Suzuran is one of the famous bad schools in Toari, and it is a school that even gangsters dare not approach.

Although the previous Suzuran also had countless strong people and factions, the situation of this year's Suzuran is somewhat different.

Serizawa Tamao, who took over the baton from the 22nd overlord Kamiki Genjiro, is undoubtedly the most orthodox successor to Suzuran.

Although Serizawa Tamao has not yet conquered the entire school, he is not far away.

But the Serizawa Corps, which was supposed to reach the top smoothly, has become a little uncertain with the beginning of the new semester.

Putting aside the third-year transfer student Takiya Genji from the 23rd class, Suzuran's 24th class also transferred a remarkable man from Kurosaki Industries this year.

Bando Hideto, Bando Hideto of the Armed Front!

In addition, the"Ebizuka Trio" who stood out in the"First-year Freshman Competition" of the 25th class of Suzuran: Kirishima Hiromi, Sugihara Makoto, and Honjo Toshiaki.

These three people should not be underestimated either, and they are very difficult opponents. In the three-year-old Lily of the Valley, if you want to reach the top of Lily of the Valley, in addition to conquering the above guys, there is one person you can't avoid no matter what.

"——Hayashida Hui!

Hayashida Hui, a sophomore of the 24th class of Suzuran, is known as"Lindaman" and is an undefeated legend. Although he is not interested in the top, if he cannot defeat Hayashida Hui in an upright manner, he cannot be called the master of Suzuran.

Therefore, the Ninth Dragon God, who was sitting on a somewhat worn-out chair and smoking a cigarette, recalled the information about Suzuran in his mind while looking at Serizawa Tamao who was eating madly on the opposite side.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for Serizawa to reach the top!

However, now that he has intervened, the situation has begun to change again...

Compared with the arrogant, immature, and energetic Takiya Genji, Serizawa Tamao has a more dominant style and kingly momentum.

If you want to build a huge empire, outstanding talents like Serizawa Tamao are indispensable.

Therefore, Serizawa Tamao became one of the targets of the Ninth Dragon God Raito Aru.

Serizawa Tamao, who was eating madly, had just swallowed the food that was stuffed in his mouth and was about to continue to feast when he noticed the Ninth Dragon God smoking alone.

Although the Nineth Dragon God is a junior high school student, Serizawa Tamao himself is also a delinquent, so he is not surprised by the behavior of junior high school students smoking, after all, he did so a lot in junior high school.

"Um... aren't you going to eat anymore?"

Serizawa Tamao asked a little embarrassedly, looking at the food that he had bought with the other person's money, which was enough for him to eat for a week.

As a poor man, someone suddenly gave him money to buy food. With the idea of eating as much as possible, Serizawa Tamao spent all the money given to him.

So even though both of them had a big appetite, up to now, only three-tenths of the food piled up like a mountain had been grilled.

Serizawa Tamao was not a person who liked to take advantage of others. Although he was poor, he was poor with backbone.

So when he noticed that he was the only one still eating, he felt a little apologetic and ashamed.

"I'm full. Ah, I haven't had such a good meal in a long time!"

The Ninth Dragon God raised his head and exhaled a puff of smoke, with a happy smile on his face.

"Um...these things……"

Serizawa Tamao pointed to the shopping bag on the open space beside him and said carefully. The

Ninth Dragon God grinned and said,"I can't eat so much when I'm alone, so leave it here with you. I'm going to stay in Toya for a while, and I'll come to you for dinner when I'm free." Serizawa

Tamao's face suddenly showed joy, and the guilt in his heart immediately disappeared.

Sharing and charity are two different things.

The Ninth Dragon God knows Serizawa Tamao's temperament very well, so he naturally won't act like a high-handed almsgiver and say to Serizawa Tamao that all the food is for you. Serizawa

Tamao actually doesn't have much pursuit. He is satisfied enough to have enough food, wear new clothes, and make his family live more comfortably.

He climbed to the top of Lily of the Valley just because of his identity as a bad boy.

As a hot-blooded man, who doesn't want to be the center of attention? Who doesn't want to stand at the highest point to enjoy the scenery?

But being a bad boy is just the insolence of men in their youth.

After graduating from college, it means that you are not far from adulthood.

Either continue to go to school and work hard to get into college.

Or enter society and work hard to make money.

Years later, after experiencing the hardships of the adult world, they will only occasionally bring up their youthful craziness, laugh at themselves, and continue to work hard.

In Qiangzi's words, if young people are not young and energetic, can they still be called young people?!

So now they can only enjoy the high spirits brought by bad behavior.

The Ninth Dragon God looked at Serizawa Tamao who relaxed because of what he said, and threw the long speech in his mind out of his mind.

Why do I act like an old man lately, always wanting to say nonsense?

"By the way, what's your name?"

Serizawa Tamao suddenly looked up, swallowed the food in his mouth, and asked the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God smiled slightly and said,"Ninth Dragon God, you can just call me Dragon God."

Serizawa Tamao nodded, and continued,"By the way, you are still a junior high school student, right? It seems that you are still from Toaru? Then did you come here to travel with your parents? Won't your family be worried if you don't go back so late?"

With the friendship of a meal and the generosity of the Ninth Dragon God, Serizawa Tamao asked a lot of questions in a familiar manner. The

Ninth Dragon God grinned when he heard it, and looked straight at Serizawa Tamao with his eyes, and laughed,"Hehe, my family won't worry. After all, my dad is a gangster. Anyone who dares to make trouble for me will be made into sashimi in minutes."

Serizawa Tamao, who had just unpacked the fresh salmon he bought from the Japanese food store, paused, looked at the Ninth Dragon God with a confused face, and said,"Are you kidding?"

The Ninth Dragon God did not answer, but just stared at Serizawa Tamao with a smile without saying a word.

After seeing that the Ninth Dragon God was not joking, Serizawa Tamao immediately jumped up from the ground, stared at the Ninth Dragon God with wide eyes, pouted and shouted:"Eh?!! Si Guoyi! I have never seen what the children of the Yakuza boss look like!"

Then he held the plate, walked around the Ninth Dragon God, smacked his lips and said:"Well! Sure enough, he is different from us poor people! The material of the clothes looks very expensive! And he is very generous!"

The Ninth Dragon God, who thought that Serizawa Tamao would be scared or his attitude towards him would change immediately after he said that he was the son of a Yakuza boss, looked at Serizawa Tamao with a confused face.

Sure enough!

Single-celled guys are the scariest!

""Speaking of which, do I count as a junior with a Yakuza background?"

Suddenly, Serizawa Tamao stroked his chin and said seriously. The

Nine-generation Dragon God's eyes twitched slightly when he heard this. He resisted the urge to beat Serizawa up, and said with his back teeth,"You wish! We are at most equals!"

"Okay! I accept you as my friend!"

A trace of a successful smile appeared on Serizawa Tamao's face.

Hehe! I can hang out with rich guys during this period!!!

The Ninth Dragon God's expression froze, and he held his forehead with his hand.

Damn! I was careless!

This guy was waiting for me here!!

If anyone tells me that Serizawa Tamao is an honest man again, I will be angry with him!!

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