As time went by, fewer and fewer people were still able to swing their fists on the battlefield.

Except for a few cadres, more than half of the soldiers on both sides were lying on the ground, gasping for breath, their muscles aching and sore, and they didn't even have the strength to sit up.

At this time, the duel between Serizawa Tamao and Narumi Taiga became the key to this war.

"Serizawa!! Kill him!!"

"If you win! I will treat you to a month of feasts!!!"

The miserable Mikami brothers supported each other and limped over from the side, shouting at Serizawa Tamao with a completely unrecognizable face.

After hearing about the month of feasts, Serizawa Tamao's eyes lit up and he began to get excited.


Serizawa Tamao's face flushed, he roared in excitement, and rushed towards Ming Hai Daiga

"Hey, hey, hey! Do you have to be so excited?!"

Ming Hai Daiwo showed an exaggerated look on his face, and waved his hands at Serizawa Tamao.

Is this guy so poor?!

Can a month's feast make him so excited?

If I say I will treat him to three months of feasts, will he fight a fake fight??

Ming Hai Daiwo's thoughts were uncontrollably wandering, so much so that when Serizawa Tamao rushed in front of him, he didn't even react.

Serizawa Tamao didn't care why Ming Hai Daiwo was standing there stupidly. For him, a month's feast was simply a huge temptation.

Serizawa Tamao rushed in front of Ming Hai Daiwo and quickly raised his right fist, and a heavy punch hit Ming Hai Daiwo's face with great force, causing Ming Hai Daiwo's head to tilt, and the whole person staggered to the side and walked out a few steps.


"Fuck him!!"


The surrounding Suzuran delinquents were instantly excited, and they shouted loudly with excited expressions, as if the punch was thrown by them.


"Ming Hai is big!! Asshole! Are you asleep?!"

"Cheer up!!!"

The Fengxian cadres who had just gathered around, although covered in wounds and having difficulty breathing, were immediately furious when they saw Narumi Daiga, who was stunned and sent flying by Serizawa Tamao's punch, and shouted in exasperation.

Although they conquered Narumi Daiga and acknowledged that Narumi Daiga was the boss of Fengxian, it did not mean that they would necessarily be servile in front of Narumi Daiga.

Regardless of whether it was a bad group or a biker gang, in most cases, the relationship between the cadres and the captain or general manager was more like that of brothers, without the obvious sense of distance between superiors and subordinates.

The main reason why the teams under the Nine-generation Dragon God were particularly respectful to the Nine-generation Dragon God was because of the Nine-generation Dragon God's own personality.

and strength, as well as the terrifying Yakuza background behind the Ninth Dragon God.

The two modes of getting along each have their own advantages and cannot be compared.

If the Ninth Dragon God just wanted to be a simple bad boy, then his current mode of getting along with the Black Dragon cadres would have some problems, but for the Ninth Dragon God, the Black Dragon is the key force for his future entry into the Yakuza, so naturally he has to fix the class from the beginning, otherwise there will be trouble in the future.

Ming Hai Daiga shook his head, letting his somewhat heavy thoughts gather, and then raised his eyes and grinned at the angry Fengxian cadres on the side.

After laughing, Ming Hai Daiga glanced at Serizawa Tamao who was standing in the same place, raised his head and roared:"Serizawa!!"Then he took a step forward and rushed over.

Serizawa Tamao, with a sad face, still had no expression on his face, and his eyes seemed to be about to close at any time, and he could fall asleep when no one was paying attention.

In the blink of an eye, Ming Hai Daiwo rushed to Serizawa Tamao, swung his fist quickly, and hit Serizawa Tamao. Although Serizawa Tamao looked like he was about to fall asleep, his hands did not slow down at all, and he swung his fist at Ming Hai Daiwo just as quickly.

The two iron-blooded men who carried the honor of their respective academies faced each other and started a round-based fight without dodging or evading.

You punched me and I punched you.

Every punch hit the flesh and every punch drew blood.

Blood splattered on the faces of the two men, and in a moment, the two men became unrecognizable.

At this moment, blood seemed to be splattered desperately as if it was free.

Serizawa Tamao and Ming Hai Daiwo violently hammered each other, and it was really exciting to watch. The crowd watching the fight were all terrified.

Most of the six young warriors standing on the high ground showed puzzled expressions, not understanding why these two people could have an easier or more skillful way of fighting, but chose to fight so brutally. The

Ninth Dragon God held his breath and looked at the two people fighting each other, his heart seemed to be pressed by a heavy stone slab and he was a little breathless.

Because of his identity, he might rarely encounter such desperate and wanton fights in the future, so looking at Ming Hai Daiga and Serizawa Tamao who were bleeding, the Ninth Dragon God had a yearning but not envy.

On the open ground, as the time of fighting passed bit by bit,

Ming Hai Daiga and Serizawa Tamao began to become bruised and breathless, but the two still gritted their teeth and swung their fists at each other with all their strength.


The two men's fists hit each other's face again. A muffled sound erupted when the fists hit the skin.

This time, both men wailed and fell heavily to the ground.

But before the crowd could exclaim, the two men struggled to slowly get up from the ground, their chests heaving violently, and they gasped heavily.



Tamao Serizawa and Daigo Narumi roared, kicked their feet, and the mud splashed everywhere.

The two men quickly collided with each other again, opened their arms left and right, and hit each other in the face like a cannonball. After Daigo Narumi took four or five punches from Tamao Serizawa, he felt that his resistance to blows was about to reach the limit, so he suddenly changed direction and hit Tamao Serizawa's abdomen with an uppercut.

Although Tamao Serizawa was punching selflessly, his mind was always on Daigo Narumi. The moment Daigo Narumi changed his moves, he quickly guessed Daigo Narumi's thoughts. Tamao Serizawa slipped, and the whole person turned sideways to face Daigo Narumi. He slapped Daigo Narumi's hook punch with his right hand, and swung out his left elbow and head at the same time, hitting Daigo Narumi's upper body and face heavily.


Ming Hai Dawo screamed, and the whole person fell backwards involuntarily.

After falling to the ground, he even rolled back three or four times, and then lay on the ground.

Serizawa Tamao, who was already breathing rapidly, became even more confused after using a headbutt.

He only felt his brain buzzing non-stop, and stood there without taking advantage of the situation to pursue.

"Ming Hai?!!"

"Stand up!!"

"Did you win?!"

"Ming Hai was killed?!"

The bad guys of Fengxian and Linglan around the two people had different expressions, and they shouted out the words that they were concerned about. They didn't dare to breathe, their fists were clenched, and their hearts in their chests began to beat non-stop.

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