In the following days, Jiang Cheng found that he seemed to go to the wrong floor every night.

Jiang Cheng probably understood that it was not him who went to the wrong floor, but someone deliberately made him go to the wrong floor.

Jiang Cheng, who knew the truth, did not tell the truth directly, but continued to be with Jiang Qinya silently.

He and Jiang Qinya both knew it tacitly.

"Qinya, aren't you going to tell Qinyu?"

On their last day in the Ghost Church, Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at Jiang Qinya who was looking at him carefully.


Jiang Qinya found out that Jiang Cheng had actually made clear her relationship with him first. She thought Jiang Cheng would always deliberately treat her as his sister.

"Is it important?"

Jiang Qinya thought that it didn't matter whether she told her sister about her relationship with Jiang Cheng or not.

Anyway, her sister already thought that she would be with Jiang Cheng, so it didn't matter whether her sister knew or not.


Jiang Qinya's eyes sparkled with a little light.

"Why don't we have a good time the day before you leave?……"

She has some food���

Tomorrow is the end of the copy, and then she and Jiang Cheng will be separated.

If Jiang Cheng leaves, who will she look for? She found that it was really addictive.


With Jiang Qinya, the Yang Qi value dropped really fast. How to say it?

After all, Jiang Qinya is a demon level

"How come you are completely different from when you were with your sister? Not at all."

Jiang Qinya looked at Jiang Cheng with a little disdain.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

"Qinya, you actually said I can't do it?……"


The next day, early morning

"Husband, why do you look weaker and weaker?……"

She restrained herself. She and Jiang Cheng had been restraining themselves for several days, but why did Jiang Cheng look weaker and weaker?

Now Jiang Cheng's lips were a little pale.

"Well, maybe I didn’t sleep well."

It’s mainly because I slept too well, but how could I say those words to Jiang Qinyu?


Jiang Qinyu looked at Jiang Cheng doubtfully,"Then why didn't you come back to rest at night these past few days? Are you having an affair with someone?"……"

"That Estelle seems to be interested in you too. Why, husband, do you like that kind of style?"

Estelle's upper body is no different from that of a human girl, but her lower body is like a bird's feet.

She is a bit like the legendary Guhuo bird.

"That's not Fu Rui, right? Husband, you're not a Fu Rui fan, right?"Jiang Qinyu was a little confused.


Estelle seemed to be interested in him, but Jiang Cheng refused. After all, Jiang Cheng did not approve of the kind of commitment.

Besides, he was really lacking in energy.

"Let's not talk about that for now. Aren't you going to say goodbye to Qin Ya? I guess we should go back."

Jiang Cheng was planning to say goodbye to Eliza and the others anyway. The dungeon could end at any time on the last day.


Jiang Qinyu was planning to say goodbye to her sister. She was very happy to find her little sister in the dungeon, who she should have lost completely.

She didn't know whether to wait until she returned to the real world to tell her parents.

"Then I'll go find Qinya first."

Jiang Qinyu nodded.


After parting with Jiang Qinyu, Jiang Cheng planned to go and chat with Eliza. He had just finished communicating with Jiang Qinya, so he could put Jiang Qinya aside for the time being.


After Jiang Qinyu knocked on the door and walked into Jiang Qinya's bedroom, she sniffed gently.

There was a smell in the air, a smell after the battle.

Jiang Qinyu was quite familiar with that smell.

Could it be that her sister had already been with Jiang Cheng... Jiang Qinyu couldn't help but widen her eyes. No wonder Jiang Cheng had become increasingly weak in recent days.

"Qinya, you are with Jiang Cheng, why didn't you tell me?"

Jiang Qinyu glared at Jiang Qinya.

"No wonder he has been getting weaker recently. You guys should be more restrained.……"

Jiang Qinyu's words made Jiang Qinya feel a little embarrassed, and her pretty face turned red.

"elder sister……"

How did Jiang Qinyu know that she had been with Jiang Cheng?……

"How do you know that he and I are already together...did he tell you?"

Jiang Qinya was a little confused

"Do you want to smell the smell in the room... Such a strong smell... I'm not a novice."

Jiang Qinyu rolled her eyes at Jiang Qinya.

"You have to be restrained, okay? If Jiang Cheng dies suddenly, who will be with us in the future?"


Didn't she find it really comfortable?……

"Forget it, we don't know when we will see each other again.

She will go back and make up for Jiang Cheng.


Qinya, do you think I should tell my parents about your existence?

"Eliza, can you contact Yuyou?"

He planned to say goodbye to Tang Yuyou, but he estimated that after returning, he would have to start the fourth copy within a day.


Eliza is praying in front of the statue.

"All right"

"I guess I……"

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to say goodbye to Eliza, he felt the familiar dizziness again.

"See you later!"

As Jiang Cheng disappeared, Eliza blinked.

"it's over?"

"Eliza, brother Jiang Cheng is gone?"

【This dungeon mission is over, and rewards for players are calculated.】

【Dungeon Name: Phantom Church】

【Number of people who survived this game: 7】

【Dungeon mission: Survive in the Phantom Church for 15 days】

【Task rating: sss】

【Mission Reward: 500 million Ghost Coins, 5,000 Experience Points, 5 Netherworld Marriage Certificates, and a Random Demon-level Ghost Weapon]

When Jiang Cheng opened his eyes again, he was already in the villa, and it was Jiang Qinyu who was in front of him.

Every time a dungeon ends, it ends so hastily.

"It's over?"

Jiang Qinyu was also a little confused.

""Hubby, why didn't you give me any reminder?"

Jiang Qinyu thought there would be a reminder when the instance was over

, but there was no reminder at all. When she was about to say something to Jiang Qinya, she appeared in the real world in the next second.

"I don't know."

Five thousand experience points raised Jiang Cheng's level from level seven to level twelve.

And his depleted Yang Qi was also restored.

""Honey, what's your score?"

Jiang Qinyu found that she actually got an SSS score and directly got 2,000 experience points. She was directly promoted to level 5. She only needed 100 experience points to be promoted to level 6. She also got a reward of 1 million ghost coins. Not only that, she also got a random red-level ghost weapon.

The reward was indeed very generous.


"You should also be SSS, right?"

He is rated 3S, so Jiang Qinyu should also be rated 3S, right?

"Well, I'm almost level 6 now. My Yang Qi has gone from 80 at the beginning to more than 1,000 now, and I was rewarded with a random red-level magic weapon."

He and Jiang Qinyu were both rated SSS, but Jiang Qinyu's reward seemed to be much worse than his?

It turns out that there are differences between SSS and


"Husband, you and Qinya are together, and you have already... why didn't you tell me?"

Jiang Qinyu rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng

"You can't be a sneaky person, right?"

If she hadn't smelled that smell, she wouldn't have known that the two of them were already……

"I was going to tell you, but Qinya said no, so I had no choice but to keep it to myself."

"Has she told you?"

Jiang Qinyu's rolling eyes made Jiang Cheng a little embarrassed. He kept saying that he would let it go.

But he had no idea how many times he had been with Jiang Qinya... He had been with Jiang Qinya almost every day since then.

"No, you guys just finished it, right? It smelled pretty strong.……"


He originally didn't plan to do it again, but Jiang Qinya insisted on going with him early in the morning...

What could he do? He couldn't just not satisfy Jiang Qinya, right?

"Oh... I don't know whether I should tell my parents about Qin Ya's existence, and what will happen in the future?……"

If she really meets her sister in the horror world in the future, how will she face her sister?

"I think we can wait until the country announces the news about the horror world before telling our parents."

Now the horror game is expanding, Daxia officials will sooner or later be unable to conceal it.

And it seems that horror games have already appeared abroad.


"Humph, if you meet my sister in the horror world, you should explain to her, it's all your fault."

Jiang Qinyu really didn't know how to face Jiang Qinxin. How should she explain?

The root of everything started with Jiang Cheng, so it would be best for Jiang Cheng to explain to his sister.

When Jiang Qinyu rolled her eyes, the phone next to her began to ring.

"your phone……"

Jiang Qinyu glanced at the phone and saw that the note on the phone was Officer Chen.

"The security guard wants to talk to you about something?"

Jiang Cheng also found that it was Chen Jingwan who called, and it seemed that she had called him dozens or even hundreds of times.

"It was a security guard who investigated me before.

Jiang Cheng answered the phone directly.

"Jiang Cheng, I finally got through to you, your copy���"Is it over? The authorities have a very important matter and need your help now."

Chen Jingwan on the other end of the phone sounded a little anxious.

"Yes, I just finished my third instance. What's the important thing?"Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

The official wanted him to help?

"You've already finished the third instance? My second instance won't start until tomorrow.……"

"Well, are you free now? If you are free, Director Wang and I will come to see you."Now is not the time to talk about that kind of topic with Jiang Cheng, so Chen Jingwan changed the subject.

"If you are free, come over directly." After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Chen Jingwan, Jiang Cheng hung up the phone.

""Honey, what does the security guard want to see you for?"

Jiang Qinyu was a little curious.

"Well... they said they wanted my help with something important. I guess the government is in some crisis." Jiang Cheng seemed to be thinking.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked him. After all, he said he wouldn't join the government, but if the country was in danger, he would help.


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