Recently, Tokyo and its surrounding areas, which were once a stagnant pool of water, were all trembling with a heavy bomb.

A group of bikers with its headquarters in Machida, Tokyo, was suddenly established, and soon after its establishment, it broke out in war with the largest group in Kanagawa Prefecture, the Chukyo United.

Nearly two thousand people from both sides fought in Hakone, and countless members were seriously injured.

Such a large-scale melee naturally alarmed the Metropolitan Police Department.

That night, the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department urgently mobilized several cities around Hakone, and thousands of police officers and patrol cars rushed to the scene to stop the melee.

As a result, countless inspectors were beaten and dozens of patrol cars were burned.

Until finally, the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department had to take the initiative to use several water cannon trucks, and cooperate with the fully armed riot squad, which barely suppressed this melee, which can be said to be the largest biker melee in the history of the country.

In this melee, a total of sixty people from both sides were arrested, including the general director and several senior cadres of the Chukyo United. It can be said that the Chukyo United was directly beaten and disbanded.

After this battle, the Wanshi Empire became the largest and most ferocious biker gang in the Tokyo metropolitan area, with a prominent reputation, and began to gradually spread outward. It was also in this battle that many cadres in the Wanshi Empire were exposed to the eyes of the world, showing their terrifying strength to the bad guys across the country.

For example, the Nine-headed Dragon Man, who was like a human tank, was simply the biggest killer on the battlefield. Of the more than 20 cadres of the Zhongjing United, at least ten were defeated by the Nine-headed Dragon Man, which made people have to be afraid of him.

As for other cadres, although they were also quite eye-catching, there were really not many people who could do the same as the Nine-headed Dragon Man, so their reputation was limited to the Tokyo area.

Although this battle caused a lot of bad effects, it also gained countless benefits.

First of all, the Wanshi Empire became famous in one battle and became one of the top leaders among the bikers in the country.

Secondly, the expansion of territory and number of people. The original territory of the Zhongjing United was basically occupied by the Wanshi Empire, and where was the territory of the Zhongjing United?

Naturally, it was Kanagawa Prefecture!

Almost half of Kanagawa Prefecture has become the territory of the Wanshi Empire. Now in Kanagawa Prefecture, except for the Wanshi Empire and the third generation of runaway angels, there is no longer any large-scale biker gang.

Those scattered small teams with less than a hundred people are not in the eyes of the Ninth Dragon God at all.

The most important thing is that the chief of the third generation of runaway angels is an undercover sent by the Ninth Dragon God!

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Kanagawa Prefecture can be completely regarded as the back garden of the Ninth Dragon God.

The Tokyo metropolitan area, also known as the capital area, generally includes Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture and Saitama Prefecture.

Through this battle, the sphere of influence of the Wanshi Empire has suddenly included Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture.

Later, the target of the Ninth Dragon God was naturally placed on Chiba Prefecture and Saitama Prefecture.

And the bodyguard conquered by the Ninth Dragon God, Marumo Taiji, came in handy at this time.

Marumo Taiji, who is from Saitama Prefecture, received an order from the Ninth Dragon God when the Manshi Empire and Black Dragon were being closely watched by the Metropolitan Police Department. He began to gather bad guys in his city, and with the help of Mita Minoru, he formed a bad group called [éclair], which was transliterated as Eclair, to help the Ninth Dragon God conquer Saitama Prefecture in secret.

Because they were being watched too closely by the Metropolitan Police Department, the Ninth Dragon God and others naturally did not want to make any more big noises, so the Manshi Empire began to recuperate, digest the spoils, and improve the organizational structure.

The Ninth Dragon God and junior high school kids such as Sano Manjiro naturally went to school honestly every day and kept to themselves.

During this period, in addition to going to school, the Ninth Dragon God would call his friends in Toaru, who were far away in the Osaka metropolitan area, to find out about the situation.

With the involvement of the Ninth Dragon God, although Takiya Genji also successfully formed【GPS】, and Serizawa Tamao was on equal terms.

However, because the third generation armed front was pressed to the ground by the Ninth Dragon God, there was a lot of turmoil. Bando Hideto, who was hiding in Suzuran, seized the opportunity and brought the troops summoned from the second grade of Suzuran, and the two sides had several gunfights.

And Tatsukawa Tokisei, who could most affect Serizawa Tamao's fighting will, also had surgery before the final battle between the two sides and entered the recovery period.

Therefore, after Takiya Genji lost the external force of Bando Hideto, he naturally did not win the focused and high-spirited Serizawa Tamao in the final battle like in the original work.

With this battle, Serizawa Tamao truly established his status as the overlord of Suzuran.

But Takiya Genji is like an indestructible cockroach. Although he failed this time, he did not give up. During this period, the Serizawa Corps and GPS had many large and small fights.

Suzuran was in constant war, and the mortal enemy Fengxian was much more stable.

With his personal charm and force, Narumi-sama successfully defeated the other third-year cadres who did not obey him, and admitted Narumi-sama's identity as the boss of Fengxian.

As for the situation in Toaru, the Ninth Dragon God could not participate for the time being except for keeping an eye on it, so he just let it go.

Now the Ninth Dragon God has two things to deal with urgently.

One is the traitor Hayashima of the Senshikai. How can he not make the leader of the Nine-headed God suspicious and bury him alive?

The other is the request for help from Shonan.

The company commander of the third generation of the Rampage Angels, Haruchiba Sanzu, suddenly called the Ninth Dragon God and asked for help.

When the Ninth Dragon God received the call from Haruchiba Sanzu, he was a little confused.

Now the whole Kanagawa Prefecture belongs to me, who is so bold to cause trouble to Sanzu?!

Oh, a group called Oni-baku?


Forgot about these two guys! After hearing Sanzu say that Onizuka Eikichi and Danma Ryuji have been constantly causing trouble for the Rampage Angels recently, the Ninth Dragon God felt his head was big.

In the original work, the Ghost Bomb Duo defeated the revived third generation of runaway angels when they were in the third year of junior high school. It was thought that they would not do such a thing again, but the inertia of the plot was really fucking strong.

After thinking about the fighting power of Onizuka Eikichi and Danma Ryuji, the Ninth Dragon God could only shake his head and let the driver drive him to Shonan.

It’s not that the Ninth Dragon God attaches great importance to the Ghost Bomb Duo, but after receiving this call, the Ninth Dragon God found that he could take this opportunity to let Santu bring the third generation of runaway angels and join the Wanshi Empire openly.

It just so happened that he had been attending classes honestly every day during this period, and he was tired of staying there, so he could take this opportunity to let him go out and get some fresh air.

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