Since the day Kunou Hideomi was abolished, Toari has fallen into peace.

Because Kunou Hideomi and the injured Armed Front members were thrown to the hospital gate by the Meteor Society, and now these people are still receiving treatment in the hospital, outsiders do not know who the Armed Front had a conflict with and was beaten like this.

Although the other biker gangs in Toari also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to bite off a piece of meat from the Armed Front, they did not dare to act rashly before there was definite information indicating which team did it.

After all, the team that can defeat the Armed Front can only be a larger team than the Armed Front.

So the other biker gangs are silent, and the bad groups in the university will not make too much noise.

As we all know, Sakurajima is a country with a deep sense of hierarchy.

This sense of hierarchy is reflected in all walks of life and all kinds of interpersonal relationships.

So even bad boys have a complete class chain.

Generally speaking, bad boys start to be bad boys in junior high school, because boys and girls of this age have just awakened their personality and rebelliousness.

Then when they are promoted to high school, they start to gather their followers, form teams, and strive to fight for the position of Banzhang.

After graduating from high school, bad boys naturally want to go crazy for two more years before they reach adulthood, and then they will join the biker gang. If this person is still the Banzhang of a college, then his entire group can be regarded as the reserve of this biker gang.

When these bad boys become adults, they either retire honestly to work or continue to go to school, or there is only one way out, which is to join the Yakuza organization.

So in Sakurajima, the Yakuza organization> the biker gang> the Banzhang team.

It's just that in this era, with the prevalence of bad culture, more and more bad boys have joined the biker gang during college, so some teams are not very strong, and they have fallen to the same level as other high school Banzhang teams in their own areas.

Now, with the establishment of the East 卐 proposed by the Ninth Dragon God, it is a junior high school team that is becoming more and more famous in the Tokyo metropolitan area, leading to junior high school students in various counties and cities imitating it.

The biker gang has become younger and younger.

However, these veteran bikers in Toari are not comparable to junior high school students or some ordinary high school students, so Toari bikers are still at the top of the pyramid in this city.

Therefore, the college captain team has some status among colleges, but it is really nothing in front of the bikers.

Unless this captain or the captain team is particularly terrifying and powerful.

For example, Suzuran, for example, another bad college that is as famous as Suzuran - Fengxian.

If Suzuran is the representative of the dirty and messy campus environment among all the colleges in Toari, then Fengxian College is the leader of the clean and tidy campus environment.

Although both colleges are bad gatherings, Fengxian is very different from Suzuran.

Suzuran gathers the most unruly bad guys in the county, and each of them is as arrogant as 2.58 million. Seven are dissatisfied and eight are angry, and they want to beat him up when they see him.

But Fengxian is different.

Fengxian College, which also gathers many strong and bad guys, is also known as the Killer Corps.

Fengxian, with its iron-like discipline, is famous in Toari.

The reason why Fengxian is as famous as Linglan and even made a name for herself in Toaryu is because Fengxian follows a rule from top to bottom.

Fengxian Iron Rule:

Unless you are a leader, you are bald!

The advantage of such an iron rule is that the capable are on top, which can better select cadres.

If you don't want to be bald, then show your real ability and defend your hair with your fists.

On the contrary, if you don't have that ability, just accept the rule honestly.

So compared with the chaos of Linglan, Fengxian is more cohesive.

The Ninth Dragon God walked on the street near Fengxian High School with his hands in his pockets, looking at the Fengxian students who passed by, wearing light gray with white edges, and shiny bald heads. The

Ninth Dragon God, who had never really seen so many bald heads, was full of excitement and itchy hands.

So annoying!

There are so many bald heads, it seems like I want to burn a few scars on their heads with incense and candles!

The Fengxian Killer Corps is also nicknamed the Monk Corps by other colleges and universities. After all, those big bald heads can go to burn incense and worship Buddha after changing clothes.

Monks in Sakurajima do not need to leave scars on their heads. Only monks after the Yuan Dynasty can leave scars, and it was banned in the 1980s.

So, children, don't suspect that a monk is a fake monk if you see him without scars on his head.

When a person with thick hair is mixed in with a group of monks, and he is also a little ghost, it is easy to attract other people's attention.

So the Ninth Dragon God became like a firefly in the dark, out of place.

The Fengxian bald heads who were walking towards the Fengxian school gate all looked sideways at the Ninth Dragon God who was walking side by side with them, their eyes full of curiosity.

It's just that although they have a perverse and irritable temper, their eyesight is very sharp.

In a place like Fengxian, if you don't have a pair of eyes that can distinguish the strong, then sooner or later you will be beaten to death.

So although the Ninth Dragon God is unique, there are really few blind Fengxian bald heads who come to trouble him.

After all, the dangerous aura that the Ninth Dragon God exudes all the time is still very deterrent.

In this way, the Ninth Dragon God followed the Fengxian bald head army and slowly came to the gate of Fengxian College.

At this time, at the school gate, there were several ugly Fengxian students with various hairstyles leaning against the wall on one side of the school gate, smoking and chatting.

Some of the Fengxian bald heads passing by them would stop and bow respectfully to greet them, while others would nod at them and keep walking into the school gate.

This scene made the Ninth Dragon God very curious and puzzled.

Although he liked to watch the hot-blooded series in his previous life, what he saw was what the author wanted you to see. Some rules or other things that the author did not draw were not very clear.

For example, if he had not been reborn in this country and lived for more than ten years, he would not know that Tokyo was originally a province instead of a city.

The Ninth Dragon God turned his footsteps with curiosity, randomly selected a bald head among the bald people, and used his arm to slightly clamp the other person's neck, dragging him aside without letting the other person struggle.

This series of actions was very quick and smooth. When others saw it, they would just think that the two people were familiar with each other and would not make any big noise.

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