【After the construction of the two teams [Tokyo卐会] and [Black Dragon] was put on the right track, the Ninth Dragon God and the Six Little Strongmen no longer had so many complicated affairs to deal with.

They were young and exhausted after such a long period of preparation.

So, I don’t know who mentioned it first: I’m so tired! I really want to go hiking!

Immediately, this topic was put on the table by the seven people and treated as a serious matter.

After a heated discussion, the seven people set the goal of this hike to Kanagawa Prefecture, which is adjacent to Tokyo. Kanagawa Prefecture is part of the Tokyo metropolitan area, located 50 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, facing the Pacific Ocean.

The county is affected by the Pacific warm current, and the climate is warm and almost frost-free.

In this hot summer, going to the beach can not only surf and swim in the sea, but also enjoy the beautiful young ladies who are beautiful and delicious. It’s exciting to think about it.

As for which city in Kanagawa Prefecture to go to, everyone argued again.

Ryuguji Ken said he wanted to see the Yokohama Marine Tower in Yokohama City, because it is the tallest land lighthouse in the world. But he was unanimously resisted by everyone.

What is there to see in a broken lighthouse?

Isn't it nice to see the young lady in a swimsuit?!

In the end, it was the Ninth Dragon God who overcame all the opposition and decided to go to Kamakura City.

Kamakura is an ancient capital second only to Kyoto and Nara. In addition to the seaside that can meet the requirements of the six little strong men, there are also scenic spots such as Hasedera Temple, Hokokuji Temple, and Kotokuin Temple to visit.

The most important thing is that Kamakura High School is in Kamakura City!

In the previous life,"Slam Dunk" was popular all over the country. Which boy has not seen it?!

When the tram flashed by, the scene of Sakuragi Hanamichi and Haruko meeting each other was so classic!

So the Ninth Dragon God has always wanted to punch in front of Kamakura High School. Now that he lives again in this country, he naturally can't miss this opportunity!

At that time, wait for the Enoden to pass by at the"Kamakura High School Front" station to punch in and take a photo.

Then everyone took the Enoden Electric Railway, enjoying the sea scenery along the way to Enoshima in Fujisawa City.

After playing in Enoshima, they returned to Kamakura and rode motorcycles to eat some delicious food. It was a perfect hike!

The six little strong men didn’t have any ideas, especially Sano Manjiro, Hamiya Kazutora, and A Pa, who just wanted to go swimming in the sea and admire the young ladies, so the hiking plan of the Ninth Dragon God was approved by all members.

A few days after the plan was approved, on a Saturday morning, the seven people, wearing the black special attack uniforms of To卐, rode their respective bicycles, and drove onto the national highway together, speeding towards Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

When passing the coastal highway of Yokohama City, the seven people who rarely saw the sea were suddenly excited and shouted.

"The sea!!!"

"Wow! So cool!"

"The sea breeze is amazing!!!"

Ryuguji Ken was the first to rush forward, followed closely by Keisuke Chiji and Kazutora Hamiya. Mitani Takashi rode his motorcycle with A Pa carrying the East 卐 flag and followed behind the three.

A Pa looked at the backs of the three people in front of him, and when he felt that they were getting farther and farther away, he shouted to Mitani Takashi in dissatisfaction:"Hey! Drive faster!"

""You're too heavy, aren't you?! We can't go any faster!"

Mitani Takashi, who was annoyed about being A-Pa's driver, shouted angrily.

Then Mitani Takashi turned his head to look at the Ninth Dragon God who was still behind him, and shouted,"Hasn't that guy caught up yet?!" The

Ninth Dragon God, who had been looking back, heard Mitani Takashi's question and shouted,"No! I can't see him! Let A-Jian and the others stop! Wait for that idiot!!""


Mitani Takashi replied, stepped on the gas, and chased after the three people in front.

The Ninth Dragon God slowly pulled over, stopped the motorcycle, and turned his body to look back.

Not long after, a brisk"beep beep~" sounded, and

Sano Manjiro rode a small pedal motorcycle with a big"卐" printed on the front of the motorcycle slowly approached.

"I say! You are too slow!"

The Ninth Dragon God held his forehead with his hand and complained.

Everyone knew that Sano Manjiro didn't have a motorcycle yet, so it was decided from the beginning that someone would take him.

But after Sano Manjiro said that he already had a motorcycle and didn't need anyone to take him, everyone didn't pay much attention.

But when they set out this morning, everyone realized how unreliable this guy Sano Manjiro was!

When the rest of the people were riding motorcycles of more than 400CC on the road, only Sano Manjiro was riding a small pedal, hanging slowly at the back.

When the Ninth Dragon God complained about Sano Manjiro, the others who had run a long way turned around and came to the Ninth Dragon God.

Ryuguji Ken jumped off the motorcycle, pinched his waist and said to Sano Manjiro dissatisfiedly:"How long are you going to ride this scooter?! We have just arrived in Yokohama, and it is still a long way from Kamakura! You should throw away this pedal!"

After hearing what Ryuguji Ken said, Sano Manjiro immediately raised his chin proudly and said,"Are you looking down on my car?! This is the CB250T, 50CC model of the 'Eagle Maru'!"

Ryuguji Ken immediately retorted,"Huh?! No matter how you look at it, it's all Honda's DIO, right?!"

The Ninth Dragon God also grinned, and just as he was about to speak, he heard bursts of roaring motorcycle exhaust pipes.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look!"

"Huh? Really?!"

"There is actually a little guy wearing a special attack uniform and riding a scooter!"

"Tokyo 卐会? I've never heard of this group!"

A group of bikers wearing special attack uniforms and riding motorcycles stopped beside Jiu Shi Long Shen and his group.

The bikers showed mocking smiles on their faces and pointed at Sano Manjiro.

One of the bikers even shouted loudly:"Hey! Whose territory are you running on!"

"If you want to play house, go back home and play! Don't come to Yokohama!"


Sano Manjiro and the others' faces turned cold instantly, and they looked at the bikers expressionlessly.

But because they were out for a hike this time, they didn't want to easily conflict with others, so they suppressed their anger and didn't say a word.

But the Ninth Dragon God is not a person who will swallow his anger.

He got off the motorcycle, a grim smile on his face, moved his neck, and walked towards the other party. Seeing this,

Ryuguji Ken hurriedly shouted:"Dragon God! We still have to hurry!"

"Don't worry, it will be over soon."

The Ninth Dragon God waved his hand and said casually.

After hearing what the Ninth Dragon God said, the ten local Yokohama bikers burst into laughter.

"Haha! Is this kid looking down on us?!"

"It's a rare opportunity to meet each other, let's leave some deep memories for them!"

The Ninth Dragon God looked at the bikers who laughed at him, smiled brightly, and suddenly accelerated into the crowd.



Just as the Ninth Dragon God said, the battle ended quickly.

The ten bikers were covered in blood, lying on the ground with their motorcycles.

Some of the motorcycles were even seriously damaged and almost scrapped.

For the seven people, this incident was just a trivial episode.

After dealing with these garbage, everyone continued to rush towards Kamakura.

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