Your pride has missed a valuable opportunity for your students to learn…

The Blue Dragon Tower students shouted, interrupting the Skeleton Principal’s nonsense along the way.


“He was alive! We only knew you were kidnapped!”

“A kidnapping?”

Angago, who was following me from behind, did not understand and asked.

How dare someone kidnap Wodanaj?

“Raise your hand! don’t move If you move, I will cast a curse!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students found Angro and Dukema and aimed their staff first.

“Why, why are you doing this!”

“These sophisticated bastards… If you kidnapped me near the school, there would be evidence, so I brought them to the lake!”

Gainando showed sharp reasoning like a lover of the Empire’s popular mystery novel ‘Dog Beast Detective Toberiz’. Asan also felt plausible.

“It wasn’t that I was kidnapped, I just drifted while exploring the lake together.”

“ah. Was it like that?”

“no wonder.”

“I am. Be careful going forward.”

At Lee Han’s words, the Blue Dragon Tower students quickly lowered their staffs.

The students of the White Tiger Tower were absurd and their mouths twitched.

‘What kind of shameless bastards…?’

People who come from a family of aristocrats in the Empire are so shameless.

I don’t think it was like that when I entered the school, but I couldn’t figure out why it had changed like that.

“Can’t you apologize right now!? You’re driving us as kidnappers and we’re just passing through?”

“no. Now, in such a happy situation, we have to find out who is at fault by finding our lost friends. Aren’t you too much?”

“Hey, it’s worse than this gangster…!”

Some of the White Tiger Tower students were fiercely arguing, but most of the students were more concerned about other things than that.

“Angro, are you okay!? Broken or injured? Didn’t Wodanaj cast a strange spell on you?”

“Duke. How many fingers do you see now? Do you remember my family name? Tell me.”

The White Tiger Tower students were very concerned about the condition of Anggo and Dukema, who spent the night with Lee Han.

If I ever fell for the evil black magic…

“Don’t worry everyone. It was crazy, but… it didn’t matter much with Wodanaj. Rather, thanks to Wodanaj, I was able to save my life.”

“Wordanaj defeated a pet that was hiding in the sand. Otherwise, we would all have been dragged down.”

Engo and Dukema shared their experiences with the gathered students.

SkullThe story of the principal’s evil conspiracy and the Wardanaj who crushed it!

It was such an interesting story that other top students came and listened.

“…it’s so ridiculous, wasn’t it brainwashed by Wodanaj?”

“Even so…”

Some White Tiger Tower students tilted their heads in disbelief.

So, the skeleton principal made a dungeon under the sandy beach of the island, summoned the summons, and then gave the students assignments to naturally lead them here?

It was such an unbelievable story.

But the students soon learned that the story was real.

Behind the scenes, Headmaster Skeleton began to confide in himself.

Good job! Well done. Wardanaj Because of you, other students have missed the opportunity to learn! Good job!


Lee Han was absurd, but first apologized.

Because there was nothing good about going against the heart of the Torajin Skeleton Principal.

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Narrowness was a basic skill that a professor had.

Principal Skull was quite unfair and regretful, and since then, he has been complaining about what he has prepared.

When they heard what they had prepared under the sand, the faces of the students who had crossed the lake turned blue.

Did you prepare something like that???

“It’s not that I have to report that person to His Majesty the Emperor…”

“Shh. Quiet. Do you want to be dragged under the sand?”

Principal Skull, who had been grumbling for a long time, told Lee Han whether he was feeling a bit refreshed.

Anyway… to bring a pass by yourself. That must be commendable.

With the horse, Lee Han’s broken arm was completely healed. Lee Han bowed his head.

“thank you.”

Thanks to you, the freshmen next year will face a more severe ordeal.

“It’s really sad.”

Of course, Lee Han didn’t feel sorry for him. Because it wasn’t his fault.

“And I didn’t do it on my own.”

Lee Han pointed to Angro and Dukema.

Originally, when committing an illegal act, the accomplices had to be taken care of.

The two are now accomplices in creating fake travel permits.

But the two white tiger tower students waved their hands.

“We did nothing.”

“Actually… Wodanaj did it all.”

I know. Do I look blind? You guys didn’t intend to give me a special score in the first place.


Principal Skeleton had a great talent for making people angry even when he said the same thing.

‘Your friendship and honor are extraordinary! I’ll give you all a special score!’ I wasn’t expecting something like that, but…

It was true that I cried when I heard that.

‘Let’s see after graduation.’

‘Let’s really graduate.’

After making the two white tiger tower students enemies, Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han again.

And he said.

Lee Han of the Wodanaj family. I’ll give you special points for doing a special task that the other Ironheads couldn’t. ruler. Take out your travel pass.

Lee Han took out his going out ticket and placed it on the palm of his hand.

As soon as a light flashed in the skull principal’s eyes, the right to go out disappeared. It was moved to one of the principal’s warehouses.



Lee Han, who had been deceived, stayed still, but the other students were startled.

For some reason, the students, who had endured because the principal was afraid, shouted whether it was difficult to bear this.

“principal! Isn’t this different from the promise?”

“Anyway, how can you break your promise to us so easily! Have you forgotten your honor?”

When did I break my promise?

Instead of getting angry or terrified, Principal Skeleton asked.

TooI, too, were a little perplexed by the confident question.

Maybe the Skeleton Principal is trying to be as blatant as Guynando now?

“Did the principal say… if you complete this assignment… you will be given the right to go out?”

this. Oh man… You all missed <Basic Imperial Language and Logic>. What exactly did I say?

What the Skeleton Principal said exactly.

– There is an island on the lake. There I hid my exit ticket. Everyone work together and bring it to me.

Looking at …, I never said a word about giving me the right to go out.

I just told you to bring your pass!

Principal Skeleton looked at the students’ faces and kindly said that he felt a little relieved.

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Now do you see how important every word is to a contract? What a great lesson everyone learned!



Lee Han could not even imagine how many of the students who are here now will come to assassinate the principal when they graduate.

If he could kill a person with just his eyes, the skeleton principal would have already collapsed.

Dragon Bird… No. Wodanaz. You, who are the most involved in this outing, tell me. What do you think? Do you think I cheated on you?

‘Didn’t you just try to call me a dragon cub?’

Lee Han was never deceived by the soft voice of Principal Skull.

When a professor asks, ‘Do you have any complaints?’, you should answer, ‘I am the one who made the professor worry like this.

If you continued to complain here, you could get under the sand.

“no. principal. From the beginning, I had no desire at all for the right to go out. Why do I have a complaint?”

Principal Skeleton looked at Lee Han with a mixture of wonder and regret.

He was a truly amazing disciple.

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Not only in magical talents, but also in non-magical abilities.

Originally, magical talent and self-control were inversely proportional. If you have talent, your temper will be arrogant.

Even if he had less than half of Lee Han’s talent, he would usually savagely rush to eat the principal when he was a freshman.

But now, when I go into the punishment room three times, I get a very small lesson in humility…

As it turned out, this Woudanaj boy possessed both talent and self-control to an unbelievable degree.

It was strange and strange, but at the same time, it was true that it was a disappointment as a skeleton principal.

it’s not fun!

‘It doesn’t take…’

Principal Skeleton did not disappoint.

There is plenty of time, so one day another opportunity will come.

That’s right. Let everyone imitate Wodanaj. Do you understand?


“All right…”

Although Lee Han did not learn mind-reading, it seemed that the voices of the students’ hearts could be heard.

In fact, it wasn’t the wizards who would kill the Skeleton Principal in the future.

‘I didn’t expect the Skeleton Principal to be like this. You are lucky.’

Lee Han wiped his chest inwardly.

Lee Han didn’t even know that Principal Skeleton would take away the right to go out.

But he was lucky.

He put up a fake outing ticket on a whim, but it disappeared as the principal didn’t notice.

Angro and Dukema were looking at Lee Han with astonished faces, as if they could not believe it.

‘Seol… maybe in preparation for this situation…?’

‘What the hell are you…?!’

Of course, Lee Han didn’t anticipate this situation and made a fake outing ticket, but the two had no choice but to misunderstand.

“Wordanaj… How are you…?”

“Shh. Be quite.”

Lee Han puts his index finger on his lipserected in front

The Skeleton Principal was still nearby.

If he felt suspicious and even took out the right to go out from his warehouse, Lee Han was heading to the punishment room, not the basement of the sandy beach.

“Hey, can we take this precious thing?”

Angago and Dukema shoved the fake ticket deep into their arms in case anyone could see them.

Lee Han wasn’t the only one who made it. He also forged fake travel permits for Angago and Dukema by splitting his spare time.

Even though it was a light piece of paper, it felt as heavy as a piece of gold.

“Write carefully. It should not be used, especially when the principal is on campus. If you do, you will be arrested.”

“Water… of course.”

“Okay. Wodanaz.”

The two white tiger tower students carefully took Lee Han’s warning and moved on.

Ian was curious.

‘But will fake outing tickets work?’

I made a fake, but Lee Han wasn’t sure if this would work or not.

Once the skeleton principal isn’t on campus, I think there’s a good chance it could be used by talking to another professor…

The problem was with the aftermarket after returning.

‘Aren’t we going to be imprisoned in the punishment room for about a month?’

First of all, Lee Han was going to judge when he saw the White Tiger Top friends using fake travel passes.

What Lee Han had was real, but what he used when there was a skeleton principal was a bit disappointing.

* * * *

Following the path that emerged over the lake, the students returned as they had come.

Lee Han also made hastily prepared to leave. Principal Skeleton was unlikely, but he was afraid that if Lee Han was left alone, he would pretend he didn’t know and put away the ice.

The water spirit waved to Lee Han. It meant good luck.

“Thank you. Without you, he might still be wandering the island.”

The water spirit seemed embarrassed.

Ian suddenly thought of that.

‘for a moment. Isn’t this the way you became friends with the spirit?’

Come to think of it, it seemed like a much more natural intimacy than yelling at each other like Percuntra.

Lee Han opened his mouth.

“Are you with me…”

The water spirit didn’t listen to Lee Han and ran to her, and then rolled over in front of Nelia, who was about to leave.

It was as if he was asking me to make a contract with him.


Lee Han felt a deep sense of betrayal.

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