Amid the noise, exclamations and discussions, a group of bad guys in black uniforms lined up, shoulder to shoulder, and strode out from the walkway in the forest on the right. Their unruly looks, different hairstyles, and heavy black uniforms made it easy to recognize their origins.

Toari's famous Crow High School - Suzuran!

The leader had sad eyebrows, dishevelled hair and untidy beard. Although he looked unkempt, no one dared to underestimate him.

Serizawa Tamao's name is not limited to the bad groups in high schools. Everyone in Toari knows the street thugs and bikers of all sizes.

On Serizawa Tamao's right hand were all the senior officers of the Serizawa Corps.

Toki Yuji, Tatsukawa Tokisei, the Mikami brothers, and Tsutsumoto Masaharu.

The guy with pigtails walking on the left hand side of Serizawa Tamao, who was as arrogant as a 2.58 million, was the culprit of the war between Fengxian and Suzuran - Takiya Genji.

On the left hand side of Takiya Genji were all the senior officers of GPS.

Izaki Shun, Makise Takashi and Tamura Chuta.

Behind the officers were the combined forces of more than 200 people from both sides.

Although it was a big melee between the two schools, the third-year main force of each school was still participating in the decisive battle.

Fengxian could mobilize the entire school, but Suzuran could not do that. Although

Serizawa Tamao could be said to be the overlord of Suzuran now, the three classes led by Takiya Genji, the second-year students and even the first-year students did not recognize Serizawa Tamao as the top of Suzuran.

Fengxian's Narumi Daigo was a real man, a man who valued fairness and honor, and looked down on those who defiled the battle the most.

So when the army of bald men wearing gray-white uniforms that could reflect sunlight appeared, the number of people was also fixed at around 200.

It was obvious that Ming Haida was fair and only brought the third-year students of Fengxian to participate in the battle.

Compared with the loose and different-looking Lily of the Valley Crow Army, the neat and uniform Fengxian Army instantly suppressed all the forces present from the formation.

In the entire open space, the Fengxian Army was like the brightest star, shining so brightly that no one could look directly at it.

The six little strong men on the high ground held their breath and concentrated their attention at the moment Fengxian appeared, with serious expressions on their faces.

Although the six little strong men and others were young at this time, they were in charge of a squad and had insights into management and discipline that exceeded their peers.

Is Lily of the Valley strong?

Very strong, but not strong.

The strength of an individual is not that strong unless he can sweep away thousands of troops like the Ninth Dragon God.

But the strength of a group is the real strength.

A disciplined, well-organized, and well-coordinated army is the real fear.

Even if the individual strength of this army is average or even weak, it can still deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

Fengxian's bald army is undoubtedly such a disciplined army.

After noticing the reaction of the six little strong men, the Ninth Dragon God raised his mouth slightly and asked,"What do you think? Which of these two universities do you think is stronger?"


The six little strong men answered in unison.

Akutsutsu, who was sandwiched in the middle, raised his eyebrows and looked unhappy.

Hey! What do you mean, you little brats? You actually look down on our Suzuran in front of me, a student of Suzuran?!

Akutsutsu immediately said unconvincedly:"Hey, hey, hey! It is obvious that our Suzuran is stronger, right? We have Serizawa Tamao, the king of all beasts, and Hayashida Kei, the top of Toaru. The third grader Takiya Genji is also very strong. The second grade also has Bando Hideto, one of the four kings of the armed front. No matter how you look at it, our Suzuran is the most powerful!!"

The six young warriors were not familiar with any of the names mentioned by Akutsutsuta, so they naturally could not make a correct judgment, but they judged the strength of the two schools based on their momentum and discipline.

Although the six young warriors were young, they were all arrogant. No one paid any attention to Akutsutsuta's rebuttal.

Akutsutsuta, who had just performed a one-man show, suddenly turned red in the face, and a surge of anger rose in his heart. So he gathered his energy and shouted loudly to the Lily of the Valley Army that was confronting Fengxian:"Guys from Lily of the Valley!! Fight well!! Don't let those little devils from outside look down on you!!"

The various schools, Fengxian and Linglan, who were making way for the empty space, had countless eyes focused on them because of Akutsutsu's roar. The

Ninth Dragon God and the six little strong men did not feel nervous because of the attention of the crowd. They were still calm and looked at the crowd below with cold expressions.

After seeing the cold and calm expressions of the seven boys on the high ground, the captains of the various schools below could not help but admire their courage in their hearts.

At the same time, they also had a strong interest in the Ninth Dragon God and others.

The seven people on the high ground looked a little immature, obviously still a group of junior high school students, But if he can maintain such an attitude at this age, how can he not be the overlord when he enters high school?

Although he will not have a conflict with him, there is no guarantee that there will not be a war between him and his high school in the future!

Thinking of this, the captains turned their heads and glanced at their own successors in their own teams.

After hearing Akutsutsu's roar, Narumi Daiga and Serizawa Tamao, who were in a confrontation, turned their heads to look for the sound.

When they saw the Ninth Dragon God standing on the high ground, they actually laughed at the same time.



Both Serizawa Tamao and Narumi Daiga were shocked by each other's reaction.

"You actually know the Dragon God?!"

Serizawa Tamao asked curiously.

Narumi Daigo's eyes twitched slightly when he saw this, and he thought to himself that the Ninth Dragon God had indeed had contact with both colleges.


In this battle, we must kill Suzuran!

Let the Ninth Dragon God see the bravery of Fengxian!!

Narumi Daigo didn't care about Serizawa Tamao, and quickly turned around to give a pre-war encouragement to the bald army behind him.

"Brothers! Today’s battle not only involves Fengxian’s honor, but is also a key battle for whether Fengxian can dominate Hualu and even the surrounding counties and cities in the future! So, cheer up! Use all your strength!"


More than 200 Fengxian bald men stood with their hands behind their backs, raised their heads and roared.

Serizawa Tamao looked at the Fengxian bald men opposite him who seemed to have been suddenly given an injection of chicken blood, scratched the back of his head in confusion, and really didn't understand why Minghai Dawo was suddenly so excited.

Minghai Dawo was very satisfied to see the bald army with boiling blood, then turned around, looked at Serizawa Tamao, raised his right fist and pounded his chest several times, and let out an angry roar:"Fengxian!!"


Two hundred Fengxian bald men roared in unison and charged at the opposite Lily of the Valley Army.

""Begin the war!!!"

Serizawa Tamao didn't give too much of a speech, but simply shouted.

The crows responded and rushed towards Fengxian.

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