The sudden batting made the surroundings quiet.

“3,000 gold is out! Anyone willing to bid more?”

Auctioneer Kerlon looked around and asked.

“Three thousand gold?”

“No, it’s true that it’s hard to find right now, but I don’t want to pay that much… .”

“Looks like you need him.”

Looking at the reaction, it seemed that my bid was quite high.

‘It will end more blandly than I thought.’

It’s natural that I raised it twice in the first place.

The demons who called for 1,500 gold were also clearly embarrassed.

Seeing that he had raised 500 gold all of a sudden, he must have been planning to strike a decisive blow, but since I raised 2x more, it was understandable.

I could see the blue-haired demon lightly shaking his head.

“If there are no more, we will make it the winning bid for customer #34.”

ground ground.

The sound of a hammer announcing the successful bid rang out.


At the same time, a small box appeared above the magic circle installed in front of the chair.

‘Is this how they deliver things right away?’

It was more convenient than I thought.

Customers are welcome because they don’t have to bother looking for things.

“If you place gold on top of the magic circle, you can exchange it for goods.”

At Kerlon’s words, I waved to Lane.

“lane. Make sure to pack your stuff.”

“All right.”

After Raine raised the money, he brought the box.

“Here it is.”

“Good work.”

First of all, I got one, so I could watch the auction with a little more time.

‘Heldrake’s scales will come out too, right?’

If not, I had to think of another way.

But my worries are not worth it.

“The next item is also a hard-to-find material. It is the scales of Heldrake.”

The desired items came one after another.

Dark red scales that contain flames.

Although it was a little larger than the palm of my hand, its value was by no means small.

“However, the situation is different from the Heart of the Bloody Golem that just came out. The Bloody Golem’s heart will soon be available, but Heldrake’s scales are not promising. In our auction house, items come in from time to time, so it may be difficult to find them unless this is an opportunity.”

At Kerlon’s words, the surroundings became noisy.


“Because it’s not common for big guys to save that in Endmion-sama’s realm.”

“I’ve been waiting for months.”

Looking at the reaction, a pretty fierce bidding competition is expected.

Of course, it didn’t matter much from my point of view.

‘Because I don’t think there’s anyone with 50,000 gold.’

The money I had was overwhelming, so I was able to take a leisurely look around.


In an instant, a person caught my eye.

It was a blue-haired demon who had just targeted the bloody golem’s heart.

His eyes were shining as he looked at the scales on the platform.

‘That man, are you going to bid again this time?’

If so, that’s really bad.

Because I’m going to bid too.

And I thought I would never lose it.

I’m a little sorry, but it’s my fault for not preparing more money.

“Okay then, let’s start bidding.”

Kerlon’s words were terrifying.

“Two thousand gold!”

“Three thousand gold!”

“Four thousand five hundred!”

Prices started to rise competitively.

As if proving that it was a difficult thing to obtain, a high amount was coming out from the start.

The most expensive and fastest flow of things ever.

“6,000 gold!”

“Seven thousand!”

As the price rose to 7,000 gold, the atmosphere in the auction house subsided a bit.

People who look at each other and think about how much more they need to raise.

And the amount someone spit out while breaking the silence for a moment.

“10,000 gold.”

The existence that raised 3,000 gold at once.

It was a blue-haired demon.

“10,000 gold is out! This is a very large sum.”

Kerlon looked around a little excitedly.

“10,000 gold?”

“It’s more expensive than I thought.”

“Ah, I must save it.”

People who panic in sudden situations.

The blue-haired demon had a certain expression of victory this time.

‘Shall we go soon?’

Obviously the high amount is right.

But from my point of view, it’s not a burden at all.

The moment you try to say the amount slowly.

“Thirteen thousand gold.”

Someone new has entered this board.

* * *

A mysterious being wearing a black robe.

His race and age were hidden behind the black robes.

You can only guess that it’s a man from the low-pitched voice.

Of course, the important thing now was not his identity.

“I got 13,000 gold. This is great. It means that it is a difficult thing to obtain.”

The black robe that instantly changed the atmosphere of the auction house was sitting on a chair with a relaxed attitude.

It’s as if the attitude of trying to raise it as much as possible.


I was only concerned about the blue-haired demons, but I thought there would be an unexpected ambush.

But it didn’t matter.

After all, money was still sufficient.

“14,000 gold!”

The blue-haired demons raised 1,000 gold.

“Seventeen thousand.”

The black robe immediately overpowered him.

“Oh dear!”

The demon’s face instantly turned red.

Looking at his expression, it seemed that it was an amount he could no longer afford.

“Okay, 17,000 gold came out. Any more?”

Kerlon, who cracks his chin and encourages competition.

However, no one challenged the man in the black robe.

“If no one is bidding, this item… .”

“25,000 gold.”


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Unbelievable amount suddenly heard.

Kerlon’s gaze turned to me.

“Is it 2,25,000 gold?”


“Has confirmed.”

Countless gazes pouring down on me.

Among them were black robes as well.

‘Let’s see.’

I slumped deep into the chair in the same leisurely position as he did.

The pupils revealed between the robes wriggling.

Looks like my provocation worked.

‘Are you going to attack me again?’

There was still 25,000 gold to spare.

If I raised the amount over there, I also thought about ending it perfectly by raising 10,000 gold.


“If there are no more, we will make a successful bid.”

The opponent wearing the robe did not respond to Kerlon’s words.

If it wasn’t for me in the first place, he would have won the bid without incident.

No other contenders appeared.

“The bid was won by customer number 34.”

Just like before, a small box arrived on top of the magic circle.

Lane skillfully exchanged goods and gold, and the purpose of coming here today was perfectly achieved.

“What do you plan to do now?”

“Hmm… There’s nothing particularly urgent, so I’ll keep an eye on it.”

I still had enough money, and there was a possibility that something I needed might appear.

He said that sometimes Chaos Stones come out as objects.

“All right.”

I continued to watch the auction, but contrary to my expectations, the item I wanted did not appear.

‘It’s a bit unfortunate, but the goal was achieved.’

It would have been nice if I could have gotten the Chaos Stone, but even if that wasn’t the case, just getting the two ingredients was enough.

“Then let’s go out.”

I led the group outside.

– Kylers. what are you going to do now?

Xeon looking at me with bright eyes.

He seemed to know what he wanted even without saying a word.

“Are you still hungry after eating that much?”


I don’t know where so much food goes in that little body.

“I was thinking of buying a present before going to Jetty’s hometown, so a little while would be fine.”


At my words, Jetty’s big eyes fluttered.

“Are you going with me?”

“Of course. My friend is going to his hometown, so I have to go with him.”

“thank you! Actually, I thought I was going alone.”

– Jetty is a friend. So you should go together.

Seeing Zeon and Jetty hugging and mingling with each other made me smile.

“First, let’s look around the market a bit more.”

After going to the market for a while to get the things I needed, I came out.

“You said your hometown is nearby, but are you planning on moving to the magic circle?”

“uh… It’s difficult to go into the village at once, so I think it’s just a matter of walking a little after going to the magic circle.”

“I get it.”

“I will prepare the magic circle.”

Jetty skillfully draws a magic circle.

The magic circle was soon completed, and the moment Jetty tried to infuse magic.


Someone blocked our way.

A face I saw somewhere.

It was the demon tribe that competed for the winning bid at the auction house.

And there were about 10 colleagues behind him.

“What is going on?”

Their purpose seemed obvious, but I asked again just in case.

“Hand over the items you won the bid for today.”

It also doesn’t go beyond one’s expectations.

“It’s a thing… Have you prepared the money?”


“Of course you have to pay to receive the goods.”

Of course, I have no intention of handing over the money.

Because I didn’t need money in the first place.

“under… I can’t seem to understand the situation right now. Now you are not in a position to ask me for anything. If you want to live, hand over things gracefully.”

“It’s ridiculous.”


I slowly approached them.

“What, what are you doing?”

“You think I didn’t know you guys were following me?”


I already noticed that the tail was attached from the point of leaving the black market.

And I roughly guessed who it was.

I was going to let it go if I didn’t attack first, but there was no reason to be generous as long as he blocked me like this.

“Hey, stand there.”

Thanks to my majesty and Demon Fear, the guys in front of me are losing from the start.

Instinctively feeling fear, the guys started to back away.

And someone appeared behind them.


The new character also exists in my memory.

It was a man wearing a deep black robe.

‘Did he use magic?’

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Unlike the guys who appeared first, the black robe was not within my perceptual range.

I checked the status window just in case.

‘Those guys are nothing to look at.’

Blue hair and the rest of the thugs were, as expected, weak.


‘This… .’

The ability of the black robe that appeared in front of me was beyond my expectations.

 Name: Jake Heil

 Age: 52 years old

 Stats: Strength (622) Agility (650) Magi (1212) Endurance (865)

A much higher ability than expected.

Even compared to Demonic’s professor, Cedric, there was no big difference.

The sum of the overall stats is rather high.

‘I don’t think he’s an ordinary guy.’

Of course, it wasn’t a level I couldn’t deal with.

My ability level is also my ability, but I had a lot of skills.

Besides, in a situation where Xeon was with me, that level of ability was not a threat to me.

“What are you again?”

The moment the blue hair opened its mouth while looking at the black robe that suddenly blocked the back.

“Get rid of the bugs.”

An eerie voice came out of the mouth of the black robe.

At the same time, black flames exploded from his body.


“What, what? aaagh!”

“Sah, save me!”


The flames engulfed the blue hair and the others in an instant.


When the flames disappeared, only ashes remained.

‘He’s not normal.’

It’s easy for me to deal with opponents like that.

But taking a life without blinking an eye is another matter.

“Hand over the items you got from the auction house today. Then I will kill you gracefully.”

It doesn’t save you, it kills you.

Hearing that, I want to know who will hand over the goods.

“What if you don’t like it?”

“Then you must die.”

The black robe waved its hand lightly, and the flame that had just swallowed the blue hair bloomed again.

Having found a new prey, the flame greedily began to advance.


It collided with my red demonic air and scattered.

“It’s quite good for bugs.”

The explosion caused by the collision of demons and flames temporarily blocked my vision.

“That’s what I’m going to say on my side.”

In that gap, I moved behind Rob and punched him.


An opponent that vanishes into powder with a single attack.


It was an all-out attack, but the ending was much simpler than expected.


“That won’t kill me.”

A black robe that instantly raises its body.

A pure white skull revealed between the robes caught my eye.

“Are you rich?”

The guy’s true identity was an undead monster, a lich.

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