97 episodes

“It ended too easily.”

Director Lee Won-jin nodded and said at Kim Won-cheol’s words.

“That’s it.”

Won-jin Lee, who received instructions from Won-cheol Kim and contacted the union leader.

As Han Ji-hyeok, who has always shown weakness to the union, he thought that if he put the union ahead of him, he might be able to stop the delivery of the skeleton, so he even gave the chairman some money to make it happen.

The chairman himself came forward and overturned the argument he had made.

The situation ended when the chairman only lost his face.

“I can’t help it. Let’s find another way.”

The reason why Kim Won-cheol tried to interfere with Formi even by inviting the union was because he had a sense of crisis when Formi came with a service called garbage disposal that Bugs could not do, although he had been actively responding to it by introducing a robot system.

For Internet commerce companies, the emergence of irreplaceable services naturally leads to customer loyalty.

At that time, Director Wonjin Lee said with a smile.

“Isn’t the stock price going well lately?”

Kim Won-cheol said with a smile at those words.

“It is.”

Bugs, whose share fell slightly due to Formi, and its share price was also on a downward trend.

But recently, the stock price of such Bugs has been slowly rising again.

“It makes investors happy. However, I am a little worried because the reason for the rise is still unknown.”

A sudden rise in the stock price of Bugs, which had barely maintained a flat trend without any good news.

“Is there anything special? Basically, stock prices go up and down. Rather, this modest rise is a positive sign. It means people value the Bugs vision.”

“It is.”

“Anyway, the stock price is good and the funds are still available, so think about future measures…”

That’s when I was talking with Wonjin Lee.


An executive, whose face became white, said as he sprinted into the representative office.

“CEO! It was a big deal.”

Kim Won-cheol said with a firm expression.

“what happened. What else is Formi?”

“Ji-Hyeok Han declared hostile takeover to Bugs! We’re interviewing live on TV right now!”

At those words, Kim Won-cheol shouted with a shocked expression.

“What, what!?”

Kim Won-cheol hurriedly turns on the TV to check the breaking news.

-···As the synergy effect of the two companies currently holds the No. 1 market share, Formi also decided to take over in order to respond more actively.

Then Kim Won-cheol said with an absurd expression.

“What? Buying Bucks to counter the coalition?”

It’s a good word and it’s No. 1 in market share, but the union was in fact just a good-looking company that had no choice but to join forces after being hit by Bugs and Formy.

Therefore, of course, industry experts are expecting that all of the Bugs and Formy will be solidified into a two-way system, but suddenly announcing a hostile merger and acquisition here.

At that time, Woncheol Kim remembered what Wonjin Lee had said.

“The stock price rises for no reason… I guess you were buying and accumulating Bugs stock!?”

Declaring a hostile takeover means buying stocks and forcibly taking over the management of Bugs.

Of course, the moment the announcement is made, the stock price will skyrocket, so it was common for companies conducting hostile mergers and acquisitions to quietly buy stocks and then declare them later.

That said, the rise in stock prices so far is a phenomenon that occurred when Ji-hyeok Han secretly bought Bugs’ stock.

Kim Won-cheol shouted with a earnest face.

“Hey, you crazy bastard!”


The Bugs stock that Ceron has bought so far is 3% of the total.

Originally, you could quietly buy up to 5% of the disclosure obligation, but time was a problem.

Fortunately, Bugs’ stock price was falling, so it was easy to buy up to 3%, but because I bought too much, the stock price rose and the buying speed gradually slowed down.

Of course, if you buy slowly, you can buy while maintaining the stock price, but that would take too long, right?

So I just ran out.

As soon as I declared hostile mergers and acquisitions, the stock price of Bugs, which was just over 50,000 won, soared to 65,000 won in an instant.

“Why are you attempting a hostile takeover?”

I smiled and said to a reporter’s question.

“There is no way for CEO Won-cheol Kim to give up his management rights. So you have to force it. I have no intention of putting skeletons in a company that has no management rights.”

“Are you saying that once you take over Bugs, you’re going to put skeletons in Bugs as well?”

“of course.”

Wouldn’t investors be swayed by this level of shouting?

I would rather support Ceron rather than Kim Won-cheol if they think that it would be beneficial for them to take over the management of the Bugs.

The principle behind hostile mergers and acquisitions is simple.

Collect as much stock as possible and persuade shareholders to hold a general shareholders’ meeting with more than 50 percent of the support, and that’s it.

Anyway, war has been declared, and now it’s time to attack.

“Currently, the stock price of Bugs has risen to 65,000 won. We will make a public offer of 75,000 won for the next month.”

A tender offer, a public purchase of stock for a fixed period and amount, was the most common method used in hostile mergers and acquisitions.

At the same time, it was also a threat to the company management that I would lose this much.

“How much is the purchase quantity?”


Of course, a huge amount of money may be spent in this process.

Bugs is also a dinosaur company with a market capitalization of 35 trillion won, if not as much as Ceron.

However, whether the Bugs collapses according to my plan or they really absorb the Bugs, as long as they can dominate the Korean market, that amount of money is not at all wasted.

Right now, both the Bugs and Formy are investing in trillions to beat their opponents, and that’s about it.

Then the reporters gossip and talk to each other.

“The timing was really good. There is no way for the government to stop the 2nd and 3rd places coming together.”


“Of course. If Formi eats the Bugs here, won’t it rise to first place at once and form a second round with the alliance? Then the union will wither naturally? Then Formi will end up eating all of the Korean market.”

“Will the union collapse so easily? It’s pretty much number one right now.”

Then the reporter snorted and said.

“It’s a fake first place. Do you know what the share of the two companies was before they merged into a coalition? They were 25% and 22% respectively. In total, 47 percent. But what percentage is it now? 37 percent. It was 38% a while ago, but it dropped again. The alliance in the first place was not competitive against Formi and Bugs, so we had to merge them.


“The problem is that, in any case, it is true that the alliance has a high share, so even if Formi acquires Bugs, it is free from the monopoly problem. The alliance is still intact, so it can be argued that it is a two-way structure. And what if YEON promises not to take over, gulp Bugs, and then kill YEON? That’s it.”

At the reporter’s words, I nodded and thought.

‘Those who know the inside can see that. But anyway, it’s not a monopoly right now, is it?’

A golden opportunity to legally devour the Korean market completely.

If the acquisition was attempted after the collapse of the alliance, the Fair Trade Commission might cancel the acquisition itself, saying that there would be side effects from monopoly.

Anyway, since we have declared war, shall we start moving?


By declaring a tender offer, Seron began to buy stocks released in the market indefinitely.

Of course, this alone was not enough.

What is important is the persuasion of the major shareholders who currently hold Bugs’ stock.

“The harmony between Bugs’ robot system and skeleton delivery.”

Chairman Park Young-geon of CnT investment company said with bright eyes.

“It’s really exciting.”

CnT Investment Company is one of the major shareholders with a 4% stake in Bugs.

I said with a smile.

“Yes? With this combination, Bugs and Formy could quickly push back the alliance and dominate the Korean market. However, as I said during the announcement, I never put a skeleton in a company that has not even secured management rights.”

“You mean that you will have to put out a skeleton only after you get rid of CEO Won-cheol Kim.”

“It is correct.”

“It will not be easy. Representative Kim Won-cheol’s friendship stake is significant. I am one of those people.”

“That’s why I’m here to persuade you.”

I said with a relaxed expression.

“We are all entrepreneurs who run companies. And for entrepreneurs like us, the most important thing is profit, right? Didn’t CnT investment companies make significant gains with Bugs’ stock thanks to Ceron?”

Bugs’ stock surged after the announcement of a hostile takeover.

Naturally, a CnT investment company holding a large amount of Bugs’ stock could take huge profits.

Of course, you have to take it and sell it to make money, but it’s true that assets skyrocketed anyway.

“It is.”

“If Bugs and Formy work together, will it be over? CEO Woncheol Kim, you are definitely a great person. It’s because ordinary people created a company called Bugs and grew it up to this point. But that was before Ceron took over Formi. Will the Bugs be able to beat Formi and dominate the Korean market?”

Park Young-gun, who had been thinking about my words for a long time, said.

“When are you going to start?”

“As soon as we secure enough friendship stakes.”

Park Young-gun nodded and said.

“good. CnT investment company will support Seron.”

“haha! Well thought!”

So, after negotiating with Chairman Park Young-gun, I went out and immediately called Kim Deok-bae.

– Yes, Chairman.

“How did you persuade him?”

Kim Deok-bae, who went to see another investor, said in a confident voice.

– We will support you.

“thank you for your effort. So what percentage do we have now?”

-CnT investment companies are all 18%.

“I have collected quite a lot. This is CEO Woncheol Kim, would you like to ride some shit?”

A situation in which he bought stocks indiscriminately through a tender offer and at the same time persuaded investors who were his support base to be on his side.

So far, we are responding to investors at the level of thorough reading and management, but the more Seron’s friendly stake increases, the more Kim Won-cheol is in a predicament.

And people who are in a corner tend to make irrational numbers.

“We will hold an extraordinary general meeting soon.”

I said with a smirk.

“To line up our side, and to show off our strength.”


An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held at my request.

The agenda was the dismissal of the CEO.

The reason for his dismissal was that he caused Bugs’ financial troubles due to unreasonable investment, which was actually just an excuse.

“Come in, Chairman.”

I entered the general meeting room under the guidance of Park Young-geon, who was completely on my side.

Then I saw a man sitting in the front seat and not even turning his head.

Kim Won-cheol, the CEO of Bugs.

I will be angry and embarrassed.

Kim Won-cheol, the founder of Bugs, is the founder of Bugs himself, so he wouldn’t have even imagined a dispute over management rights.

‘Why are you touching me like that?’

If I hadn’t used the union, I would have just competed fairly and fairly as a business.

“Where is my seat?”

“It’s over there.”

How long has it been since I sat in the chair with the major shareholders who were on my side?

The facilitator stepped up to the stage and the general shareholders’ meeting began in earnest.

When the agenda was revealed and it was time for everyone to speak, a man raised his hand and went up to the stage.

Then, Park Young-geon whispered in my ear.

“This is Executive Director Lim. One of Kim Won-cheol’s close associates.”

“Is that so?”

Executive Director Lim, who rose to the podium like that, said.

“The reason for dismissal was financial deterioration due to excessive investment. But I would like to say first that this claim is completely unfounded. We, Bugs, have made a lot of investments to increase our market share, and now our profitability is improving.”

As a spokesperson for Won-cheol Kim, Executive Director Lim talks about the unfairness of this dismissal.

“…and also reiterate that the Bugs currently have a significant amount of free money in place and no financial troubles of concern.”

Then, looking back at the shareholders, Executive Vice President Lim said.

“Dear shareholders, we are in a serious crisis right now. Competitors Formi, or Ceron, declared hostile mergers and acquisitions and created this situation. Of course I understand. The harmony between the skeleton and the robot system can certainly create a great synergy. However!”

Lim said in a firm voice.

“Is that claim really true? It is highly doubtful that the intention was to take over our Bucks and destroy them from the inside out. Ladies and gentlemen, Bugs has never stopped growing until now. And that is the result of the blood and sweat of CEO Won-cheol Kim. Will Seron, who has nothing to do with these Bugs and whose intentions are questionable, can manage well? I don’t see it.”

Then he bowed his head and said.

“I sincerely ask for your support for CEO Won-cheol Kim.”

Executive Director Lim came down after his remarks.

The other side asserted the unfairness of this agenda, so this time it’s our turn.

After deciding to be on my side, Chairman Park Young-geon, who is the most active, raises his hand and rises to the podium.

“You mentioned sound finances, but where did those finances come from? It is the pockets of our investors. In return, we received a stake, but the question is how long do we have to bear this investment? From the endless deficit, now to the introduction of the robot system. Our funds are finite, but the Bugs are competing against an infinite skeleton of Seron. Will this fight ever end?”

Then, in earnest, Park Young-geon argues why Ceron should take over Bugs.

I looked at it and smiled.

“you’re good.”

When the other side insists on unfairness by promoting Kim Won-cheol’s representative one-man team, the Bugs, Park Young-geon increases his investment like an investor.

“Now we have to stabilize. I have invested 700 billion won in Bugs so far. Yes. Of course, as an early investor, I definitely benefited. But if Ceron hadn’t bought the stock, Bugs’ stock would have continued to fall, and it could have suffered a loss. So, wouldn’t it be appropriate to end it now?”

Park Young-gun said with a confident expression.

“There is only one way to end this endless fight. compromise right away. And I think this acquisition is part of that compromise. Seron and Bugs are joining forces to put an end to this pointless competition!”

Then the shareholders who turned to my side clapped and shouted.


“Now is the time to change!”

At the cry of such shareholders, the shareholders of Kim Won-cheol shout.

“These traitors!”

“Even if it was taken over by Seron, it would end up being treated like a Formi 2nd team, but what kind of compromise is that!”

Then my shareholders responded immediately.

“Then are you going to keep pouring money like this?”

“I’m going to exercise my rights, but you’re betraying me!”

It overheated for a while, but the host stepped in and managed to calm them down.

“Please calm down. The General Assembly is not over yet!”

After barely calming the shareholders, the host said.

“Then… Now, we will proceed with voting on the agenda for the dismissal of the CEO.”

The vote on the dismissal of the CEO of Bugs began as a result.

And the result is…

The moderator looked at the final number of votes and said.

“This proposal was rejected with a 37 percent approval rate.”

It was our defeat.

But our faces were so bright that even the losers couldn’t believe it.

“37 percent?”

“That high?”

On the other hand, Kim Won-cheol and his close associates’ expressions are…

“…37 percent? So much?”

“You crazy.”

It’s so embarrassing that even a winner can’t think of it.

That’s right, 37% was a much higher approval rate than I thought.

“I thought about 30 percent. Ohh.”

By convincing the major shareholders and buying the shares through a tender offer, I own a 25 percent stake.

If the votes of neutral shareholders were added to this, I thought it would be 30% at best, but a whopping 37% came out.

This means that a large number of neutral shareholders, possessed by the idea of a combination of a skeleton and a robot system, cast their votes for this place.

I turned my head to look at Kim Won-cheol with a pale complexion.

“Is it slowly coming? If you don’t do this, you may be kicked out of the representative position. Then you have to move. There is no need to buy back treasury stock and defend management rights.”

The more Kim Won-cheol pushes hard to defend his management rights, the more Bugs’ physical strength will drop sharply.

Then I just have to go and decide what to do with the Bucks.

I said with a bright smile.

“Let’s have some fun.”

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