"Offline live broadcast?"

Dami pondered these words, he didn't use plug-ins, he was willing to do all the tests, and when he thought about it at this time, he also felt that this was a good method. When he got to the offline, he had a good fight, wouldn't he have any doubts? Gone.

Thinking of this, Rice smiled: "Everyone, thank you for supporting me, as well as those who doubt me, and those who can click into my live broadcast room, I am very grateful to you. Now that things have developed to this point, I know Everyone may have a lot of doubts about me, and I am willing to show myself for everyone to see."

"In this way, everyone choose a place, I will play offline, and I will accept any number of people who come to watch, just watch it, I don't know what everyone thinks!"

As soon as Dami finished speaking, the live broadcast room fell into a short-lived calm, and then brushed it all up. For Dimi's decision, everyone was very supportive (it's not a big deal to watch the fun).

"Good rice, really good, dare to come like this."

"Offline, then go to an Internet cafe. I'll go wherever you go. I'll watch it live. It's not a plug-in. I'll call your father."

"You guys are so stupid, he can't open it offline, or he deliberately doesn't open it offline, no matter what, can't he prove it."

"The bar is good enough. According to what you said, the rice is open anyway. It's too unfair."

"That's right, Rice's willingness to go offline is amazing. And as long as Rice's record isn't bad, I'll trust him."

"Come on, rice, and use the results to break their doubts."

"Dimi, I remember you are from the Magic City. There seems to be a dream chain Internet cafe that is very popular now. I have been to it once or twice, and there is a very large store. You can go wherever you want."

"I have also been to the Dream Chain Internet Cafe. I can go there. I will definitely be there."


Looking at the barrage, Rice quickly made a decision at this time.

"That's good, since everyone asked me to go to the Internet cafe, then I will go to the Dream Chain Internet Cafe in Modu on time tomorrow morning, and I will choose the largest one, everyone will be satisfied."


"That's it, I'll ask for leave tomorrow to watch the live broadcast."

"See you tomorrow, I'm a fan of rice, and I want to treat you to a lollipop."

"The rice is good, I will support it tomorrow."

At this time, after making the decision, Dami felt that his whole body was much more relaxed. He let out a breath and opened the door to survive. His live broadcast today has only just started, and he has to continue the live broadcast.

Next, Dami broadcasted the live broadcast for a full eight hours. With the help of the live broadcast, more people knew that he was going to testify himself on the spot tomorrow. It can be said that now the whole circle of desperate people has heard about him tomorrow. .

The next day, Dami turned on the mobile phone live broadcast early, and thousands of people poured into the live broadcast room.

Today's uu live broadcast can be broadcast not only on the computer, but also on the mobile phone anytime, anywhere. Because of its early entry and the strong support of the Dream Company, uu live broadcast has occupied an absolute dominant share in the market. Those live broadcast platforms that bloomed with hundreds of flowers in the previous life have not made any waves now.

At this time, Dami is walking on the streets of Modu. He will broadcast live from the beginning to the end today, so that those who doubt can see his strength.

The audience in the live broadcast room of rice used to watch rice playing games. At this time, rice suddenly broadcasted outdoor live on the street, which attracted many people's interest. The barrage was several times more active than usual, and the audience who came in the live broadcast room became more and more popular. more and more.

"I'm going, where is this?"

"A bunch of bastards, haven't the demons been there? My brother moved bricks here, and I can see it at a glance."

"This is the first time I saw rice being planted outside. The weather is good today, and there are many people on the road."

"Dami, look at the big beauty in front of you, go and strike up a conversation quickly."

"Enough is enough for you. With the appearance of rice, it's all upside down, okay?"

"Dimi, Dami, do you have a younger brother named Xiaomi?"

"Who TM buys millet!!!"


There were various barrages in the live broadcast, and for a while, no one was discussing what Da Mi was going to testify for himself today, but Da Mi didn't forget, he was walking on foot at this time.

After the broadcast yesterday, he also deliberately found the address of a Dream Internet Cafe in Modu, and was surprised to find that there were more than a dozen Internet Cafes in Modu, and the nearest Dream Internet Cafe was less than two kilometers away from his home.

What he was going to at this time was the Dream Internet Cafe closest to his home. This Internet Cafe might not be the largest in the Magic City Dream Internet Cafe chain, but the area was decent enough. Dami didn’t want to go too far, so he chose this Internet cafe on his own initiative. Anyway, today is his self-certification, he can go wherever he wants.

At this moment, amid the cheerful barrage, Dami didn't take long to walk to this Magic City Dream Internet Cafe, which was closest to him.

The Internet cafe is on the second floor of a commercial building complex in a community. The area is not small. After taking the elevator up, Rice also focused on showing the audience in the live broadcast room a few luminous words of the Dream Internet Cafe.

"Everyone is optimistic, I'm going to enter the Internet cafe now."

Dami was broadcasting the whole thing live at this time. After entering the Internet cafe, he didn't forget to broadcast it when he turned on the machine at the bar. It can be said that he wanted everyone to see the whole process of his today and stop those mouths.

When the phone was turned on, the barrage in the live broadcast room flashed again. For some reason, the audience in the rice live broadcast room were very excited at this time, as if the rice broadcast room had also aroused their emotions. What's more, the female network manager who will start the machine for rice is not bad, and each and everyone is typing and courting.

"Fuck, beauty, this kind of beauty is a network administrator, that Internet cafe, give me the address quickly."

"Beauty, beauty, beauty, leave a phone call, please."

"You beasts, you can't walk when you see beautiful women. Where is the morality, where is the shame? By the way, rice, where is the address?"

"I'm going, what a beautiful girl this is! Today is also a day to carefully appreciate my sister's beauty in the world. My sister's eyes are like the most beautiful amber in a treasure box, the most beautiful one that captured my heart, such a bright face. What a fairy face! Is it a real treasure? I think my sister is a peerless noble with a halo from Raphael's paintings! So God will be more partial!"

"Enough, enough, today is to watch the live broadcast of Rice, not for you to lick the beauties, I mean, I mean some people, you are disgusting enough, there is really no need for this."

"That's right, licking a dog will kill you! No one will end up licking a dog!"

"Don't scold, don't scold, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Dami didn't have time to watch the barrage at this time. After the machine was turned on, he turned the camera of his mobile phone and broadcasted the scene in the Internet cafe live.

At this time, without the beauty network administrator, the barrage in the live broadcast room finally returned to normal.

Dami set off from the bar with his mobile phone in hand, looking for a quieter and more remote machine. At this time, because the time was relatively early and there were not many people in the Internet cafe, Dami quickly found a quieter place. Just when he was about to sit down, he suddenly found that steam was steaming not far from him. Rice has good eyesight and can see at a glance, where it seems to be cooking.

"Have something to eat?"

Dami's heart moved, he lived alone, and he hadn't eaten at home in the morning. At this time, he thought that he was in a hurry to have a meal first. Anyway, he planned to spend the whole day in the Internet cafe.

Holding my mobile phone, I came to the kitchen of this dream Internet cafe, where steamed buns are being fried, and there is a menu next to it, fried steamed buns. Since the people of Modu are used to calling "buns" as "mantou", the fried buns in Modu are also called fried buns.

As soon as I approached, the aroma was fragrant, and the rice drool was almost running down, so I bought two fresh fried steamed buns directly, and then went back to turn on the machine.

What Dami did might seem like nothing to him, but he was swiped by the barrage again in the live broadcast room.

"Rice, that's enough for you. Did you choose this Internet cafe deliberately? Not to mention that the network management is so beautiful. There is still food in it. I haven't eaten yet. I'm so hungry."

"Rice, wait a moment, I'm on my way by taxi."

"Rice, rice, I'm here, I want to eat too."

"When people are abroad, they see the live broadcast of rice as soon as they get off the plane. It's a shame that there are no fried buns for sale abroad."

"Rice, don't bother to eat, I'll be there in three minutes, wait a moment."


Dami put the live broadcast mobile phone on the table at this time, and started to eat the buns. He didn't open it at all, so this time he was very relaxed, and he didn't feel nervous at all.

However, after turning on the phone, he suddenly discovered a problem. He came with his mobile phone. This time, if he wants to live broadcast offline, he must broadcast his computer screen live. Where to put the mobile phone is a problem.

This problem didn't bother Da Mi for long, and his fans soon came to help him. Before Da Mi had finished eating a fried steamed bun, there were three or four fans standing behind him. Rice asked one of the fans to help him get his mobile phone and started logging in to the computer.

After getting on the computer and opening the game, Dami glanced behind him, and with a thought, he got up and bought several fresh fried steamed buns for the fans behind him. This move immediately aroused the goodwill of the live broadcast room.

At this time, the real number of his live broadcast room has exceeded 70,000, and his popularity is as high as 3 million. This was something he had never achieved before, and Rice's actions undoubtedly brought him a wave of popularity.

"Isn't it, fans go and have food? It's so good? Then I'll go too."

"I want to eat too, rice, you won't invite me."

"Rice, wait a moment, I'm on my way by taxi."

"I'll be there in three minutes. When I arrive, give me a portion of rice. I'll have a good meal of rice today."

"Rice, how arrogant, why don't you brush some?"

"Shushuashua! I give rice brushes all my loans!"

Dami also opened the uu live broadcast on the computer webpage at this time, watching everyone's barrage, he smiled and replied:

"Don't worry, as long as you come to cheer, I will invite as many people as you want! A piece of fried steamed buns is nothing compared to your usual support for me."

After Dami said this, he cut to the picture of the desperate situation, and he was about to officially start the live broadcast of the game. And he didn't realize at this time what impact his words would bring to this Internet cafe today.

At this time, the number of people in his live broadcast room was still rising, gradually approaching 100,000 people.

When the desperate situation was queuing up, a few more fans came to the Internet cafe. Seeing this, Dami stood up and went to the bar to charge another thousand yuan for the membership card just made, and then handed the membership card directly behind him. a fan of .

"Brothers, I'm very thankful for you to come, but I'm going to live stream the game now, so I might not care about you. So, how about you take this card, buy whatever you want, and eat yourselves well? I saw that there are not only food, but also snacks, you can take care of yourself."

"Rice, enough loyalty!"

The fan took the membership card and patted Rice on the shoulder. Rice smiled and threw herself into the game.

And this membership card was passed on among his fans. You buy a snack, and I buy a bottle of water. Anyway, it doesn't cost much. In fact, everyone didn't come to eat on purpose, just to make a fun of it. After all I usually brush a lot of rice, and everyone is happy after eating small snacks.

After handing over the membership card to the fans, Rice began to concentrate on the game.

The first one, he didn't care about the big one, he first played a single game to practice his hand. With his superb skills, he made it to the final at once, but he was unfortunately eliminated due to bad luck.

As for the second one, he directly drove into the single-person four-row, and he wanted to pick four.

Entering the game, Rice feels very good today. In less than ten minutes, both teams have been wiped out, and all this was broadcast live by the fan behind him who had been holding the phone.

Playing back, Rice killed another team, but when playing the fourth team, Rice killed three, but was killed by the last person, which is a bit regrettable.

Although they didn't eat chicken after playing twice, the audience in the live broadcast room saw the technology of rice at this time, and many people were convinced.

"Rice, it's amazing, look at the sunspots, this is the strength!"

"I've said it long ago, it's impossible for rice to hang up. He's not that kind of person. How about it, see it."

"The technology is there, but the suspicion can't be ruled out. What if this computer also hangs up."

"Enough, you didn't see the computer just now. Could it be that the computer in the Internet cafe still has the software installed in advance? You need to think about each one."

"I pulled the camera closer, and I couldn't see clearly. Why do I feel that there are more and more people on the scene."

"It seems so, this will make people feel a lot."

Dami has already played the third game. He didn't pay much attention to the situation around him, but the fans who have been behind him know that since the second game just now, people have been coming to the Internet cafe, and there is an endless stream, and it is still rice. fans.

At this time, after the arrival of fans, they all tacitly did not disturb the rice in the game, but took the membership card of rice and began to swipe.

At the bar of the Internet cafe, the beautiful network manager who just turned on the machine for Dami was a little confused. What happened? Why did so many people pour into the Internet cafe at once? When I was thinking about it, a lot of people came in in the Internet cafe. The beautiful webmaster looked at this situation and suddenly became a little scared. There are almost one or two hundred people in the Internet cafe.

No matter what the beauty webmaster thinks, many of the people watching the live broadcast of Rice in Modu at this time are still rushing to the Internet cafe. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, and it is lively when there are many people. Besides, you can eat raw fried steamed buns.

And in the case of so many people, not to mention that rice's membership card is about to be swiped, even the chef in the Internet cafe who is busy in the kitchen can't bear enough at this time.

Since just now, a lot of people have come here in one go, all of them wanting to buy raw fried steamed buns. He couldn't stop working for a second. At this time, he had already squeezed more than 40 unfinished orders in front of him, and it seemed that there were more to come.

At this time, the chef was a little suspicious of himself. He thought to himself that the fried steamed buns he made were so delicious? Could it be that he is possessed by the God of Cooking?

No matter what the chef thinks, there are more and more people in the Internet cafe at this time, and many people want to eat the fried steamed buns that Rice just ate in the live broadcast room. Same as past the scene.

As for rice, he didn't care about that much at this time, except for a fan who said just now that the membership card was out of money, and after he recharged another 2,000 yuan, he kept playing games. All shut up.

Rice played two more rounds in a row. Although he didn't eat chicken, he had fully demonstrated his skills. Most people in the live broadcast room could not come to the scene. They watched the live demonstration of Rice. They are constantly brushing 6, and the technology of rice is enough to convince most people.

"Cow, cow, I can't do this kind of operation in a hundred years."

"That's right, take a good look at those who question the plug-in, and I'll ask you, can you make such an operation when you open the plug-in."

"If you talk about it, you can really close your mouth. I think the rice show today is unprecedented."

"Dimi's shot just now is really handsome. He shot his head with one shot. There are so many people standing behind him. This can't be the case."

"I'm at the scene, and I can tell you with certainty that the rice is not open, and I dare to swear by my personality."

"Rice, enough, I think today's live broadcast is enough to stop everyone's mouth."

At this moment, Rice didn't watch the barrage at all. He was just playing the game. He said that it would be live broadcast for one day, and it would be live broadcast for one day. Today, it will be broadcast live from the beginning to the end.

Rice's mind was on the game, no matter what else, but the beautiful webmaster in the Internet cafe had to ask for help at this time.

Because in the Internet cafe at this time, the flow of people has reached terrifying four or five hundred people, almost people are next to each other, and there are people who want to come in. She and other network managers can't stop them, but they have no right to close the store. So this has to be reported to the top.

Soon, the phone calls hit Li Fei's head layer by layer.

As a dream Internet cafe business manager, Li Fei happened to be in Modu at this time. From the second half of the year, he opened more than a dozen Internet cafes in Modu, and the response was relatively good. At this time, he was investigating in Modu and wanted to Open more Internet cafes.

After receiving so many people, it is not a lie to myself. Because even at the time of opening, after an Internet cafe is full, it will not be crowded, because everyone is here to surf the Internet, and now there is no machine.

Because it was not far away, Li Fei decided to go directly to the scene to have a look.

It took less than 20 minutes for Li Fei to arrive at the address of this Internet cafe. As soon as he got there, his head was big. He didn't expect so many people. Not to mention those in the Internet cafe on the second floor, they were waiting for the elevator at the bottom. , all lined up. As for the stairs on one side, they have been controlled by the network management, and they can only go out but not in.

Li Fei hurried upstairs, and the upstairs was really crowded as said on the phone.

Li Fei is no better than those network administrators. He knows how big the hidden security risks are among so many people. Even if it is a small accident, he and Dream Company cannot afford it.

Li Fei arrested a person at this time and asked a few questions. He quickly learned the whole story, and realized that it was an anchor who was broadcasting live in an Internet cafe that caused so many people.

After learning about the situation, he first asked the network manager to close the snack area, then canceled all orders in the kitchen, and returned the consumption money to ensure that people do not queue up to gather.

Then he came to Dimi, Li Fei squeezed in, there were too many people around Dimi.

"Hello, you are the anchor rice, I am the person in charge of the Internet cafe."

Li Fei stepped forward and introduced that Rice was in the game at this time, and Li Fei called him several times before he could react.

"I'm rice, what's wrong?"

As soon as rice finished asking, he was stunned.

When he looked at Li Fei, he also saw the crowd of fans behind him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ tightly wrapping him and Li Fei, almost breathless.

"This... how many people are there?"

When Dami wanted to come, he testified to himself today that dozens of fans had already burned high incense. He didn't expect so many people at the scene. He had been playing the game just now and didn't find anyone coming.

"You can also see the current situation. Our Internet cafes welcome anyone to come, but there are too many people now, and accidents may occur. Do you understand what I mean?"

Li Fei's words were very polite, and Dimi was not an irrational person. He nodded at this time and decided to stop the live broadcast.

These people are all here because of him. As long as he stops the live broadcast, the people will disperse.

He stopped the game and took over the mobile phone that had been in the hands of the fans. He looked at the audience in the live broadcast room and said, "Friends in the live broadcast room, you have also seen it. There are too many people on the scene. I will broadcast today's live broadcast. It may be over here, I hope everyone understands. As for my technology, I think everyone has seen it. If there is any doubt, I can accept the challenge at any time, thank you everyone. "

The audience in the live broadcast room, after rice finished speaking, the barrage kept on posting:

"Understanding, understanding, safety first."

"Okay, rice, we have all seen your strength, you have real skills, that's enough for today."

"Okay, I think those people can shut up, everyone's self-evidence today is enough to explain the problem, and whoever dares to question in the future, show him today's video and he will have nothing to say."

"No, I'm leaving now, I haven't come yet."

"Rice, wait a moment, I'm on my way by taxi."

"Enough, you guys, still go, don't go, there are too many people."


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