In the duel between Fengxian and Linglan, Linglan won as expected.

Afterwards, the Ninth Ryujin met with Serizawa Tamao alone. Outsiders did not know what they talked about, but the Ninth Ryujin was in a particularly good mood. After taking the six little strong men for a tour in Toaruru, he returned to Tokyo.

The weather in Tokyo was bright and sunny in early spring, and the air gradually began to emit a faint fragrance of cherry blossoms. In a blink of an eye, the Ninth Ryujin entered the third grade of junior high school.

During this period of time, the Ninth Ryujin always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he could not figure out what it was.

Until this day, the Ninth Ryujin and Ryuguuji Ken were staying in a coffee shop in Shibuya, spending a beautiful afternoon bored.

"I've been so idle lately~"

The Ninth Dragon God leaned back and said with some boredom.

Hearing this, Ryuguji Ken grinned and said,"Why? Isn't it good to have some free time? Now most of Tokyo is under the control of Wanshi, no team would dare to mess with us."

"That's why it's so boring!"

The Ninth Dragon God rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

Since the defeat of the Zhongjing Alliance last year, the Wanshi Empire has officially risen. The General Ninth Dragon God appointed the two brothers Jiu Tou Shen Hu Nan and Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan as pioneers. Because Tokyo has two teams under the General Ninth Dragon God, Tokyo is set as the headquarters.

The Jiu Tou Shen brothers can only lead the Wanshi Empire to continuously launch wars against other forces. Under the overwhelming offensive of the Wanshi Empire, the surrounding forces have raised the white flag to the Wanshi Empire. The

Wanshi Empire has been growing like a snowball during this period, and branches have been established one after another. They became the largest and strongest biker gang in Sakurajima.

The Tokyo 卐会 was integrated into the Manshi as a whole, but it is independent and is usually managed by the deputy chief Sano Manjiro.

Ryuguuji Ken was changed to the captain of the Tokyo 卐 guards, always by the side of the Ninth Ryujin to take orders.

The biggest trump card in the hand of the Ninth Ryujin, the Black Dragon, is completely independent and has not been incorporated into the Manshi.

Recently, under the order of the Ninth Ryujin, he secretly supported Marumo Taiji's offensive against Saitama Prefecture.

The cadres under him are now busier than each other, except for the Ninth Ryujin and Ryuguuji Ken who have completely become idle people. Every day, apart from eating, drinking and having fun, they are idle and dazed.

"Ajian, let's have some fun! I'm so bored!!"

The Ninth Dragon God scratched his hair, his face full of impatience.

Although the cadres worked hard and loyally and reliably in accordance with the orders of the Ninth Dragon God, the Ninth Dragon God suddenly became idle and felt a little uncomfortable.

Even if such a life is the only way for the Ninth Dragon God to move towards the top boss, it is undoubtedly a torment for a boy who is just fifteen years old.

The nature of teenagers is lively and active. Few teenagers can hardly bear loneliness, unless they are otakus who have the company of many wives such as Asuna and Toosaka Rin...

But the Ninth Dragon God is not an otaku, he is a bloody and bad boy. He always feels a little uncomfortable with the peaceful life like now.

Ryugu Temple Jian took a sip of the drink, looked at the Ninth Dragon God with an irritable face, raised the corner of his mouth, grinned and said:"In this case, I remembered one thing"

"What's going on?! Is it fun?!"

The Ninth Dragon God's eyes lit up instantly when he heard this, and he leaned on the table, staring straight at Ryuguji Ken.

Ryuguji Ken didn't keep the secret and said directly:"A few days ago, I seemed to have heard from the third team's ah-pai that someone in their team seemed to be doing a 'gambling fight' recently. Are you interested in going to see it?"

The third team's ah-pai?

The Ninth Dragon God blinked his eyes and thought for a few seconds before remembering who it was.

There was no way. The Ninth Dragon God had many teams under his command, and there were dozens of cadres. It was difficult to remember the names of some unknown and low-ranking people.

The third team that Ryuguji Ken mentioned was the third team under the East 卐.

And ah-pai, whose full name is Lin Liangping, is the vice captain of the East 卐 third team.

The third team... gambling fight...

Shibuya Sanzhong... Shimizu Masaki...!!

I remembered it!!

The eyes of the Ninth Dragon God gleamed, he finally remembered what he had forgotten.

Or rather someone!

That was the protagonist of the original"Tokyo 卐 Avengers", the weakling who kept traveling through the past and the future, Hanagaki Takeshi!

In the original work, Hanagaki Takeshi met Sano Manjiro in a gambling fight, and then there was a subsequent story.

The Ninth Dragon God slapped his forehead in frustration when he thought that he had actually forgotten about this guy Hanagaki Takeshi.

The Ninth Dragon God was annoyed for a while, and suddenly thought of something, stood up, and said to Ryuguuji Ken with a gloomy face:"Let's go! Let's go now!"

After saying that, he didn't care about Ryuguji Ken's reaction and walked directly towards the door of the coffee shop.

Ryuguji Ken stared, not understanding why the Ninth Dragon God suddenly reacted so strongly, but he could only take out his wallet with full of doubts, take out a few banknotes and throw them on the table, and hurriedly followed.

Because he knew that the gambling location was in a small park near Shibuya Sanzhong, the Ninth Dragon God didn't wait for Ryuguji Ken. After leaving the coffee shop, he got on his motorcycle directly, inserted the key and started the ignition. When Ryuguji Ken just walked out of the door, he turned the accelerator and drove away.

"Ahhh! What on earth just happened!!"

Ryuguji Ken was confused and scratched his head in annoyance, but the Ninth Dragon God had already gone far away. He could only ride his motorcycle while contacting the deputy captain of the personal guard under his command, asking him to lead people to the small garden near Shibuya Sanzhong. He also called the captain of the East 卐 Third Division, Hayashida Haruki, also known as A Pa.

Although A Pa's brain was not working well, he immediately realized that the Ninth Dragon God might be angry when he learned that his face turned very ugly because he knew that someone in his team organized a"gambling fight". So

A Pa did not notify the person in charge of organizing the"gambling fight", and hurriedly called himself The deputy captain, bah, and then took some people from the third team and hurried to the gambling location.

Because of the look on the face of the Ninth Dragon God, Dong 卐 immediately became a mess. This is the majesty of the Ninth Dragon God now.

As the team grew and the Ninth Dragon God became more and more powerful, except for a few people, the rest of the six strong men in Dong 卐 became more and more afraid of the Ninth Dragon God.

They also slowly raised the status of the Ninth Dragon God in their hearts from a brother to an untouchable and unblasphemous leader.

And this is exactly why the Ninth Dragon God did not want to serve as the chief of Dong 卐 at the beginning.

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