While waiting, Kazama Tsuru looked out the window and thought a lot.

In this chaotic world, the main characters appeared in front of him little by little, from Shinichi, Xiaolan, to Conan, Maori Kogoro, Sonoko...

The original world's Detective Conan has not yet ended, but this world cannot stop.

If time develops to the latest episode... what will happen to this world?

"Sir, sorry for the wait. Please enjoy your meal."

"Thank you."

Let's take it one step at a time.

Feng Jianhe looked at Amuro Toru's back, his eyes became more and more distant, as if he was looking through his body to another illusory thing.


Feng Jianhe stayed in the store for a while, and then walked out with a golden-haired man's smile.

At this time, the sky had gradually shown signs of getting dark. It was not going to get dark, but it was going to rain.

Dark clouds formed from the originally clear sky, driving away all the white clouds, occupying the entire sky, and turning the sky into a gray color.

It was only afternoon, but it seemed as if it was about to fall at night.

Feng Jianhe walked out of the store, without looking at the sky for much, nor paying attention to the pedestrians who were rushing home on the road, just walking down a street casually.

He didn't know where the end of this road was, nor did he know when the rain would fall.

He just didn't want to go back, that's all.

Pedestrians came and went, all in a hurry, only he was walking slowly in the middle of the road, like a small fish swimming upstream. On the unfamiliar street, the shops on both sides were rustling in the wind before the rain, and many shop assistants were still working. Affected by the sky, they were even busier because of the increase in customers entering the door.

When everyone is busy, Feng Jianhe is the only slow one in this fast-paced world, not in a hurry or slow down, walking leisurely.

Some people say that the greatest freedom is not to do whatever you want, but to not do what you want.

Feng Jianhe wants to go back, but he can't; he doesn't want to stay in a world where he doesn't know what's true or false, but he can't.

In fact, it's all the same. He can't be free.

But when it comes to freedom, he is also free, at least now, the whole city belongs to him.

He can go forward as he pleases, and choose a road at the fork in the road to continue walking.

He can enter any store and stop anywhere.

As long as he wants.

I don't know how long I walked, the shops and flowers on both sides became more and more unfamiliar, and the raindrops finally arrived as promised.

Drops of fine rain fell, and the city became empty, with only scattered people walking quickly a few meters away.

But in fact, for him at this time, the small circle within one meter around him is already the whole world.

Others are outside the small world and can't get in.

The petals swayed in the wind, and the leaves made rustling sounds. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on both sides. The cold road surface was dotted with cold raindrops, and only the coolness was left in the air.

Feng Jianhe carefully felt the feeling of the cold rain falling on his body.

At this time, he was like a passer-by observing the scenery. Everything in the world was just a passing scenery. When there was wind, he blew the wind; when there was rain, he got wet; when there were flowers, he admired the flowers; when there were people, he watched people.

No matter what happened just now, he could get the ultimate tranquility at this moment, his heart was empty, and there was no more chaotic thoughts.

Unbearable red leaves and mossy ground, it was another cool wind and rainy day

"Sir? Sir!!"

The voice seemed to float from the sunny sky covered by dark clouds, passing through the gaps between the dark clouds and coming to his side.

Feng Jianhe suddenly came back to his senses and looked over. It was a girl who looked young.

The girl stood at the door of a flower shop, carefully leaning out half of her body. She was wearing a floral dress that was neatly dressed but inevitably stained with a few petals, and a flower-shaped diamond headband. She looked like a lively girl next door.

Ono Masako has been running this shop for a long time. Her parents always had other things to do, so they handed the shop over to her.

Rainy weather is not a good thing for her. It only proves that business has decreased and life has become a little harder.

But... the gentleman on the street seems a little strange?

She didn't know how to describe the gentleman. Life is like being a person who is free from this world. It’s not like she hasn’t seen people who are running, walking, or crying in the rain. Such people don’t hold umbrellas. Umbrellas are unnecessary for them. The cold raindrops can make them calmer and then face this devastating world again.

However, she has never seen such a person. He doesn’t look numb, cold, or collapsed. Instead, he is very calm, even... It always makes people feel that if they don’t call him, he will disappear from this world.

Feng Jianhe suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the girl, stared at her for a second, and made the girl feel embarrassed, then smiled.

He walked quickly to the side of the flower shop and hid in front of the store.

The cold rain was isolated like this, and every bit of warmth blended into the heart.


Feng Jianhe exhaled, and then he realized that he was soaked and his body was very cold.

"Thank you, young lady."

Kazama Tsuru turned his head to look at the lovely girl.

Ono Masako smiled shyly,"It was just a simple shout, it's not worth your thanks for it."

Kazama Tsuru smiled, his smile was gentle like a candle in a dark room, and he didn't say anything.

The two stood at the door of the flower shop, looking at the rain outside, in silence.

"Um... Sir, this is very offensive, but I am very curious, have you experienced anything?"

Ono Masako hesitated for a few seconds, but finally couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

Feng Jianhe's smile faded a little when he heard this.

"It can't be said that I experienced anything, it was just an ordinary day, I thought a lot, and then……"

He looked at the rain outside, paused, and interrupted the girl before she was about to apologize.

"Actually, it's fine. How about you? How is your life?"

Ono Masako was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"It's not that bad, but it's not that good either. We live our lives normally and look forward to a better future."

The two looked at each other for a moment.

It was like... they both had a bright future.

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