The black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove down the national highway and entered this city where commerce and industry were not very developed.

As the car drove into the main urban area, the number of shops and pedestrians on both sides of the street gradually increased, and there was a hint of fireworks.

Huang Shiqingsan, with bruises on his face, drove while occasionally squinting his eyes and glancing at the route map placed under the windshield.

"Brother, why are we in this city? It's so shabby here.……"

Although Aramashi Keisan is already an adult this year, he does not feel ashamed to call the much younger Ninth Dragon God"Big Brother".

After following the Ninth Dragon God back to his hometown from Tokyo, Aramashi Keisan's worldview was about to explode. The

Ninth Dragon Heart, the famous gangster who stood out in the"Kansai Battle", turned out to be the father of his general manager?!

This shocked Aramashi Keisan.

Because Aramashi Keisan was not a direct descendant of the Ninth Dragon God at the beginning, he naturally did not know about this relationship.

Later, when the Ninth Dragon God found out that Aramashi Keisan was truly loyal, he decided to take him back to his hometown.

Aramashi Keisan's shock was just the beginning.

When the Ninth Dragon God took Aramashi Keisan and his two friends to meet Master Toshiro, Aramashi Keisan and the other two were really confused and shocked.

This terrifying monster was actually the master of the general manager?!!

After the Ninth Dragon God introduced the three to Toshiro, he left alone.

From that day on, Aramachi Keizo and the other three began their hellish career.

A month has passed since the Ninth Dragon God returned to his hometown.

During this period, the Ninth Dragon God first trained for half a month under Toshiro together with the three Amemiya brothers who he had reunited with after a long absence.

Then, he was taken by the Ninth Dragon Heart to participate in some meetings of the Kowloon Group.

Now, all the cadres in the newly reorganized Kowloon Group know the Ninth Dragon God.

After a month of busy work, the Ninth Dragon God finally had some time of his own.

He could take a break from his busy schedule and let Aramachi Keizo drive him out for a walk.


Ninth Dragon God, who was looking at the street scene of the city through the car window, raised the corners of his mouth slightly after hearing Aramachi Keizo's question, and said,"Don't underestimate this city! There are all these difficult guys here.……"

"Huh? How tough is it? I can kill anyone except you, big brother, with one punch! Uh, except Master Toshiro! Uh... except……"

""Okay, okay! Drive carefully!"

The Ninth Dragon God hurriedly interrupted Huang Shiqingsan's subsequent words.

I used to think that Huang Shiqingsan was an honest man, but after getting along with him for so long, I found that although this guy has a simple and honest face, he is actually a guy with a lot of inner drama.


Huangshi Qingsan responded with grievance, and then he kept silent and concentrated on driving.

Not long after, the black Mercedes-Benz arrived at the destination and slowly stopped in front of a two-story house.

The Ninth Dragon God opened the door and walked out, took a casual look, and then stepped forward and pressed the doorbell.


The door was soon opened from the inside before the Ninth Dragon God had to wait any longer.

A man in a loose grey suit, sunglasses and with a scar on the corner of his mouth walked out from behind the door. He was slightly stunned when he saw the Ninth Dragon God, but then he noticed Huang Shiqingsan who walked behind the Ninth Dragon God.

Huang Shiqingsan was wearing a fitted black suit, a white shirt and a tie, and the golden collar badge on the left collar was shining in the sun.

It was a golden round collar badge with a triangle and a"nine" in the pattern.

Nine, it's the nine of [Kowloon Group]!

Who in Kansai Jidao doesn't know the Kowloon Group nowadays? So in order to make it easier to go out, Huang Shiqingsan naturally changed into a Kowloon suit.

The big man in the black suit immediately realized who the young man standing in front of him was.

So he bowed hurriedly and said,"Welcome, Young Master Ninth Generation!"

"Um, is the team leader home?"

The Ninth Dragon God put his hands in his pockets and asked expressionlessly.

In the past month at the Kowloon Group, he had long been accustomed to everyone bowing down to him.

"Yes! After knowing that you were coming, the team leader has been waiting for you at home early!"

The big man in the gray suit nodded and bowed again, and then made way.

The Ninth Dragon God nodded and walked into the house.

This two-story house looks quite large from the outside, but as soon as you enter the entrance, it is filled with all kinds of collectibles, which seems extremely crowded.

The Ninth Dragon God looked normal. He took off his shoes at the entrance and walked towards the living room.

This house is not only the entrance, but also the tatami and cabinets in the living room... As long as there is a place to put things, it is full of all kinds of collections.

The walls are covered with various calligraphy and paintings, and samurai swords can be seen everywhere.

After entering the living room, a middle-aged uncle with long slicked back hair was wiping the samurai armor placed behind the sofa with a towel. After hearing the footsteps, he looked back slowly.

"Lord Dragon! Did you have a smooth journey?"

The middle-aged uncle threw the towel on the coffee table beside him and said to the Ninth Dragon God with a smile on his face.

The Ninth Dragon God bowed his head slightly to show politeness, and then said,"Thanks to you, I have a safe journey. Besides, the two places are very close, and we will arrive in less than half an hour."

""Hahaha! Sit down, sit down quickly!"

The middle-aged uncle laughed heartily and motioned for the Ninth Dragon God to take a seat.

The Ninth Dragon God was not polite either, he found a single sofa and sat down.

After the Ninth Dragon God sat down, the middle-aged uncle smiled and said:"The Ninth President called me specifically and asked me to take care of the Dragon God's food and lodging in Toyalu, so here, please feel free to play, Dragon God."

Hearing this, the Ninth Dragon God grinned and said:"Then, thank you for your help! Uncle Takiya!"

Although the Ninth Dragon God is the young master of the giant Kowloon Group, it does not mean that he can disrespect some older Jidao elders.

After all, Jidao is an organization with very strict rules and pays special attention to seniority.

If it were other forces or hostile forces, the Ninth Dragon God would naturally not be so polite.

But the middle-aged uncle in front of him was the first Jidao leader who responded to the Ninth Dragon Heart in the Kansai War. Even though his organization did not expand further afterwards, it was still a medium-sized organization. The Ninth Dragon Heart did not alienate or look down on the other party because of this, and still treated each other as equals.

Therefore, when the Ninth Dragon God faced this middle-aged man named Takiya Hero, he had to show respect to the younger generation.

This is called courtesy, this is etiquette, and has nothing to do with strength.


At this time, the door of the entrance suddenly sounded, and a moment later, a young man with an icy face, wearing a black sportswear with gold thread embroidery, covering his mouth with his collar, and with a small braid tied behind his head with a hairband, walked into the living room. After seeing the Ninth Generation Dragon God on the sofa, he was slightly stunned.

"Oh, Genji is back. Come, let me introduce you to the Dragon God.……"

""Brother Genji! I'm your younger brother!"

The Ninth Dragon God suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly.

Takiya Genji's eyes widened and his mouth opened."O"He looked confused.

My unreliable father not only changes women every day, but also has a son this big?!

Takiya Yingxiong was also stunned, and then he laughed.

As a father who often entertains his son, Takiya Yingxiong feels that there is something fun to watch during this period.

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