The sound of fighting continued to echo in the empty abandoned gas station. The Ninth Dragon God stood aside, holding a cigarette in his mouth, wiping the blood on his hands with a white towel.

Serizawa Tamao and Hayashida Hui sat side by side on the ground, their clothes were a little messy, their faces and the skin exposed outside the clothes were more or less bruised, their chests rose and fell, and they adjusted their breathing.

Although Serizawa Tamao and Hayashida Hui were powerful, they would still be injured more or less when facing a beating by hundreds of people.

After all, their strength is not their ultimate limit, and there is still a lot of room for development.

The two of them first glanced at the Ninth Dragon God who was smoking silently, sighed inwardly and called him a monster, and then moved their eyes to the Nine-Neng brothers who were still fighting.

As they watched, Serizawa Tamao and Hayashida Hui found the problem.

Every time the Nine-Neng Yisheng's killing move appeared, he would always pause and then change his moves.

So rather than saying that the two were fighting, it would be better to say that the Nine-Neng Yisheng was instructing the Nine-Neng Longxin.

The two of them could see it, and the Ninth Dragon God could naturally see it too.

But the Ninth Dragon God did not speak to stop him.

The only people he disliked were Kunou Hideomi and the third generation armed forces. He still admired Kunou Ryushin, a true man of affection, righteousness, and heroism.

So the Ninth Dragon God withdrew his gaze, walked to Kunou Hideomi, who had lost his voice due to the pain and was about to fall into a coma due to excessive blood loss, and slowly squatted down. Kunou Hideomi, who was in a daze, vaguely felt that there was an extra person in front of him. He thought it was his subordinate, so he said weakly:"Ambulance... call an ambulance... bastard……"

Seeing Kunou Hideomi still being arrogant even after becoming like this, the Ninth Dragon God chuckled, patted Kunou Hideomi on the cheek, and said,"Hey, idiot, open your eyes and see who I am."

Kunou Hideomi paused, opened his eyes wide, and saw the handsome face of the Ninth Dragon God.


Kunou Hideomi was startled and turned his head with difficulty. When he found that there was no one around, his heart felt like it was falling into an icy cave.

Where are the people?!

Where are my people?! Where are my two hundred subordinates?!

The fear brought by the running away of his subordinates instantly overwhelmed the pain in Kunou Hideomi's body.

All of Kunou Hideomi's confidence came from Kunou Ryushin and the hundreds of soldiers.

Once these people were lost, Kunou Hideomi's disguise would be broken and his true face would be exposed. Kunou Hideomi's face suddenly became extremely panicked, and he struggled to twist his body, trying to escape the gaze of the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God slowly reached out his hand, pressed Kunou Hideomi's head, and pinned him to the ground.

Then he raised his other hand to take the cigarette out of his mouth, grinned and said to Kunou Hideomi:"Do you know? If you can come alone today because of Kunou Yisheng, or bring a few confidants with you, I will spare you once. But unfortunately, you made the wrong choice."

"Big brother! Big brother! Wuwuwuwu… spare me… spare me! I am the younger brother of Jiuneng Yisheng. Isn’t he your bodyguard? I am just a waste, a piece of trash. Please let me go! Wuwuwuwu……"

Kunou Hideomi, whose will to survive suddenly exploded, pressed his whole face to the ground, and cried and shouted with all his might.

Kunou Hideomi's cries and shouts were heard by everyone present, except the Nine-generation Dragon God.

Serizawa Tamao and Hayashida Megumi were stunned for a moment, and then showed a trace of disdain.

The majesty of the third generation armed front. The leader of the entire Toaru biker gang team turned out to be such a jerk?

The members of the armed front who were lying on the ground with their limbs broken by the Nine-generation Dragon God and wailing constantly were also stunned for a moment. They couldn't believe that the person who was crying so hard that he almost peed was actually their leader who always had a gloomy face and was ruthless on weekdays.

Kunou Ryushin, who was fighting with his eldest brother, heard Kunou Hideomi's cries, and his heart suddenly tightened. He quickly withdrew and rushed over with an angry look at the Nine-generation Dragon God.

""Let go of Hideomi!!"

Kunou Ryushin roared as he ran.

The Ninth Dragon God ignored Kunou Ryushin's roar and continued to look at Kunou Hideomi, who was crying.

When Kunou Ryushin was about to rush to the Ninth Dragon God, the Ninou Yisheng arrived first and kicked Kunou Ryushin in the abdomen with a whip kick, kicking Kunou Ryushin back several steps.

"Jiu Neng Yisheng!! Do you really want to watch Hideomi being tortured by outsiders!!"

Seeing Jiu Neng Yisheng still protecting Jiushi Longshen, Jiu Neng Longxin was furious.

They are brothers!

Why stop him!!

Jiu Neng Yisheng stood up with his legs retracted, looked at Jiu Neng Longxin expressionlessly, and said:"I am the shadow of Jiushi Lord, and my life was saved because of Jiushi Lord's kindness and forgiveness. Besides, I was the one who cut off Hideomi's hand. If you want to avenge Hideomi, then work hard to become stronger. You can't beat me now!"

The Ninth Dragon God, who was about to continue teasing Kunou Hideomi, was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and looked at Kunou Issei's back with a dazed face.

Big brother, this is Toaru, right?

Is it the world of the hot-blooded series?

Are you playing the role of the second pillar with me?!

Kunou Ryushin clenched his fists, his face flushed red, and looked at Kunou Issei with anger in his eyes. He really couldn't figure it out. It's just a year since he last saw him, why did his elder brother

Kunou Issei become like this!

Even if the kid opposite is a young master of a chaebol, he wouldn't treat his own brother like this!

He didn't know that what Kunou Issei did today was all to save his and Kunou Hideomi's lives.

Kunou Issei knew the cruelty and family background of the Ninth Dragon God very well.

If Kunou Hideomi and Kunou Ryushin angered the Ninth Dragon God, they would never see the sun tomorrow!

But he was dumb and couldn't expose the information of the Ninth Dragon God in public, so he could only take all the hatred on himself and let Kunou Ryushin only hate him in the future


While Kunou Ryushin and Kunou Issei were facing off, the roar of cars rang out on the street.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of black sedans and commercial vehicles drove out of the darkness with their headlights on, surrounding the abandoned gas station.

As the convoy stopped, the doors opened, and gangsters wearing various loose casual suits walked out of the cars.

Takiya Hero, who had a slicked-back hair, stood in front of the car door, looking at the bikers with arms and legs in reverse shapes all over the ground, wailing constantly, and his mouth twitched slightly.

Can I say, he is worthy of being the young master of the Kowloon Group?

Takiya Hero looked at the Nineth Dragon God squatting on the ground, and sighed in his heart.

Then he waved his hand, and the members of the Meteor Society behind him began to step forward to grab the bikers on the ground and drag them into the car.

Kunou Ryushin looked at the famous local gangsters who appeared here, and was immediately shocked. Before he understood why the other party appeared, he saw Takiya Hero, who looked like the boss, walked up to the Nineth Dragon God, bowed slightly and said:"Young Master Nineth, does this person need to be dealt with?"

What Takiya Hero was talking about was naturally Kunou Hideomi.

Kunou Ryushin was immediately furious, and he wanted to shout without caring whether the other party was a gyūdō or not.

But before he could open his mouth, the Ninth Dragon God stood up and said,"No, spare his life and take him to the hospital for treatment."

Then, he looked at Kunou Issei and continued,"After all, he is my shadow's younger brother, and I don't want my shadow to stab me in the back." Upon hearing this, Kunou Issei knelt down instantly and said quickly,"As a shadow, I will naturally not betray my master because of my family!!"

Takiya Hero looked at the kneeling Kunou Yisheng, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This kind of shadow that only big families can have, the Nine Dragon Gods can actually have it. The Kowloon Group is really powerful!

Then he waved his hand, and two members of the Meteor Society came over, dragged Kunou Hideomi up, and walked towards the car.

Seeing this, Kunou Ryushin hurriedly stood up and was about to chase him out.

The surrounding Meteor Society members were startled and quickly surrounded him.

Takiya Hero frowned, but because he didn't know Kunou Ryushin's identity, he didn't speak rashly.

"He is the brother of that guy, let him go to the hospital with you."

The Ninth Dragon God glanced at Kunou Ryushin, said something, and turned to walk towards Serizawa and Hayashida Hui.

Takiya Yingxiong waved his hand, and the surrounding Jidao stepped back to let Kunou Ryushin pass.

After all the members of the armed front on the ground were stuffed into the car, Takiya Yingxiong drove away with the Meteor Society.

The three people of the Ninth Dragon God collected the remaining pieces and continued their barbecue trip.

Kunou Yisheng hid his figure again with an expressionless face and hid in the darkness.

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