossing and turning, and his body and bones can't bear it! We need to make up for it..."

Yun Chang was really tired. After eating the porridge, she climbed into the warm bed and fell asleep quickly. And Gu Shinian went through the night's actions in his heart, making sure that there would be no mistakes, and then he went to sleep with peace of mind.

Different from the quiet and pleasant atmosphere at home, at this time the village brigade was full of people, busy preparing to distribute food.

Of course, all the heads of households who came over and waited to distribute the grain with sacks in their hands.

The big old ladies in the village, I haven't seen any of them.

There was a table in front of the brigade's office, with ledgers and abacus on it, and a large scale next to it.

The food that was brought back was piled up behind the table, pile after pile, as high as a mountain.

The accountant sat behind the table and distributed food to each family according to the registration of the previous team captains. First check the amount of grain registered by each family, then go to weigh the grain, and finally press the fingerprint on the account book to confirm that the grain has been received.

Mr. Yun was also lined up in the queue to receive the food with the sacks in between, and the villagers in the front and back were joking about him:

"Brother Yun, why did you come here to get your food? The village chief didn't unload your house for you yesterday?"

"That's right, how can we let the great heroes come over to carry the food, we have to beat the gongs and drums to send the food to Brother Yun to the house!"

Mr. Yun turned his head and pretended to rebuke: "What are you blind? You are all blind! You are still beating gongs and drums, why don't you send me a pennant?"

"You are so beautiful! We can do it by beating gongs and drums, without spending money, and making it fun! Can we make pennants without spending money!"

Everyone around laughed.

Grandpa Yun also smiled.

He clearly felt that in just one night, the attitude of the villagers towards him had changed drastically compared to before.

.60 Good Times Reborn

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