In the morning, the Ninth Dragon God woke up from the room, with his exquisite upper body naked, he pushed open the wooden door, closed his eyes and felt the morning vitality.

After winning the duel with Marumo Taiji yesterday, the Ninth Dragon God took Marumo Taiji to the hospital.

After the treatment, the Ninth Dragon God talked with Marumo Taiji for a long time.

As mentioned earlier, being young is an advantage of the Ninth Dragon God, but it is actually a disadvantage.

For example, although the Ninth Dragon God has convinced Marumo Taiji, Marumo Taiji also expressed his willingness to join the Black Dragon according to the agreement.

But now Marumo Taiji is only a second-year junior high school student, and it is naturally impossible to convince his family to transfer to Tokyo.

Therefore, if you want Marumo Taiji to fully integrate into the Black Dragon, you can only wait until Marumo Taiji enters high school.

The Ninth Dragon God wants to develop Marumo Taiji into a force-type bodyguard, so naturally Marumo Taiji needs to go to a certain university with him at that time.

However, the Ninth Dragon God has not yet thought about which college he will go to in the future, so there is no way to clearly tell Marumo Taiji.

Therefore, Marumo Taiji can only continue to go to school in his hometown. When he is ready to go to college, he will go to meet him according to the order of the Ninth Dragon God.

After the Ninth Dragon God and Marumo Taiji exchanged contact information, they left the hospital and returned to Machida.

After arriving home last night, it was natural that the relatives reminisced about the past. The brothers Jiu Tou Shen Hu Nan and Jiu Tou Shen Long Nan gradually became more emotional through their interactions during this period of time, and began to feel a little like brothers.

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, the Ninth Dragon God got up and returned to the house to wash and change clothes. After packing up, the Ninth Dragon God went to the restaurant to prepare to have dinner with his family. When he arrived at the restaurant, not only the family of the Ninth Dragon God was present, but also Lin Ma, who had not been seen for a long time.

Looking at Lin Ma who saluted him, the Ninth Dragon God's eyes flickered.

I have been living a comfortable life during this period, and I almost forgot about you, old boy!

Last year, when I and my mother came to my uncle's house, I didn't bring the shadow Jiu Neng Yi Sheng.

But this time it's different!

Jiu Neng Yi Sheng can be regarded as half-mastered. It's not a big problem for Jiu Shi Long Shen to kill Lin Ma without anyone noticing.

Although Lin Ma is now the young head of the Thousand Attendants Association, he is also the adopted son of Jiu Shi Long Shen's uncle.

His uncle's health is not as bad as in the original book.

But it's better to get rid of such a power-hungry traitor as soon as possible.

I don't know if it's because of the reunion with his sister who hasn't seen him for many years, or because of Ms. Rikako's careful care,

Jiu Shi Shen's health is obviously much better than last year.

As for how good it is, you can tell by looking at the face of the traitor Lin Ma.

Jiu Shi Long Shen nodded slightly to Lin Ma, went to the empty seat and sat down, and soon a servant brought breakfast and respectfully placed it in front of Jiu Shi Long Shen.

Breakfast time quickly passed slowly in the family's conversation.

The Senshi Club might have some things to deal with, so after breakfast, Ms. Rikako supported Team Leader Nine-Headed God and took Lin Ma out of the restaurant.

After the Nine-Headed Dragon God wiped the last part with a tissue, he was about to get up and leave, but was stopped by the Nine-Headed Tiger Man.

"Is there something wrong?"

The Ninth Dragon God raised his eyebrows and looked at his cousin.

Although everyone has a good relationship, don't even think about asking the Ninth Dragon God to call you brother. The

Nine-headed Tiger Man naturally knew the character of his cousin, and didn't care about the Ninth Dragon God's tone, and said:"During this period, the team you and those little devils formed is very famous. I really didn't expect that your hastily formed team would come this far!"

The Nine-headed Tiger Man first sighed, and then noticed the impatience on the Ninth Dragon God's face, and quickly got to the point:"Well, recently a large team from Hakone invaded Tokyo, and then clashed with my Nine-headed Tiger Club, and I don't have enough manpower.……"

The Nine-headed Tiger Man stopped talking halfway through, and looked at the Ninth Dragon God with some embarrassment.

As a famous violent young master in Machida and the young master of the Senshikai, the Nine-headed Tiger Man is undoubtedly a very proud man.

If things had not reached a very serious moment, he really didn't want to ask the Ninth Dragon God for help.

Even though the Ninth Dragon God is his cousin and his relative.

After hearing the name Hakone, the Ninth Dragon God immediately guessed what the Nine-headed Tiger Man wanted to say.

Hakone belongs to Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a famous international tourist city with famous places such as Hakone Volcano and Lake Ashi.

And the big team that the Nine-headed Tiger Man mentioned must be a large-scale biker gang with its base in Hakone.——【[Chukyo United]!

This is a large-scale biker gang with a large number of people occupying many cities. In its heyday, it was comparable to the biker gang in Shonan.

Nowadays, due to the influence of the"Enoshima Hunting Incident", most of the second-generation members of the biker gang have been arrested, and the remaining ones dare not show up and have announced their retirement.

The third-generation biker gang was succeeded by the branch chief of the Inamura branch, Haru Chiba Sanzu, and is recuperating.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Chukyo United in Hakone set up a big flag, recruited soldiers crazily, and attacked everywhere to occupy the territory.

Today, the Chukyo United has become a large team with more than a thousand people and more than a dozen branches.

In Kanagawa Prefecture, there is no biker gang that can compete with the Chukyo United. The invincible Chukyo United in Kanagawa naturally set its sights on aggression in Tokyo.

Machida City, because of its geographical location, is the Tokyo city closest to Kanagawa Prefecture, and it has become the first stop for the Chukyo United to attack Tokyo.

Although the Nine-Headed Tiger Society of the Nine-Headed Tiger Man is also very famous, it does not have many members. As of today, there are only more than 200 people in total.

Facing the thousands of people in the Zhongjing Union, the Nine-Headed Tiger Man is naturally a little overwhelmed.

Even though the Nine-Headed Tiger Society now has the addition of the human tank Nine-Headed Dragon Man, the number of troops is still weaker than the other side.

The two sides have fought several times some time ago. Although the Zhongjing Union was repelled by the bravery of the Nine-Headed Dragon Man, the members of the Nine-Headed Tiger Society were also wounded and had lost half of their combat effectiveness.

Through these wars, the Zhongjing Union also clearly knew the strength of the Nine-Headed Tiger Society, so even if they were a little afraid of the terror of the Nine-Headed Dragon Man, they would not give up the Machida City that was about to be captured.

But now the Nine-Headed Tiger Society can no longer withstand another war.

Just when the Nine-Headed Tiger Man was at a loss, the Nine-World Dragon God came back.

This cousin who had his own team immediately became the life-saving straw of the Nine-Headed Tiger Man.

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