
Feng Jianhe looked at Yuan Zi who was running over and just smiled slightly without saying anything more.

"Uncle Suzuki hasn't arrived yet?"

Conan looked up at Sonoko and asked.

Sonoko hesitated.

"The cruise ship has just officially set sail, and my father and sister should have arrived. However, they came here in a hurry, so they need to prepare first."

Sure enough, what Yuanzi said was right. As soon as she finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a neat suit walked onto the stage.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

As soon as he stepped onto the stage, the head of the Suzuki family bowed and apologized to the guests.

"Haha, nothing, not too long"

"Mr. Suzuki's speech is very exciting. There is nothing wrong with waiting, hahahaha!"

The guests were very considerate and didn't care too much. The head of the Suzuki family smiled and began to speak.

Feng Jianzhe listened casually, because this time was mainly to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Suzuki Group, so many things about the Suzuki Group were talked about.

He was listening to the head of the Suzuki family talking about the development history of the Suzuki Group, and suddenly felt that his clothes were grabbed.

Feng Jianzhe looked down and saw that it was Conan

"What's wrong?"

Feng Jianhe crouched down quietly, without disturbing the guests nearby.

Conan seemed to be just a child who couldn't stand the long speech, and asked Feng Jianhe curiously.

"Brother Fengjian, are you interested in these?"

Fengjian looked at Conan's big eyes and smiled.

"I wasn't really interested, but after all, I was an invited guest, so I had to pay attention when the host was speaking."

"Oh~ Brother Fengjian found a place at the edge of the room from the beginning. I knew that Brother Fengjian hated such banquets!"

Conan looked happy, like a little detective who had been imitating his parents for a long time and discovered other people's little secrets.

"I don't really like him, but I don't hate him either. Because Brother Fengjian is a writer, I inevitably attend some parties and banquets, and gradually I got used to it."

Fengjian He replied with a smile, very attentive and gentle.

"That's it.……"

Another round of probing by both sides ended.

Conan still didn't get any results, but he still felt that this Kazama Tsuru was fake.

The head of the Suzuki family didn't say much, and soon stepped down, and Mrs. Suzuki, Suzuki Tomoko, spoke.

"Everyone should know that this time a ridiculous thief has issued a notice, claiming that he will steal our family treasure, the Dark Star, on this ship."

The guests were talking about it, and the deliberately ignored Kaito Kidd was finally mentioned.

"Don't pay too much attention to that thief, because I, Suzuki Tomoko, am here to challenge him!"

Conan was surprised:"Challenge?"

Xiaolan was stunned:"Sonoko, your mother is so domineering……"

Uncle Maori:"Eh? Has it started?"

Fengjianzuru smiled:"Interesting."

Fengjianzuru's words made Conan look at him

"Everyone should have received a small box before entering, so now is the time to open it!"

The guests around opened the small boxes in their hands, and Feng Jianhe and his companions were no exception.

In each box, there was a black pearl that was almost identical to the Dark Star.

Conan could tell at a glance that the one in his hand was fake. He looked around and found that most of the black pearls were obviously fake.

The luster was too shiny.

The real pearls, as time passed, were corroded and did not actually have such a shiny luster.

But Conan still admired Suzuki Tomoko. Even if he could quickly distinguish the authenticity of the pearls, it would take a lot of time to look at all the guests present.

"Please wear the pearls on your chest"

"These pearls are my challenge to Kaito Kid! If you want to steal the Dark Star, find the real one among these pearls first!"

This does look very domineering. If you want to steal it, you must first distinguish which one is the real one! However... Conan looked at Suzuki Tomoko who was wearing gloves on the stage...

In fact, it is not as difficult as imagined to distinguish the real pearl.

Even though the Suzuki Group is very rich, the Dark Star is also precious, and now this pearl not only represents money or the birth of the group, but also represents the competition between the Suzuki Group and Kaito Kid!

So this pearl will never be given to an untrusted guest on the scene. What if one of the guests is disguised as Kaito Kid?

Wouldn't it be delivered to him?

Suzuki Tomoko will definitely put the pearl in the hands of someone she trusts, so the scope is narrowed at once. Uncle

Maori still understands his identity as a detective after all. At this time, he casually put the pearl in his hand in front of his chest and looked around to try to find the real one.

Coincidentally, Suzuki Tomoko came over.

"Ahem, Ms. Suzuki, this challenge……"

"This challenge is fun, isn't it?"Suzuki Tomoko smiled, looking like a queen

"Let this ridiculous thief find the real one."

"Uh... But can you tell me which one is the real one? After all, only if we know where the real one is can we protect it, right?"

Uncle Maori was invited by the Suzuki Group as a famous detective to catch Kidd, and at the very least, he had to protect the Dark Star.


Suzuki Tomoko thought about it, and finally left only a mysterious smile.

"Well, I can only say that it is in the hands of the most suitable person."

"The best person for it……"

Suzuki Tomoko left gracefully and chatted with other guests, leaving Uncle Maori and Conan to guess the riddle crazily.

Kazama Tsuru is a cheating player and already knew the answer.

Xiaolan thought about it casually for a while and didn't think about it any further. Anyway, she just had to pay attention to whether there were any suspicious people at the scene!

As for Sonoko... she muttered a few words to herself about this mysterious mother who didn't even tell herself.

At this moment, the whole scene suddenly turned dark.


"It’s getting dark!"

"What happened? What happened?"

The guests looked around, but they still had the calmness of a business tycoon and basically stayed where they were, not running around in the dark.

"This must be Kidd's trick! Don't panic! The backup power supply will start soon!"

Suzuki Tomoko shouted to take charge of the situation.

Suddenly, a light turned on, just like the halo following the central figure on the stage, and a figure in white was illuminated.

"It's Kidd!"

Everyone looked over.

Kazama Tsuru took advantage of this opportunity when everyone's attention was drawn and quietly moved towards Suzuki Tomoko.

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