"Liu Xue is not that good, but his father is a director of our Jinghun Middle School Board of Directors, and he is at the initial stage of the evil level.……"

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng

"Brother Cheng, why are you so reckless?"

But Su Yingxue did not blame Jiang Cheng. Instead, she liked Jiang Cheng more. It turned out that Jiang Cheng's strength was at least at the Red Clothes level.

"Oh, no wonder."

No wonder the man is so arrogant, it turns out that his father is a school director.

"What happened?"

Lin Yuling came over and found the headless body in the corridor.

"Is that...Liu Xue?"

Something happened on the third floor of the senior high school. Lin Yuling rushed over immediately. She didn't know what happened.

But the one on the ground seemed to be Liu Xue's body?

Lin Yuling's expression changed drastically.

"How is Liu Xue……"

Liu Xue is the son of a school director on the board of directors, and that school director is at the initial stage of the evil level.……

"Yuling, it was Cheng who accidentally gave him……"

Su Yingxue didn't know how to answer Lin Yuling

""Fuck, your man killed Liu Xue?!"

Lin Yuling even cursed, she was surprised, on the one hand, she was surprised at Jiang Cheng's strength, on the other hand, she was surprised that Jiang Cheng killed Liu Xue.

Even Lin Yuling thought Jiang Cheng was her man? But Su Yingxue did not refute Lin Yuling.

"Well, I originally wanted to teach him a lesson, because he looked down on humans."

Jiang Cheng found that he seemed to have done something big. If Liu Xue was the son of the director of Jinghun Middle School, and that director was at the initial stage of the evil level, then it was indeed a big deal for Jinghun Middle School.

"You are too careless, his father is at the initial stage of the evil level."

Lin Yuling frowned, she turned her head and looked at Su Yingxue,"Yingxue, what are you going to do now? If Fatty Liu knew about this and made trouble for your man, you……"

"What can happen? It was originally Liu Xue's problem. He has harmed several female teachers in our school?" Su Yingxue snorted,"If the principal had not been to other schools for exchanges recently, would he have been so arrogant?"

""Ah...but the principal is not here."

Lin Yuling knew that if the principal was here, she would definitely stand on their side, but the principal had been out for a while.

Otherwise, Liu Pang and Liu Xue would not have become so aggressive.

"It's just the initial stage of the evil level, what's there to be afraid of?"

Even without him doing anything, Liu Shuangyue can deal with the initial stage of the evil level.

"Your man is really good at bragging."

Lin Yuling rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng and complained to Su Yingxue that Su Yingxue's man was good in every way except that he liked to brag.

He was handsome and capable, but he needed to change his bad habit of bragging.


She didn't know whether Jiang Cheng was bragging or not, but Jiang Cheng really seemed to be fearless.

"Well, Brother Cheng, why don't you give Sister Lin a call?"

Su Yingxue remembered that the owner of their community had a very good relationship with Jiang Cheng.

It seems that they are boyfriend and girlfriend? Su Xiaoxiao told her that Jiang Cheng and Lin Sixue are boyfriend and girlfriend.

The horror world does not restrict polygamy, so Su Yingxue does not mind the relationship between Jiang Cheng and Lin Sixue.

But Lin Sixue seems to be only a mid-level red dress now, and she may not be able to solve the initial stage of the evil level.

"Need not"

"If I have to ask Xiaoxue for help for such a small matter, then I am completely a gigolo, right?"

Jiang Cheng didn't think that a beginner of the evil level needed to ask Lin Sixue for help, and with Lin Sixue's strength, she couldn't help much now.

A beginner of the evil level, he could completely solve it by himself now.

"Brother Cheng, why don't you go to class 12 first?"

Su Yingxue thought she still had to try to contact the principal. She and Lin Yuling were both from the principal's lineage.

The several school directors of Jinghun Middle School were not very united, especially Liu Xue's father Liu Pangzi, who had always coveted the principal. Once Liu Pang was promoted to the middle level of the evil level, he might directly attack the principal.

There were five school directors in Jinghun Middle School, including Liu Pang. Three of them were with Liu Pang, and only one was with the principal.

"All right."

He only has half a month in the Horror School. He doesn't know if he can make the trick teacher a special level in half a month.

So Jiang Cheng has to make full use of his time. After all, he doesn't know whether the trick teacher's subsequent professional tasks will become difficult.

"Yingxue, I'll go to class 12 first."

Jiang Cheng also became interested.


After Jiang Cheng left, Lin Yuling looked at Su Yingxue.

"Yingxue, your little man is pretty powerful, he can even beat Liu Xue to death... he just likes to brag"

"Fatty Liu is at the initial stage of the evil level, and I heard that he will be at the intermediate stage of the evil level soon."

Lin Yuling didn't believe that Jiang Cheng, a human, could deal with Fatty Liu.

"I believe him."

For some reason, Su Yingxue believed in Jiang Cheng.

"But you just said you were looking for Sister Lin.……"Lin Yuling was a little curious, her last name was also Lin, but Su Yingxue was definitely not talking about her.

Jiang Cheng just called that person"Xiaoxue", Su Yingxue's man should be very close to that person

"Do you know the landlord of my community, Lin Sixue from Kairi Community?"Su Yingxue looked at Lin Yuling.

"Lin Sixue from the Ripper Community? I've heard of her.……"

Lin Sixue was notorious in the area. With the strength of a red-clothed beginner, she was able to defeat a red-clothed advanced one.

I don't know how many suitors were directly disemboweled by Lin Sixue. It was almost a model of their weirdness.

"She is Cheng's girlfriend."

Su Yingxue's words made Lin Yuling open her eyes wide, she was a little shocked

"Even Lin Sixue... is your little man's girlfriend? You two women share one man, right? Got it……"

It turns out that Jiang Cheng is a really good man. Not only Su Yingxue has a relationship with him, but even Lin Sixue has a relationship with him.

It's really amazing

"But Lin Sixue probably can't beat Liu Pang, so she has to try to contact the principal first.……"

Lin Yuling is thoughtful



Class 32

"Just now someone killed Liu Xue from Class 1. Did you know that? He was really fierce."

"Well done, well done. Liu Xue, that guy, relied on his father being a school director to scold our class 12 every day, saying that we were uneducated and unskilled."

"I heard that the man had a close relationship with Director Su, and the fight with Liu Xue was probably because of Liu Xue……"

A fox-eared girl was lying on the table, listening to the discussion of her classmates. She was a little curious.

"Xiao Quan, what does that person look like?"

Class 32 of Senior High School was quite far from the headmaster's office, so they could only listen to Xiao Quan talking about what he had seen and heard.

"Very handsome... a very handsome man, a human being……"

Xiao Quan was talking with saliva flying. After all, the students in Class 32 of Senior High School did not like Liu Xue.

And because Liu Xue had a good father, they could not say anything even if they did not like him. Now that Liu Xue was dead, they naturally applauded.

"A handsome human?"

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the fox-eared girl. Could it be the handsome big brother she took to the director's office after the last class?

That big brother actually gave Liu Xue... So he is so powerful? A slight blush appeared on the face of the fox-eared girl.

There was a bit of longing in her eyes.

"What time is it now? Are you still making a lot of noise? The students in the classrooms next to them are all in class quietly."

Just as the students in Class 12 of Senior 3 were still in a heated discussion, a voice came from the door.

Jiang Cheng walked in with a cold face. It was indeed a problem class. The other classes were in class, but Class 12 was the only one that was really noisy.

""Be quiet."

Xiao Quan's eyes flashed with surprise, because he knew that the man in front of him was the human who killed Liu Xue.

The fox-eared girl Su Yaoyao also recognized Jiang Cheng, so the two of them were silent now.

But the other students were still talking to themselves, and their voices were not small.

The weird students did not take Jiang Cheng seriously at all.

""Everyone, be quiet!"

Xiao Quan quickly spoke up when he found that his classmates were still arguing. Jiang Cheng was a big killer who even killed Liu Xue.

He didn't dare to make Jiang Cheng angry.

Maybe Xiao Quan had some say in Class 12, so many people quieted down, but there were still a few students talking.

"Laozi Shudaoshan……"

Perhaps the weird students around them had all quieted down, and those few students were also completely quiet.

However, there was still one person who was chattering away while eating melon seeds.

"I am your new class teacher. I will teach you in the future. I will only teach you for fifteen days, so I hope you can be obedient to me during these fifteen days, otherwise……"

"You, come out!"

Jiang Cheng pointed at the girl who was eating melon seeds. The girl looked careless and indifferent.

Jiang Cheng found that she didn't seem to react, so he walked directly to the girl and picked her up.

"You dare to hit someone?!"

Jiang Cheng's move caused resistance from several weird students nearby, but Jiang Cheng slapped them several times in a row and stunned them.

""Don't do it!"

Xiao Quan was frantically signaling to those weird students who were about to take action. They didn't understand why Xiao Quan, who was obviously the most picky in their class, was so cowardly now.

"What's your name?"

Jiang Cheng turned his gaze to the strange boy who had spoken. After being slapped by Jiang Cheng, the boy became much more obedient.

"Jia Aikun……"

"Jia Aikun, right? You guys, get out and stand there as punishment." Jiang Cheng's cold eyes forced those troublemakers to walk out of the classroom.

Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, carried the girl who was eating melon seeds out of the corridor. He had to teach the disobedient little female ghost a lesson.

"Xiao Quan, new teacher, what are you afraid of? You are not our class……"

Xiao Quan whispered,"He is the one who killed Liu Xue. You should be obedient and don't piss him off.""

"He is the one who killed Liu Xue? Damn! Xiao Quan, why didn't you tell me earlier?……"

"What should I say? Be quiet, he can only be a teacher for half a month."

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