The Ninth Dragon God stood on the high ground, his eyes like torches, looking at the melee below with his mind fluctuating.

The generation of Serizawa Tamao is a typical hot-blooded delinquent, adhering to fairness and justice, and relying on a pair of fists to write their own hot-blooded legends.

This is what the Ninth Dragon God's generation of delinquents lacks.

Not to mention the distant past, just say the six little strong men around him, each one is more ruthless and ruthless than the other.

Although Sano Manjiro always looks harmless on weekdays, he will definitely not hesitate to attack at a critical moment.

Not to mention the smiling tiger Yumiya Ichitora, this is even more ruthless, a guy who will break other people's hands and feet at any time.

So unlike Serizawa Tamao's generation, the Ninth Dragon God's generation is obviously more brutal.

If the Ninth Dragon God was a pure delinquent boy, he might feel uncomfortable with the behavior of Yumiya Ichitora and others, but the Ninth Dragon God is not a simple delinquent. Being a delinquent boy is just a preparation for the Ninth Dragon God to pave his future life.

Sakurajima is a country that pays great attention to one's origin. Sometimes, one's social status is determined when one is born.

So when the Ninth Dragon God learned that his father was a gangster, he had no choice but to accept and get used to it quickly.

When the Ninth Dragon God got used to the identity of a gangster, his mentality gradually changed.

The Ninth Dragon God has become more and more like a superior, and no longer like those heroes who have no foundation and need to conquer the world with their bare hands.

As a second generation who will inherit the huge gangster empire sooner or later, the Ninth Dragon God himself does not actually need to have high military power. What he needs to learn is how to control his subordinates and know how to use people well.

In this regard, the Ninth Dragon God is still a little immature. He still relies on absolute force to conquer the strong man he likes.

But for young bad boys, sometimes you can get absolute loyalty by conquering him with force far more than conquering him with money and power.

Therefore, in the current stage of the Ninth Dragon God and the subsequent development of the university, he still needs to maintain the current strategy until the Ninth Dragon God graduates from the university and plans to truly enter the extreme path. The huge power and money will become two magical weapons in the hands of the Ninth Dragon God.

Just as the Ninth Dragon God was looking at the melee below and his thoughts were flying, the situation below began to slowly change.

A Fengxian cadre with a ramen head kept shuttling among the black crows. Whether he was punching or kicking, he could always easily take one person away.

"Who is that guy?"

Ryuguji Ken who noticed this scene asked Akutsutsu. Upon hearing this, Akutsutsu hurriedly looked over, a trace of indignation suddenly appeared on his face, and he said sourly:"That guy is Yukiri Rikiya, he is a master at picking up girls! My house is not far from his house, I often see beautiful girls sending him home! How can this be correct! I, Akutsutsu, am obviously very handsome, why are there no beautiful girls who take the initiative to pursue me!!"

Ryuguji Ken turned his head to look at the little black fat man who hated the injustice of heaven. The corner of his eye twitched slightly, and he resisted the urge to kick Akutsutsu off the high ground.

In the melee, Yukiri Rikiya had an inexplicable excitement on his face. As the pleasure of punching became stronger and stronger, the long-lost heat in his heart began to burn his silent heart.

Two years ago, when Yukiri Rikiya was a freshman in high school, he participated in the big melee between Fengxian and Suzuran. In that melee, Fengxian's recognized big brother, the unparalleled Mito Makio, instantly killed more than 20 Suzuran's bad guys as soon as he appeared, and the situation suddenly tilted towards Fengxian.

As a result, Mito Makio was stabbed in the abdomen by a leader of Suzuran with a dagger, and died after failed rescue.

Because someone was stabbed, the melee between the two sides naturally ended, and there was no mood to fight anymore.

Yukiri Rikiya, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was even more shocked afterwards. He had a psychological shadow and became somewhat afraid of fighting. He drank and had fun all day long, and lived in the land of comfort.

Not long ago, in order to unify Fengxian, Narumi Daiga subdued the third-year cadres of Fengxian who were fighting for themselves. This pulled Yukiri Rikiya out of the land of comfort and rekindled his fighting spirit.

Today's battle is not so much about killing Suzuran as it is about the two schools continuing the unfinished war of the year.

Yukiri Rikiya, who was sweating profusely, broke the arm of a member of the Suzuran Corps with his backhand, then kicked the man to the ground with one foot, and roared excitedly with his head raised. Tatsukawa

Tokisei, who was still wearing a white protective headgear on his head, was not far away from Yukiri Rikiya. After hearing Yukiri Rikiya's roar, he turned his head and saw the Suzuran Delinquent with his arm in a reversed state at Yukiri Rikiya's feet.

Tatsukawa Tokisei immediately knocked down the bald man in front of him, walked towards Yukiri Rikiya with his eyes blazing, and shouted at the same time:"Hey! Yukiri!! Too much!!"


After venting the pent-up anger in his heart, Yukiri Rikiya snorted and turned his body to hook his finger towards Tatsukawa Tokisei. Tatsukawa Tokisei tilted his neck, making a cracking sound, then shook his hands and ran towards Yukiri Rikiya.

Both of them threw punches at each other's face at the same time.


After a muffled sound, the two men took a step back, with a trace of blood flowing from the corners of their mouths. Yukiri Rikiya showed an excited smile, stretched out his tongue to lick the blood from the corners of his mouth, raised the corners of his mouth high, and rushed forward again. After rushing in front of Tatsukawa Tokisei, he quickly raised his fist and punched Tatsukawa Tokisei on the left cheek.

Tatsukawa Tokisei staggered after being hit, and his left cheek quickly became red and swollen.

As Tatsukawa Tokisei, who is at the level of Serizawa Tamao's right-hand man, would definitely not be like this if he was in normal state.

But he had just had a brain surgery not long ago, and his recuperation was only over two days ago.

If he hadn't insisted on participating in this fight, Serizawa Tamao would not call Tatsukawa Tokio at all.

But Yukiri Rikiya didn't care whether Tatsukawa Tokio had undergone surgery or not. He just kept moving, raised his leg and hit Tatsukawa Tokio's left waist with a side whip kick, kicking Tatsukawa Tokio out. Then he moved his feet and quickly chased after him.

Tatsukawa Tokio staggered a few steps to the right, and saw Yukiri Rikiya following closely from the corner of his eye. He turned around and kicked out. The kick hit

Yukiri Rikiya's abdomen, kicking Yukiri Rikiya back a few steps.

Tatsukawa Tokio seized the opportunity, jogged, then jumped up, kicked out with his left foot, and hit Yukiri Rikiya in the face.


Yukiri Riya groaned, and the whole person was kicked out and fell heavily to the ground.

Two streams of blood flowed slowly from Yukiri Riya's nostrils. Feeling the burning sensation and warm liquid from his nose, Yukiri Riya's eyes condensed, he got up from the ground, and reached out to wipe the blood from under his nose.

"You are dead!!"

Xiongqi Liya cursed and quickly rushed towards Chenchuan Shisheng again. He threw a right swing punch at Chenchuan Shisheng's left arm. Chenchuan Shisheng instantly felt his left arm go numb and he couldn't use any strength. Chenchuan Shisheng, whose arm was numb, quickly stepped back, switched his supporting legs, raised his right foot suddenly, and kicked out with a whip kick. Xiongqi Liya quickly protected his head with his arms to block the attack. Chenchuan

Shisheng took the opportunity to step forward, swung his right fist, and punched Xiongqi Liya on both arms.

Then Chenchuan Shisheng kicked Xiongqi Liya with another right whip kick. Xiongqi Liya immediately Ma suddenly lowered his body, dodged Chen Chuan Shisheng's kick, and threw a right hook, hitting Chen Chuan Shisheng on the chin.

Chen Chuan Shisheng felt his brain go blank, and he stepped back involuntarily, but he subconsciously kicked out another kick.

How could a kick that lost its accuracy hit Xiong Qi Li Ya? Xiong Qi Li

Ya did not dodge at all, and quickly approached Chen Chuan Shisheng, punching Chen Chuan Shisheng hard on the head. Chen Chuan Shisheng, who was hit hard on the head, spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body softened, and he fell to the ground, his eyes closed, and he fainted.

""Phew! This guy is more difficult to deal with than before!"

Looking at Tatsukawa Tokisei who fell to the ground, Yukiri Rikiya held his knees with both hands, gasping for breath. In the melee in the first year of high school, Yukiri Rikiya had fought with Tatsukawa Tokisei, but before they could decide the winner, that incident happened.

After many years, Yukiri Rikiya and Tatsukawa Tokisei finally completed the unfinished duel of that year. Ming Hai

Daiga, who came out from nowhere, showed a mouthful of white teeth, clapped his hands, walked to Yukiri Rikiya, and said with a teasing face:"Pa pa pa, good job! Bear! It seems that women don't make you a waste!"

Before Yukiri Rikiya could reply, a roar sounded instantly

"Shisheng!!! Bastard!!! Do you know that he just had a brain surgery!!!���

Serizawa Tama, like a lion, was furious. He raised his fist and punched the bald man who blocked his way away. He strode towards him angrily.

"Ah, it seems that now is the time for the ultimate showdown."

Murakami Daiga looked at Serizawa Tamao who was approaching, raised the corner of his mouth, and said to himself.

Then Narumi Daiga turned his head to Yukiri Rikiya and said,"Go play with the little guys of Suzuran. This angry lion is my prey."

Yukiri Rikiya felt guilty because of Serizawa Tamao's words. He really didn't know that Tatsukawa Tokisei had undergone brain surgery, otherwise he would never have hit Tatsukawa Tokisei's head with such a heavy fist. After hearing what Narumi Daiga said, Yukiri Rikiya first glanced at Narumi Daiga, then squatted down and helped the unconscious Tatsukawa Tokisei up, and said,"Tsk, I'm not interested in those guys anymore. I'll go take this idiot to the hospital."

At this time, Serizawa Tamao had also walked over. After hearing what Yukiri Rikiya said, the anger in his eyes subsided a little, and then he watched Yukiri Rikiya supporting Tatsukawa Tokisei and walking out of the field.

""Pah, pah, okay, it's our time now!"

Narumi Daiga clapped his hands, drawing Serizawa Tamao's attention back, and grinned.

Hearing this, Serizawa Tamao looked at Narumi Daiga, and the anger on his face turned into his usual indifference.

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