The way Feng Jianhe appeared was indeed scary enough.

As a result, everyone was attracted by his attention, even until now.

Even the few people chatting in the back have been paying attention to the situation in front.

This gave someone a good opportunity.

Pu Siqinglan quietly disappeared in the crowd, and then moved to the other side of the coffin in the darkness.

She didn't care about the body of the person who suddenly appeared, as long as she knew that this was a living person. She only cared about the egg of memory left by the Romanov dynasty, and the remaining half was obviously in this place.

This place is the end of the secret passage, empty, with only a pillar and the huge coffin.

Coincidentally, the coffin was open.

Pu Siqinglan, also known as Shi Kaobing, quietly went around to the other side of the coffin, half squatted, and stuck his head out.

The skeleton in the coffin was as expected, but what was unexpected was the egg in the skeleton's hand!

Shi Kaobing didn't think that the egg of memory was in the coffin, she just came to take a look.

If the coffin was closed, then the Egg of Memories was most likely inside, placed as a burial object.

But the coffin was open.

Regardless of whether the coffin was opened from the beginning because of some strange custom, or was opened later by later generations, or by tomb robbers, it was impossible for a valuable item to be left in such an open coffin.

Unexpectedly, an unintended consequence led to a great success.

When Shi Kaobing saw the egg he had been thinking about, his eyes immediately lit up, and he planned to reach out for it.

But just as she had the idea of reaching out, a flashlight shone over.

She had no choice but to give up the action and immediately squatted down and hid.

Feng Jianhe used a watch flashlight from Xiao Ai's hand to shine on the coffin.

He first shook the light up and down so that everyone could see the skeleton, and then focused the light directly on the skeleton's hand.

"I don't know who this skeleton belongs to, it doesn't look very tall."

The clerk thought.

"It should be the one who disappeared in the dynasty……"

Conan thought about it and came to a conclusion. He was about to explain it in detail when he saw the item in the bones' hand.

"Wait, this is it!"

At this moment, everyone, whether they were interested in this period of history or not, shut up.

The purpose of everyone coming here was to find the other half of the Egg of Memories, and now the purpose has been achieved.

Seeing this long-awaited egg appear in front of them in this way, everyone was stunned, and just stared at it with the light that Feng Jianhe shone over.

Feng Jianhe had no intention of participating in the communication. It was really tiring to gesture and guess what the other party meant.

He let the light stay for a while, and after making sure that the people behind him could see clearly what it was, he reached out to take it out.

When he was halfway through stretching his hand, he suddenly saw the black muzzle of the gun in front of him with his peripheral vision.

Feng Jianhe was startled, and immediately realized what was going on, and shouted.


The people behind didn't know what happened, but they were also shocked when they heard the voice.

Not only because of the sudden voice, but also because the person who spoke was Kazama Tsuru. They hadn't heard him speak since they saw him in the secret passage.

After seeing him and Conan gesticulating for a while, and listening to Conan's explanation, everyone basically had a guess in their hearts.

Kazama Tsuru might be unable to speak.

At this time, he suddenly shouted like this, which scared everyone.

"What's wrong?"

Someone asked in confusion, and then Conan shouted in an anxious tone

"It's the Scoobing! Everyone be careful!!"

Feng Jianhe not only shouted, he squatted down after seeing the muzzle of the gun, and did not forget to pull Conan and Xiao Ai next to him.

Conan did not see the situation clearly, but after a quick reasoning, he quickly came to a conclusion.

This secret passage was very safe all the way, it couldn't be a secret passage mechanism, so there was only one possibility.

The international killer who had been hiding among the crowd!!

"What? Scoobing?!"


Someone was about to ask in confusion, but the sound of gunfire interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"She has a gun! Be careful!"


Just after Conan gave the reminder, a bullet flew towards him.

No one is stupid, and they all know clearly that the person who speaks at this time will become the target of Scoobing.

For a moment, the whole secret passage fell silent.

Fengjianhe didn't feel any changes. He held his breath and carefully observed the situation around him.

In fact, it is best to use hearing at this time, but he couldn't hear anything. He could only guess that Scoobing should have fired a gun based on Conan's reaction next to him.

Fengjianhe thought about it and threw the flashlight to the side.

Then he watched the flashlight It was blown up in mid-air.

Conan reacted quickly after seeing this, and shouted for everyone to throw away the flashlights.

Then two more flashlights flew out from the side of the coffin, but Scott ignored them.

The two flashlights fell to the ground, made a loud noise, and then turned twice on the ground weakly.

When Conan shouted to throw away the flashlights, Kazama Kazuru stood up little by little.

Two flashlights flew out from behind him, fell, and turned in circles...

The rotating flashlights illuminated various parts of the secret passage in sequence.

Kazama Kazuru stared at the flashlight carefully, and in an instant, It felt like time was infinitely stretched out. The flashlight, which normally should take one or two seconds to turn around, seemed to take three or four seconds to turn halfway.

He didn't pay much attention to this change, but just kept staring at the light.

The entrance, the pillar, and then to... the other side of the coffin!


Feng Jianhe seized the opportunity and used his body skills to quickly dodge over. Before the flashlight turned to the next place, he was behind the half-crouching figure holding a pistol horizontally.

Shi Kaobing was startled, and saw a figure in front of him quickly flipping over from above the coffin.

The speed of the flip was so fast that she... There was no time to react at all, let alone raise the gun and aim!

But as an international killer, she was extremely experienced. Seeing that things were hopeless, she immediately threw away the pistol in her hand, turned around, and swept her legs.

Feng Jianhe dodged the attack sideways, quickly stepped forward and grabbed one of Shi Kaobing's hands, pressing her tightly against the coffin.

At this time, the second flashlight that was thrown out just stopped weakly, shining directly on the two people.

This series of actions may sound slow, but it only took one or two seconds. At this time, the other people present were still keeping their bodies down for fear of being shot.


Shi Kaobing finally couldn't help but yelled.

This sound, which seemed to be overwhelmed, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

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