(From here on, the chapters for gifts will be counted. The gifts I gave before are the extra chapters I owe. Xiaocha will pay them back slowly...)

Feng Jianhe closed the door of Xiaoai's bedroom. Thinking of the shy look of this girl just now, he couldn't help but smile standing at the door.

Very cute...

He walked all the way to the study and followed Xiaoai's instructions to find a pile of newspapers in the corner of the bookshelf.

The information on the newspapers was complicated, but it was arranged in different pages, which seemed to be quite convenient.

Feng Jianhe quickly browsed and soon found the relevant information. Then he took out the computer and started to search from the chat software.

The system had rewarded an"intermediate computer technology" at the beginning. It was of course extremely difficult to search out of nothing, but it would be much easier to search after having relevant information.

What's more, he now remembered some cases about this tour group.

It was the"Dark Night Baron" virus and the Izu Grand Hotel.

This made it easier to search.

He quickly found the relevant information, the organizer, all the participants, and the virus-related information...

In the end, he came to the conclusion that the virus had not been leaked, but was just a gimmick used by the organizer to attract computer experts.

But just when Kazama Tsuru was about to follow Igarashi's instructions and send this information through the organization's special channels... he thought about it and changed the team of Professor Agasa, another middle-aged man and a little girl to Maori Ran, Edogawa Conan, and Maori Kogoro.

There cannot be any mistakes in his"first" organizational mission.

On the other side, Igarashi had just started the car and was about to leave. He heard the sound of the message and picked up his phone to take a look.

Kazama is very fast.

The message disappeared automatically after reading it.

Igarashi smiled, looked at the empty screen, thought for a while, and sent the next message

【Do you want to join this? Let's go play together?】

A few seconds passed and a reply message came through.


The message disappeared again, and the screen was empty again. Igarashi smiled and threw the phone aside.

At this time, the light shone from the car window into the car, just illuminating half of his face.

In the sunlight, he smiled gently, his hair lifted up, brushing against his long eyelashes, covering his deep eyes for a moment.


A few days later, as the fallen leaves brushed past the window, a sound was heard in the house, startling a flock of birds.


"What happened?"

Xiao Ai heard the noise and immediately ran downstairs, and saw Feng Jianhe sitting on the ground, covering his forehead.

Next to him, a stool fell to the ground.


Feng Jianhe covered his head and stayed still for a few seconds before finally giving a response.

"It's okay, I just felt dizzy and didn't sit still."

He shook his head and looked up at Xiao Ai, who was concerned. His smile was gentle, as if nothing had happened.

"Just dizzy?"

Xiao Ai looked at his arm curiously. There was already a bloody mark on it.

If it was because he had just been injured and the pain had not yet reacted, then... what was the situation now?

He was too dizzy to pay much attention to this little wound?

Feng Jianhe blinked when he heard Xiao Ai's words. He didn't understand what she meant, but still answered.

""Yeah, I'm just dizzy."

As he said this, he had already stretched out his hand to support himself on the table and stand up.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai hurriedly stopped him.

I didn't take the initiative to help him up just now because I was worried that his body couldn't move around. Now the problem is even bigger!

There seems to be something wrong with the dizziness and pain...

The sense of pain is produced to protect the human body. Now if there is really a problem with the pain, no one can be sure of his true condition.

""Wait! Sit here and don't move!!"

Feng Jianhe looked puzzled.

He just sat there blankly and watched Xiao Ai turn around and run upstairs. He didn't know what to do.

Why is Xiao Ai acting so strange today...

However, sitting on the ground for a while is not a big deal, just wait.

Feng Jianhe sat quietly on the ground waiting. He felt a little bored for a while, and tried to reach out to take the teacup on the table.

Take a sip of tea.

Xiao Ai stood at the stairs with a medicine box. Looking at this scene, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

By the window, a table stood quietly. Feng Jianhe leaned against the table leg, with one leg bent and the other leg straight. He took a sip of the teacup in his hand and looked at the neatly arranged books on the bookshelf from a distance.

……Seeing this guy so leisurely, he suddenly stopped being anxious.

Xiao Ai sighed, slowed down his pace, and walked over slowly with the medicine box.

Feng Jianhe heard the footsteps and turned his head to look over.

""Xiao Ai."

He said, smiling softly.

Xiao Ai looked directly into his curved eyes that looked like the starry sky. It seemed that she suddenly stopped being angry.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Jianhe suddenly sighed when he saw her looking at him. He looked up and down at himself but didn't find anything wrong, so he asked curiously.

Xiao Ai squatted down and took out bandages, alcohol and other items from the first aid kit.

Feng Jianhe:...???

Xiao Ai started to bandage the wound, and Feng Jianhe followed her movements and found something wrong.

This wound on the arm... when did it happen?

Ding Dong!

Xiao Ai had just finished bandaging the wound when the doorbell rang.

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