Akutsu Junya stood on the roof, holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking forward expressionlessly.

Following his line of sight, one can see Kamishima Toshio with an angry face holding a wooden sword in his mouth, driving a motorcycle madly through the crowd, and then heading towards Akutsu Junya.

When the members of the Runaway Angels who were fighting with each other heard the roar of the motorcycle, they all stopped fighting with their opponents and dodged to the sides of the road, fearing that they would be hit by the crazy Kamishima Toshio on his bike.

""Give me the steel pipe."

Akutsu Junya exhaled a puff of smoke, lowered his head and said to the members of the headquarters company who were guarding him.

The member of the headquarters company standing at Akutsu Junya's feet was stunned at first, and then hurriedly handed the steel pipe in his hand to Akutsu Junya.

Akutsu Junya took the steel pipe, spit out the cigarette in his mouth, and looked at Kamishima Toshio who was getting closer and closer. When Kamishima Toshio was about to rush in front of him, he suddenly threw the steel pipe in his hand at Kamishima Toshio's head.

Kamishima Toshio, who had been watching Akutsu Junya, saw this and his pupils shrank���He quickly lowered his head and leaned over the motorcycle's fuel tank, then his hands unconsciously twisted the direction, and the motorcycle suddenly lost control, fell to one side and slid out. The sliding motorcycle hit a car on the side of the road, and the violent impact shattered the car's glass. The alarm sounded through the sky.

With blood on his forehead, Kamishima Toshio struggled to get up from the ground, picked up the wooden sword thrown aside, and looked at Akutsu Junya viciously.

"Ah, I thought that blow just now could kill you."

Akutsu Junya looked at Kamishima Toshio who got up, a trace of disappointment flashed across his face, and he shook his head and said. Kamishima

Toshio wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, stared at Akishima Junya fiercely, and said:"You are not dead yet! How could I die?!"

After that, Kamishima Junya took the wooden sword and slowly walked towards Akishima Junya.

Several members of the headquarters company who were guarding Akishima Junya hurriedly blocked Kamishima Junya's way forward, looking at Kamishima Junya fiercely.

Seeing this, Kamishima Junya's eyes flashed with a fierce look, pointed at Akishima Junya with a wooden sword, and shouted loudly:"Akutsu! Come down and fight us one on one if you have the guts!!" Akishima Junya squatted down slowly after hearing the words, squatted on the roof of the car, looked at Kamishima Junya with a look of a fool, and said:"Are you an idiot? Remember to go and see your head in your next life. Kill him!"


The six members of the headquarters company immediately raised their weapons and rushed towards Kamishima Toshio with a roar. Kamishima

Toshio cursed softly, then quickly raised his wooden sword to meet him.

To be the head of a branch in the huge team of more than a thousand people,

Kamishima Toshio still has certain strength.

Not long after, the six members of the headquarters company were knocked down one by one by Kamishima Toshio.

"Tsk! Trash."

After seeing his men being killed, Akutsu Junya showed a trace of disgust in his eyes and jumped down from the roof.

"Akutsu! It's your turn!!"

Kamijima Toshio shouted, and rushed towards Akutsu Junya waving a wooden sword.

Akutsu Junya, with disdain on his face, met him with bare hands, and then the two of them started fighting.

Kamijima Toshio and Akutsu Junya fought for a long time, and both sides suffered injuries.

But it was obvious that Akutsu Junya had the upper hand.

After a while, Akutsu Junya seized the opportunity and kicked Kamijima Toshio in the stomach, knocking Kamijima Toshio to the ground, and then kicked Kamijima Toshio in the stomach again like kicking a football, kicking Kamijima Toshio to slide on the ground for a while, and his back hit Kamijima Toshio's motorcycle heavily.

"Kamishima, you will always be a waste!"

Akutsu Junya sneered, turned his neck left and right, and said to Kamishima Toshio who was lying on the ground,"If you admit defeat now, I will spare you this time."

"It's still early! I didn't lose!"

Kamijima Toshio, who was lying on the ground, roared and tried to get up from the ground, but he failed after several attempts.

Akutsu Junya looked at Kamishima Toshio who was like a dead dog, snorted, turned his head to look at the battlefield, and after looking at the headquarters company that had completely gained the upper hand, he showed a smug smile.

"Kamijima, you lost. Not only did you lose, but the Inamura branch was also doomed!"

"Bastard! I didn't lose! When the black dragon comes, you'll be the one to die!"


Akutsu Junya bent down and picked up a steel pipe, walked in front of Kamijima Toshio, showed contempt on his face, and said:"Are you ready to die?"


"Boom boom boom!!!"

Before Kamishima Toshio could speak, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded from the direction where the Inamura branch came from.

Akutsu Junya and both parties in the melee were stunned and turned their heads involuntarily to look at the place where the sound came from.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a black flag fluttering in the wind.

A vivid black dragon hovered on the flag, showing its sharp claws to the world.

Following closely, there were motorcycles lined up in a row. The riders all wore white special forces uniforms and black masks on their faces. They were so dense that they blocked out the sky.

Dragon! Black dragon!

"Brothers!! Black Dragon has really come to support us!"

"Kill all the bastards from the headquarters company!!"

The dejected and beaten Inamura branch members were overjoyed when they saw the sudden appearance of the convoy, and shouted hysterically.

Several Inamura branch cadres who had been paddling around with their men also brightened up and quickly took out a piece of black cloth from their pockets and tied it around their right arms according to the pre-planned plan.

Their men followed suit, and soon there were more than 60 Inamura branch members with black cloth tied around their right arms.


The white steel torrent arrived in an instant, but the vanguard's speed remained unabated.

The leader was a burly man with long blue hair flying in the air.

""Black Dragon First Division!! Follow me and kill them!!"

Shiba Daishou showed a ferocious smile, his eyes flashing with bloodthirsty madness.

Large-scale melees like this rarely happened after Black Dragon occupied Tokyo's 13th District, and Shiba Daishou, who advocated violence, could no longer endure it.

Standing outside, the Inamura branch members with black cloth tied on their right arms hurriedly pushed the motorcycle that was in the way away, and then made way to let the Black Dragon troops into the battlefield.

Akutsu Junya looked at the Black Dragon who rushed into the battlefield without slowing down and crushed the members of the Runaway Angels. His face was extremely ugly.

"Kamishima Toshio! You can actually call the Black Dragon?!"

Akutsu Junya widened his eyes, looked at Kamishima Toshio on the ground in disbelief and shouted.

Kamishima Toshio raised his head with difficulty and looked at the battlefield, then grinned:"I am the brother of Chief Black Dragon!"

""Fuck you, brother!"

Akutsu Junya raised the steel pipe and hit Kamishima Toshio on the head in a rage, then threw the steel pipe away and ran away. What

Akutsu Junya didn't see was that after he left, a member of the Runaway Angels with long hair and a mask picked up the steel pipe that Akutsu Junya had thrown on the ground with his gloved right hand and walked towards Kamishima Toshio.

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