In fact, the Nine-headed Dragon Man is very disgusted with his identity as the young master of the Jidao family.

Because of this identity, no matter where he goes, he will always be criticized by passers-by.

Even in the academy, classmates from the same school and even classmates in the class avoid him.

The Dragon God is lonely and alone.

He obviously has a gentle heart, will not fight, and has never caused trouble.

Why do you hate me so much?

Whenever he wants to make friends with others and shows a friendly smile, he is often greeted with disgust and contempt.

He has been living like this for nearly a few years, until one day, a classmate named A Zheng in the class extended a hand of friendship to him.

From then on, he, the Nine-headed Dragon Man, is also a person with friends!

Not long ago, with the introduction of A Zheng, the Nine-headed Dragon Man met

Sanyuan Liangxing, the boss of his junior high school, Sanzhong.

With the addition of the Nine-headed Dragon Man, Sanyuan Liangxing became more confident.

The Nine-headed Dragon Man is not famous, but he is famous.���The person was the big brother he had never seen before, the son of the leader of the Thousand Samurai Society

, the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man, who swept the area with devilish power!

Afterwards, Sanyuan Liangxing, under the name of the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Man and the Thousand Samurai Society, conquered the junior high schools and many colleges near Sanzhong and established an organization called"Explosive Ape Madness".

Then he asked the bosses of other colleges who had been conquered to sell stickers with the name of"Explosive Ape Madness" printed on them, and extorted money wantonly.

But how could you make money with just some worthless stickers? Finally, this morning, one of the college bosses couldn't stand Sanyuan Liangxing's greed and started a resistance.

After being taught a lesson by Sanyuan Liangxing, this boss even threatened that if there was no Nine-Headed Divine Dragon Man, Sanyuan Liangxing would not even be considered dog shit!

Sanyuan Liangxing's face changed on the spot when he was touched by someone's sore spot.

Then he left the scene after saying that he wanted to meet the Nine-Headed Divine Dragon Man in the evening.

After school in the afternoon, Ah Zheng told Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan the time and place, and told him to go alone.

Although Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan was very scared and worried that he would be beaten to death, he still planned to keep the appointment on time.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan rushed out of the house and arrived at the agreed place on time.

The open space under the Sanchome viaduct.

It was late at night and there was no one here.

The breeze blew, making Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan shiver.

Although he is the son of a Yakuza boss, he has never had an argument with anyone.

Even fighting was something he learned from Maki overnight after joining the San Yuan Liang Xing group.

Up to now, his actual combat experience is zero.

Slight footsteps sounded behind Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan.

After hearing the movement, Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan hurriedly turned back, trying to smile, and said,"Brother San Yuan...



But suddenly a cold light flashed in the air, and the Nine-headed Dragon Man felt a pain on his face.

A wound appeared on the face of the Nine-headed Dragon Man, starting from the right eyebrow and spreading diagonally to under the left eye.

Blood gushed out, and the Nine-headed Dragon Man screamed in pain, squatting on the ground with his face covered.

A man wearing a black hood that only exposed his eyes and mouth stood in front of the Nine-headed Dragon Man, holding a wooden stick in his right hand and a paper cutter that was still dripping with blood in his left hand, staring at the wailing Nine-headed Dragon Man indifferently.

After the Nine-headed Dragon Man realized that there was someone in front of him, he just looked up and was hit on the head with a wooden stick by the masked man.



After saying that, he continued to raise the stick, swinging it harder and harder at the Nine-headed Dragon Man.

But the Nine-headed Dragon Man was shocked.

He was familiar with the masked man's voice!

A surge of power suddenly surged out of the Nine-headed Dragon Man's body. He sat up suddenly, stretched out his left hand to grab the masked man's right wrist, and stood up. He stretched out his left hand, grabbed the masked man's hood and threw it upwards.

Seeing the masked man revealing his true face, the Nine-headed Dragon Man's pupils suddenly dilated.

"Ah Zheng?! It's you! Are you kidding me? Did San Yuan order you to do this?"

Looking at his friend, the Nine-headed Dragon Man showed a puzzled look on his face.

Suddenly exposed, Ah Zheng was panicked for a moment, then calmed down. After hearing the Nine-headed Dragon Man's question, he replied expressionlessly:"No, I came here on my own. San Yuan asked you to come in an hour."

"Eh? Why?……"

"So annoying! Bastard! The real purpose of Brother Sanyuan calling you out today is not to teach you a lesson. It is to unify everyone's voice and make you bow down to you, so that you can become the leader in public!"

Ah Zheng said here, his expression began to become ferocious:"I have always admired that man and decided to follow his back all the way! Who do you think you are! Why should I follow you!!"

"Are you kidding me?"

The Nine-headed Dragon Man said in a daze. Then he raised his head and looked at Ah Zheng. He forced a smile on his bloody face and continued,"We, aren't we friends? Aren't we brothers? Why?……"

"Laugh at your ass! I've always felt sick at your smile! Approaching you is the mission that Brother Sanyuan gave me! I'm just using you! The son of Jidao is only of this kind of use! Scum!!!"

These words, like heavy bombs, exploded wildly in the heart of the Nine-headed Dragon Man.

All the past events also came to his mind one by one.

"You must know how to refuse the use of others!"This is the education of Maki

"Did you see it? The son of the Yakuza~ How disgusting!"This is the disgust of passers-by.

"I really gave birth to a disgusting child!"This is a complaint my mother once made.

"You really look like me, Long Nan."This is the compliment his father once gave him.

At this moment, all these past memories came to his mind and turned into something called"power".


The nine-headed dragon man suddenly threw an uppercut, hitting Ah Zheng's chin hard.

Ah Zheng was instantly hit hard, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person jumped up from the ground.

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