“Collock. Strange.”

While the seniors struggled to keep their dignity, Professor Mortum was checking the inner passage of the ruins.

Sentinel golems appeared and blocked their way, but in fact, it wasn’t much of an obstacle.

Looking back at the ruins I’ve seen so far, I wasn’t surprised at all, even though there were many more dangerous traps.


“There is nothing inside.”

Di Lett nodded his head at the professor’s words.

Obviously, the resistance was weak for an intact ruin like this. There were no other enemies in sight except for the watchman golem placed at the entrance.

“Darkness, reach out and resonate… there is nothing like this. Cologne. It’s really strange.”

Professor Mortum, who stretched out his magic toward the passage inside the ruins and cast various search magics, stared into the darkness and fell into thought.

“Maybe… no.”

“What did you think?”

“I wondered if there was an owner in this ruins. Cologne. Because if it is a ruin that has an owner, there are no useless traps.”

Most of the relics that imperial wizards can find have long since disappeared from their owners.

However, there were occasionally ruins where the owner remained.

In that case, the wizard was in a very difficult situation.

It was like trespassing on someone else’s land…

“If the owner had been there, he wouldn’t have been able to get in so easily, would he?”

Di Lett tilted his head.

If the ruins were managed because the owner was still alive, some signs had to be shown before entering.

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Not only a warning to block the access of outsiders, but also the minions who patrol the surroundings and prevent them from approaching.

In this way, the perimeter of the ruins was empty and they entered the entrance, but there was little chance of the owner in a quiet place without a single sign of popularity.

“Collock. right. You are right. If there was an owner, it wouldn’t have been so badly managed. Unless the owner is locked up or is recovering from serious injuries…”



Professor Mortum and Lee Han first felt the change in the flow of magic within the palace ruins.

Ian looked around. The walls, floors, and ceilings around the entrance to the palace began to sway like slime.

It is said that transformation magic can change the properties of matter and change its form, but you will see magic of this size firsthand.

“Everyone, don’t move!”

Professor Mortum, who felt uneasy in the current situation, immediately took action.

Where did the sickly look of his usual cloak go, Professor Mortum swung his staff with a gleaming eye light.

“I command you to open the way of Yin! The ropes of darkness will bind you!”

In an instant, a door connected to the sonic dimension appeared behind the students, and a rope made of dark elements came out of it.

Originally, it was a magic that used dark elements to open the door of the negative dimension to attract enemies for a while, but Professor Mortum applied this magic and used it as a space movement magic.

If applied, it becomes a powerful defensive magic that can temporarily protect students.

Students who have passed the sonic dimensionIt jumped out from Professor Mortum’s side. The students were dizzy as if they were about to vomit at the sudden contact with the dark element.


However, it quickly became clear that Professor Mortum was right.

The floors that had been fine until now began to sway and descend below, and the walls came closer as if they were bumping into each other, erasing and changing the space.

If you had tried to move and bring them yourself, some people would have fallen along the way.

“Hey, Professor!”


Professor Mortum stretched out his palm to appease the fearful student and began to put the bones around him under his control.

A huge bony scaffold appeared in the dark void where there had just been a hard floor. The remaining bones wrapped around it like a wall.

Only then could the students breathe a sigh of relief.


“Calm down. The disappearance of the floor is not a very dangerous trap. Seeing them react in this way, this ruin is also a very dangerous ruin…”

“No, my junior is gone!”


* * * *

At first, when the seniors teleported to the sound dimension except for himself, Lee Han knew what he had done to Professor Mortum.

‘What have I done wrong?’

However, as he tried to wrap himself around his body, he could see what was going on by seeing the dark elements and dimensional rifts that bounced off him.

‘professor…! If you apply attack magic anywhere…!’

Just as poison and other curses had been repelled, Professor Mortum’s magic had also been repelled, to the point of absurdity rather than fear.

Feeling the sensation of the floor disappearing and falling down, Lee Han immediately floated the iron ball.


Originally, it wasn’t magic that could withstand falling, and it wasn’t magic that could withstand the weight of Lee Han, but Lee Han’s ignorant magic fixed it as if he were nailing an iron ball into the air.

A strong shock came up on his shoulder.

Lee Han endured by pouring his magic power into his body.

“Feet, crinkle the ground… Space, be aware!”

He cast reinforcement magic and space-cognitive magic in case of unforeseen circumstances. The place was still shaking, but thanks to his magic, the sense of distance returned.

‘There is a floor!’

Lee Han floated a sphere of light. Then he started going down, changing the position of the iron ball.

When he goes back to magic school, he promises to learn slow-fall magic first.

‘I should have learned it right after I caught Rock Drake… I’m in so much pain because I didn’t study.’

Lee Han lamented.

It wasn’t for nothing that the professors said, ‘Are you going to give it to someone else by studying, or it’s all for you’?

In the second semester, I will study more diligently.



While safely descending, when something suddenly fell from the side, Lee Han turned away in bewilderment.


“Arms, arms…”


A second-year senior, Orgoldos, was lying next to him with a painful moan.

Unlike Lee Han, Ogoldos was not bold enough to cast spells while falling from mid-air.

If it hadn’t been for him, he would have shattered his entire body, not his arms, by spreading the summoned undead summons like a cushion.

“Are you okay?”

“Okay, okay. it’s okay.”

Ogol Doss waved his hand in a cold sweat with a pale face.

As he was a senior in his first year, he did not want to show weakness in front of his juniors.

Moreover, Ogoldos did not suspect that other top juniors such as Lee Han and Gainando were not sincere in black magic.

He couldn’t get help from a junior who said that.

“Did you break your arm?”

“Finebecause it goes A splint…”

By the second year of Einroguard, students were able to respond to injuries to some extent except for instant death.

Ogoldos took up his staff and tried to cast a spell. But he was not easy because of the pain. The spell missed several times, and the magic power was scattered.

“senior. I will just do it.”


Slowly becoming bothersome, Lee Han pondered for a moment, then grabbed Orgoldos’s shoulder and subdued it with force.

If you get caught by the Skeleton Principal, you’ll have a hard time for many years at Magic School, but at best, if you’re taken by another top sophomore, what’s so hard about it?

“What are you doing… ugh!”


Surprisingly, instead of using a splint to give first aid, the junior wielded a staff and cast magic.

Ogoldos screamed at the sudden healing magic.

“stop! what are you doing! no!”

Orgoldos, who remembered that the same second-year priest had failed the healing magic and rotated his friend’s slightly sprained finger 360 degrees, he desperately dried it.

A sprained finger is dangerous, but a broken wound is more…

“Try moving.”


Ogoldos was stunned and moved his arms.

Surprisingly, he had no pain.

Lee Han silently nodded his head and said.

“It was an emergency, so I had to cast it first.”


Ogoldos thought and pondered, then tried to open his mouth.


– Kreung.

“Sharkan. Is there a way over there? Thank you. senior. Is there a way over there… What were you trying to say?”

“Oh… it’s painful.”

“Such. You must have been seriously injured.”

– Creung.

“Sharkan. You shouldn’t treat it like that. You didn’t get hurt because you wanted to get hurt too.”


* * * *

Ogoldos had never sat on a cushion of thorns.

One senior in the 3rd year claimed to have sat on a cushion of thorns in the upper-grade room in the basement of the punishment room (Ogoldos was still confused about whether that was bluff or not), but Ogoldos luckily did not have such an experience.

But now, Ogoldos felt like he was sitting on a cushion of thorns.

“…my, damn it. Magic…”

Wizards were delicate creatures.

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Not only the shock of failing the magic, but also the shock of falling because the walls on all sides danced and the floor disappeared.

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No matter how much Ogol Doss used his energy and concentrated, the flow of magic in his body was twisted and did not move.

“senior. it’s okay. I can use magic.”

“…because I do it. Wait a minute… Whoa.”

“Gonadaltes. Please support your senior.”

“Okay… what? what?”

“Yes? What?”

“No… that… no. done.”

Ogoldos was about to say the name of the Skeleton Warrior.

It was the wizard’s freedom to name his minions, but…

…Isn’t that a bit too free?!

-■ ■■■■■.


Ian walked forward.

Except for Sharkan and Gonadaltes, all other skeletons had been summoned off. It must have been that it was too slow and it got in the way when moving.

Of course, Ogoldos’s point of view was slightly different.

‘because of me…!’

His face burned hot when he thought that his junior was canceling other undead because he was supporting him.


Lee Han stopped walking.

From the other side of the underground passage, an eerie landscape caught my eye.

Ogoldos, who still had dark vision magic, blinked and said.


“The punishment room… ah, it’s a prison. habituallyas.”


Surprisingly, the place connected to the end of the passage was the dungeon. Lee Han was surprised that such a place existed under the ruins.

‘I thought there were only ruins and ruins.’

When you arrive by walking through the passageway, the four sides are arranged in a circle.

One peculiarity was that there were no iron bars. There was no wall that should have been blocking the prisoner from coming out.

For a moment, Lee Han wondered who came first and broke the grate.

– Who are you? What fearless intruder roams the king’s prison?


Lee Han was surprised that he hadn’t noticed the opponent he was so close to.

If the opponent was a magician superior to Lee Han, he would have sensed the opponent’s magical power first.

– You’d better take a quick breather. If you get caught, you won’t be able to stay safe.

It was the undead wizard in the nearby cell who spoke to him. Lee Han realized why he had not noticed his opponent. As soon as he removed the cloak his opponent was wearing, he felt the magic.

When the monster’s characteristic hostility was not seen, Lee Han asked cautiously.

“who are you?”

– Who are you? A sinner who did not keep the king’s orders.

“Then who is the king?”

-…what are you talking about… how did you get in here? Did you come in without knowing that this is the palace where the king of ghouls reigns? soldiers outside?


Lee Han stopped at the familiar name.

maybe not?

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