With the parties in a state of confusion, the chief of the only biker gang in Machida City, Tokyo, and the acting chief of the only junior high school biker gang in Tokyo, chatted and laughed, and began to discuss the specific matters of the merger in front of the cadres of the two teams.

The Ninth Dragon God wanted to interrupt several times, but was blocked by the Nine-headed Tiger Man and Sano Manjiro. He could only pull the wandering Ryugu Temple Ken with a confused look on his face. Then he leaned over and asked in confusion:"What's going on?" The

Ninth Dragon God was really a little confused.

Now this happened, completely caught him off guard.

And there was no sign beforehand, which was extremely abrupt.

You know, his original intention was just to help his cousin who was about to be pressed to the ground, and then how did he inexplicably have two more teams!

Ryugu Temple Ken was pulled by the Ninth Dragon God, and his confused state immediately disappeared. He raised his hand very naturally to wipe the faint saliva from the corner of his mouth, opened his eyes, and looked at the Ninth Dragon God after making himself sober.

Then when he saw the confused Ninth Dragon God, he immediately grinned.

Ever since everyone formed the team, the Ninth Dragon God always looked calm and composed. I have never seen such a reaction from the Ninth Dragon God.

""Stop laughing! What on earth are you doing?"

The Ninth Dragon God raised his eyebrows and punched out with a small inch fist, hitting Ryuguji Ken's arm neither heavy nor light.

This punch immediately made the tough but tender Jianzi's face change drastically.

Ryuguji Ken took a breath of cold air and became more energetic.

However, because Sano Manjiro and the Nine-headed God Tiger Man were communicating and discussing next to him, Ryuguji Ken had to lower his voice even though his teeth were sore from the pain, and whispered to the Ninth Dragon God in a bad mood:"Be gentle! Do you still want to know the reason?!"

Looking at the Ninth Dragon God who kept silent and nodded frantically, Ryuguji Ken couldn't help but grin, then turned his head to Sano Manjiro and said,"Mikey, I'll take Ryuguji to the door to smoke a cigarette, you guys can chat slowly~"

Sano Manjiro, who was discussing, turned his head slowly after hearing this, then nodded to Ryuguji Ken, and turned back.

The cousin of the Ninth Dragon God, Mr. Nine-headed Tiger Man, didn't even look at a certain handsome guy.

When he was dragged out by Ryuguji Ken's arm, the Ninth Dragon God was even more confused.


Didn't you ask me to be the leader of the new team?

You guys have some reaction to me!!

Why can you ignore my existence?

The two of the Ninth Dragon God quickly walked out of the coffee shop, and they didn't walk far. They stood at the door of the store and smoked one cigarette each.

Although there are regulations prohibiting smoking casually on the street, who are they? They are bad boys! They are bikers!

Who cares about your bland rules!

"Can't figure it out?"

Longgongsi Jian exhaled a puff of smoke, squinted at the Ninth Dragon God, and said.

The Ninth Dragon God didn't look at Longgongsi Jian, his bad friend. He leaned half of his body against the door frame and exhaled a puff of smoke. The confusion and puzzlement on his face disappeared without a trace, replaced by a slightly lonely look.

Such an expression made Longgongsi Jian, who originally wanted to continue teasing the Ninth Dragon God, stunned.

The Ninth Dragon God took another deep puff of the cigarette, exhaled the smoke, and slowly said:"Actually, I know the reason. It's because I know what you are thinking, and I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, so I tricked you out."

Longgongsi Jian was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the Ninth Dragon God in a daze.

"I proposed the Dong卐 team, but you should have guessed why I am not the leader, Ajian. After all, the Black Dragon's range of activities is also in Tokyo. What's more, a few months ago, the Black Dragon's actions in Shonan caused such a big fuss. You guys can't pretend that nothing happened."The

Ninth Dragon God looked up at the sky and said faintly.

Dong卐 is the last trace of kindness in the Ninth Dragon God's heart. Regardless of whether it is the Ninth Dragon God's self-deception or not, he does not want Dong卐 to be tainted by darkness too early.

But sometimes, things will not happen just because you don't want them to.

For example, today's situation.

The Ninth Dragon God treats the six little strong men of Dong卐 as brothers, and the six little strong men naturally treat the Ninth Dragon God sincerely. Since the Ninth Dragon God began to form the tenth generation of Black Dragon, they can more or less perceive that the Ninth Dragon God has deliberately begun to alienate them.

At first, the six little strong men didn't understand why, until the outbreak of the"Enoshima Hunting Incident", the six little strong men really knew the reason.

The reason is actually very simple, that is, the Ninth Dragon God really treats them as brothers.

Since they are brothers, naturally not Want to drag them into the darkness.

The six young boys were emotional and passionate. The move of the Ninth Dragon God not only did not make them feel repulsive to the Dragon God, but brought them closer.

In fact, if it hadn't happened today, Sano Manjiro and others had already discussed that they would return the position of the Chief of the East 卐 to the Ninth Dragon God as soon as the Ninth Dragon God returned to Tokyo.

Today, after receiving a call from the Ninth Dragon God, Sano Manjiro met with others again. After chatting for a while, Sano Manjiro had a new idea.

So, it became the current situation.

Ryugu Temple Ken was silent and didn't say anything. After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, he bumped the Ninth Dragon God with his shoulder and grinned, saying,"We are brothers! How can I stand by and watch you rushing alone in the dark!" The

Ninth Dragon God turned his head and looked at Ryugu Temple Ken, and said in a very serious tone,"Ajian, we are different. I am the son of the Yakuza, destined to follow that path, but you have choices, and I don’t want you to make a choice that you will regret for the rest of your life because of me!"


Ryuguchi Ken flicked away the cigarette butt that he had smoked, glared at the Ninth Dragon God, and said,"Are you a little too narcissistic? We like girls, not handsome guys like you!"

After that, Ryuguchi Ken turned around and was about to walk back to the coffee shop. He just opened the door, then stopped, turned his head and shouted to the Ninth Dragon God,"Are you ready? Big brother!"

After hearing Ryuguchi Ken calling him"big brother", the gloomy face of the Ninth Dragon God suddenly cleared up and he grinned.

""All right!"

The Ninth Dragon God shouted this sentence in a sonorous and powerful voice.

Since the brothers have made up their minds to follow him to the end, why are they still hesitating here!

Just do it!

Looking at the spirited Ninth Dragon God, Ryugu Temple Ken laughed sincerely.

The two walked back to the store and found that in the time it took them to smoke a cigarette, the Nine-headed God Tiger Man and Sano Manjiro had already discussed some basic structures and the like.

The little strong men of Dong卐 were originally sitting lazily on the sofa. After seeing the spirited Ninth Dragon God, they suddenly showed excited expressions on their faces.

Without saying anything to the little strong men, the Ninth Dragon God said to the Nine-headed God Tiger Man and Sano Manjiro:"Have you finished the discussion? Have you thought of the name of the team?"

The Nine-headed God Tiger Man stood up from the sofa, looked at his cousin and said with a smile:"Since you are the general manager of the new team, it is natural to focus on you. And you are both the general manager of Dong卐 and my younger brother, so the new team name is [Wanshi Empire]! The team flag is also set as the '卐' flag!"


The Ninth Dragon God was stunned when he heard the words, and his pupils slightly dilated after hearing the new team name.

Then, he quickly digested the shock, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable fierce light!

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