"I'll tell you all the important things, and then... it's up to you what you plan to do."

Feng Jianhe was a little surprised. He didn't expect this to happen.

"I have never intended to tell you about this, it is just this little thing, but since you have found me, it is okay to tell you.

Igarashi Yang turned his head to look at Feng Jianzhe, and smiled at him again.

Feng Jianzhe was also infected by him and smiled.

"Since you didn't intend to make things clear, then what were you planning to do by following me?"

"It is the mission of the organization"

"Organizational mission?"

"It's okay to talk about it. You are qualified to know this. I just want to see if I can recruit Scoobing into the organization.

Of course, I don't plan to ask. After seeing her, I know that this person only has her Romanov dynasty and Rasputin in her heart. Even if she joins the organization, she will not be loyal."

"Don't even plan to test it?"

"No plan, the organization lacks everything, and the last thing it lacks is ordinary thugs."

Feng Jianzhe thought about the scale of the Black Organization and nodded.

Although this is a wine...water factory, there is really no shortage of grassroots people.

Speaking of which, his hearing seems to be getting worse and worse, and even hearing aids can't save it.

Igarashi's voice became more and more vague

"You are my direct subordinate in the organization, codenamed Sunshine, and I am an organizational cadre, codenamed Jundu. We don't have much to do.……"

Igarashi casually turned around and leaned against the railing while speaking the message, quietly scanning the entire corridor.

There was no place to install equipment, and no one was eavesdropping.

"I rarely assign you any tasks. Your task is to intersperse among the writers in this country, expand your fame, and then……"

Igarashi's voice finally became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely in Kazama Kazuru's ears.

Kazama Kazuru smiled and waited for a while. When it seemed that he had finished talking, he took off his hearing aid and patted his shoulder.

Kazama Kazuru saw Igarashi looking at him in confusion.

He could speak, but it was really uncomfortable to speak without hearing his own voice. He said a few words and then stopped talking.

After thinking about it, he changed to gestures.

He pointed to his ears and shook his head.

Simple and easy to understand.

Igarashi also understood it in seconds, and then stopped talking and gestured for a while.

Kazama Kazuru half guessed and half guessed that he really didn't understand what he was going to say, but reasoning...

Igarashi had been telling himself about his previous identity before. Now that he understands that he can't hear, this matter is not very urgent, so he won't talk about this.

Then according to common sense, it's about the next destination.

He knows that he doesn't like to go to the hospital, and he will only force himself to go there when it's really serious.

Now losing hearing... is it serious in Igarashi's eyes?

Kazama Kazuru looked at Igarashi Yang's expression. Although he was worried, he was not too nervous.

I have had all kinds of symptoms in front of me, and he should also know about the two times when my vision was blurred, so he would not be asking me to go to the hospital.

He pointed to the side... are there other members of the organization nearby?

No, I used to be a direct subordinate of Igarashi, a cadre in the organization, and loyalty is very high. Igarashi will never tell the organization about his"amnesia".

This will only lead to brainwashing, or even silence.

So he just said so much to me, because it is obvious that there are no other members of the organization nearby.

Ask me to meet up with Xiao Ai, Conan, Xiaolan and others?

Fengjianhe thought this was the most likely possibility.

He gestured a walking little man, then raised two fingers and made a"horn" on his head, and finally made an interrogative gesture.

Igarashi was stunned, and then he realized something in an instant.

Fengjianhe watched Igarashi laughing in this silent world, and he couldn't straighten his waist. It looked like he would have laughed to the ground if he hadn't held the railing next to him.

Fengjianhe:...Although Xiaolan's horns are indeed interesting, there is no need to laugh so exaggeratedly.……

╮( •́ω•̀ )╭

After a long time, he finally stopped laughing and nodded.

Kazama Kazuru thought about it, pulled the corner of his clothes, and then turned to walk towards the room that Xiaolan and others had entered.

The two chatted for a long time, but Xiaolan and others did not walk around very fast, and probably only visited two or three rooms.

If you keep looking like this, you will find it.

Then he felt that the corner of his clothes was pulled.

Kazama Kazuru turned around and gave a puzzled look.

Igarashi smiled and pointed to the depths of the corridor, turned around and walked away, waving his hand for Kazama Kazuru to follow. Kazama Kazuru was stunned and followed.

Igarashi knew... where Conan and the others were?

As a result, Igarashi took him to a room and walked straight in a direction, obviously with a goal.

Kazama Kazuru followed in confusion.

Then he saw Igarashi opened a secret passage on the ground.

He looked at it, walked down a few steps, and then waved his hand for Kazama Kazuru to follow.

Kazama Kazuru suddenly realized that he had opened the secret passage leading to the second egg of memories in the original work!

The password to open the secret passage is... the magician at the end of the century.

It is what was written on the letter that Kidd sent before.

The two walked down all the way, and the tunnel went down little by little, and finally there was no light from above.

In this dark and silent world, Kazama Kazuru felt more and more lonely.

It was like falling into the deep sea, unable to see, hear, touch, or smell.


A ray of light lit up in front.

Kazama Kazuru looked over and found that it was Igarashi who turned on the flashlight.

In this dark world, there was suddenly a ray of light.

Kazama Kazuru looked at Igarashi, turned around and smiled at him, and then continued to move forward.

He stepped up to follow and smiled too.

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