"By the way, when I was sent to the ambulance, I heard from Xiao Ai that you guys got the Egg of Memories again?"

Feng Jianhe looked at Conan who was still in deep thought, took a sip of tea, and casually started a new topic.

Conan came back to his senses after hearing this and also answered casually.

"Yes, Kidd placed the Egg of Memory on the railing not far from the secret passage. We originally planned to go back like this, but after seeing the Egg of Memory, we took it back to the secret passage again."

Conan said, his eyes slightly blurred, as if he was recalling the scene at that time

"Only when you turn on the flashlight can you truly understand the meaning of the name 'Egg of Memories'. Those photos... are really beautiful."

Feng Jianhe smiled, took another sip of tea, and did not respond.

Conan was stunned for a while and came back to his senses. In an instant, his eyes were half-mooned.

"Uncle Maori is really a confused detective. How would Xiaolan live without me?……"

It seems that the existence of the second Memory Egg was proposed by himself, and the real purpose of the Memory Egg was proposed by himself. When he was guarding against the Shikaobing in the dark, he was also the one who kept talking. Forget about the other things. When he was guarding against the Shikaobing, Uncle Maori did not show up. I don't know what happened.

"To say he is confused... that's not necessarily true."

Feng Jianhe shook his head.

Conan cast a curious look over.

"Maybe you didn't notice that when Scott was shooting with a pistol on the other side, he was ready and ready to shoot at any time."

Kazama Tsuru carefully thought about Maori Kogoro's actions at that time.

"Because you were talking the whole time, most of Scoobing's attention was on the flashlight and you. She couldn't determine the location of other people, so Mr. Maori hid in the dark."

"I think if I hadn't taken action first, he would have immediately subdued Shikaobing."

Conan was stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"He? Uniformed Shikao soldiers?"

Feng Jianhe nodded.

"I don't know if you know what happened to him back then. He was the best detective.……"

Conan was stunned and thought deeply.

Perhaps he had been with this"confused detective" for so many years that he could not help but ignore his glorious past. It was not until someone raised the question that he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Later, after Kidd's identity was exposed, you and he ran over at the same time, but he deliberately fell behind."

Kazama Tsuruga pointed out another suspicious point.

Conan pondered.

Later, the two changed the topic and talked about something else, and did not mention anything about Maori Kogoro.

Kazama Tsuruga said this to Conan just on a whim, wondering if he could bypass the world's shield.

Yes, he could roughly infer what this world had done to the relationship between Conan and Maori Kogoro.

Otherwise, with Conan's reasoning ability, it would be impossible for him not to notice the problem.

I don't know if saying this can make Conan have some ideas, just treat it as a foreshadowing.

"By the way, Kazama, I came to see you for one more thing.……"

Conan seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and suddenly changed the topic, still hesitating.

Feng Jianzhe looked at him like this and became curious.

What could make Conan so hesitant?

He raised his teacup, looked at Conan seriously, and motioned him to continue.

Conan was used to Feng Jianzhe drinking tea, so he didn't think it was a send-off. After thinking about it, he still asked.

"Do you... know Igarashi Yang's true identity?"

Feng Jianhe paused while drinking his tea.

"Why do you ask this?"

Conan observed Kazama Tsuru's every move calmly, trying to remain calm on the surface.

But with Conan's character that can't act, Kazama Tsuru saw through his little thoughts at a glance, and responded calmly, drinking tea calmly.

"There was nothing wrong at first, but after you were poisoned, he seemed to have become a completely different person.……"

Conan hesitated about how to narrate

"At that time, he was so cold and calm that he didn't seem like the same person. I originally thought that he might have been stimulated by your situation, but it seems that this is not the case.……"

"By the way, it should be said that even if it was stimulated, it would not be possible to have such a big change! It is even like two people.……"

Feng Jianhe lowered his head and thought about it, as if he was really thinking about Conan's words very seriously.

"So, you said his true identity.……"

"He was able to deduce the truth so quickly, and the amount of knowledge and observation skills required were not what a normal editor should have! And based on Huiyuan's attitude, I have a guess.……"

Conan paused here.

Kazama Tsuru guessed what he was going to say next.

Since Conan had tested Ai, he probably had already confirmed the conclusion.

"I think he is also a member of the organization!"

Feng Jianhe thought to himself, but on the surface, his inner thoughts were completely different.

"He is also a member of the organization?"

The smile that Feng Jianhe often wore disappeared, and he frowned slightly.

For a man like him who seemed to be able to remain calm even when facing a catastrophe, such an expression was already a very drastic emotional fluctuation.

Conan was secretly surprised by his reaction, but he continued to stare at his expression and write down every detail.

"Yes, when I mentioned him to Huiyuan, her expression was very strange, and based on the huge changes in his two different personalities, I guessed so."

Conan stared at Fengjianzuru's expression and even forgot to hide it.

Fengjianzuru seemed to have completely ignored his burning gaze and was just immersed in what he said.


After several seconds, Kazama Tsuru finally spoke.

""Huh... No matter who he is, he is just an ordinary editor on the surface. Without clear evidence, I don't want to believe it."

Conan and Kazama Kazuru looked at each other.

Conan could hear Kazama Kazuru's attitude.

As a long-time friend, it was normal for Kazama Kazuru not to believe that his friend was a member of the organization."Don't want to believe", these few words said it all.

Conan was silent for a few seconds and didn't say anything else about this matter. He knew that it was useless to say anything now.

His goal had been achieved.

See if Kazama Kazuru knew about this matter, test his attitude, and remind him by the way.

He will also secretly investigate Igarashi Yang's identity. He will not let go of the information of this organization that came to his doorstep.

The two chatted about other things, and Kazama Kazuru sent Conan back home.

It was another day of fighting wits and courage with the detective.

There will probably be many days like this in the future.

Kazama Kazuru secretly felt bitter about his identity.

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