"Jiang Cheng, be nice to my sister, okay? Don't always bully my sister. Don't think that I won't beat you just because you are Lord Youshen's man. If you……"

Jiang Qinya's words made Jiang Cheng a little confused. How did he offend Jiang Qinya? Why was she so angry after just meeting him?

Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Qinya innocently,"How did I bully your sister? Am I not good to her?"

He was a little speechless.

"Humph, you know how to bully my sister."

When Jiang Cheng said that Jiang Qinyu was not convenient to go out now, Jiang Qinya understood something.

She thought Jiang Cheng could only fight for an hour at most, but when she went to find Jiang Cheng, there was still a fierce battle inside.


She waited outside for several hours before the fierce battle was completely over.……


Jiang Qinya's eyes looked a little strange, as if she knew something.

That probably made Jiang Cheng understand something.

"Qinya...I can't control that kind of thing. Your sister is not……"

If Jiang Qinyu really didn't want it, he wouldn't just... He is a man who cherishes women.

"I will work with Eliza and the others to assign a few tasks to you and my sister. The tasks are quite simple. Can you do them by yourself?"


Jiang Cheng has that goal. He can achieve an SSS score, but he has to take Jiang Qinyu to achieve an SSS score.

After all, if Jiang Qinyu wants to become powerful, she has to be able to protect herself.

"Go and do the task."

After Jiang Cheng left, Jiang Qinya was surprised. Is Jiang Cheng really that powerful?

She had to go find her sister to see how she was doing. She also had to ask her sister.……

"Sister, can I come in?"

As Jiang Qinya knocked on the door, she felt a little complicated.

"Um... please come in."

When Jiang Qinya entered the room, she found Jiang Qinyu sitting on the bed, and her face was still a little flushed.

"Qinya, did you issue that task just now?

She just received another direct task.

"Well... let Jiang Cheng do it alone now. He always bullies you. You should……"

Jiang Qinya's words let Jiang Qinyu know that her sister seemed to know what she and Jiang Chengzhi had done?

"Well, Jiang Cheng didn't bully me, he's a good guy"

"Qinya, do you like Jiang Cheng?"

Since Jiang Qinya has arrived, Jiang Qinyu plans to get straight to the point. After all, they only have eight days left in the Ghostly Church.

To be precise, there are only other days left. She has been crazy with Jiang Cheng all day.……

""Sister, how did you know?"

Jiang Qinya was a little dazed. How did her sister know that she liked Jiang Cheng? She should like him, right?

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been thinking about Jiang Cheng all the time.

"You are exactly the same as I was before... You can say you are a replica of me."

"If you really like Jiang Cheng, then be with him with me... Lian Yuyou is her ex-girlfriend, I don't know……"

She needs a little help to occupy an important position in Jiang Cheng's heart.

"If I stay with that stinky rascal, wouldn't that be too easy for him?" Jiang Qinya snorted,"I don't know what kind of magic that stinky rascal has."

"Even the ghost god……"

In fact, even Lord Youshen fell, so it doesn't seem strange that she fell.

"He is actually a very nice person, his only shortcoming is that he is a bit sentimental……"

"You say he is a scumbag, but he was really nice when we were in love, almost without asking for anything in return, and treated us very well. He even left a large sum of money to my sister when we broke up."

"That money is enough for my sister to live alone for the rest of her life without having to work."

"You say he is not a scumbag, but he seems to be affectionate and has dated many girlfriends, but they all broke up."

Jiang Qinyu understood that Jiang Cheng is currently in a state of superposition between a scumbag and not a scumbag.

If you think he is a scumbag, then he is a scumbag. If you don't think he is a scumbag, then he is not a scumbag.

"Sister, do you really want me to go with you and him?……"Jiang Qinya always felt that something was a bit strange.

It was developing a little too fast, and didn't that mean she had to take the initiative to pursue Jiang Cheng?

"It's up to you. If you don't want to be with him, that's fine, but I'm afraid you won't be able to be with him anymore.……"

Jiang Qinyu certainly wouldn't let Jiang Qinya go against her own heart. Whether to be with Jiang Cheng or not doesn't depend on her, but on Jiang Qinya.


She understood what my sister meant.

"I'll think about it."


As for Jiang Cheng on the other side, he began to work hard on the side quests. The side quests were quite simple.

An hour later

"Brother Jiang Cheng, why are you cleaning the middle hall alone?"

Estelle found Jiang Cheng cleaning the middle hall late at night. She had originally planned to go back to the forest.


Jiang Cheng certainly had an impression of that lovely girl from the Wuyu tribe.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, can I help you clean up?"

Estelle smiled sweetly. How could she watch Jiang Cheng clean the huge central hall by himself?

"Need not……"

But Estelle still helped Jiang Cheng clean up.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, if you hadn't come with me, I'm afraid I would be in danger."

"I don't even know how to repay you."

Estelle's face turned slightly red,"Brother Jiang Cheng, do you know how our Wuyu tribe repays you?"


Jiang Cheng was mainly trying to complete the task of resisting the demons at that time, and as for covering the two men, it was just a matter of convenience.

He did not expect any reward.

"You saved my brother's life. According to the custom of our Wuyu tribe, I should repay you with my life.……"

Estelle looked at Jiang Cheng's face seriously. Jiang Cheng was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was even more handsome than her brother. If she really wanted to marry him, Estelle would be very willing.

But it seemed that Jiang Cheng was not very willing.


A bit cliché, a bit cheap, but seems pretty good

"That's not good, right? Besides, you and I just met, it's definitely not good to pledge yourself to someone else."

Jiang Cheng wouldn't pledge himself to someone else... The main reason is that there is Tang Yuyou's statue behind him.

He always feels that Tang Yuyou is watching everything.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, I was right about you. You are really a gentleman.……"

Jiang Cheng:"……"

Well, Jiang Cheng is definitely a gentleman.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, will you accept it?"

Estelle handed a jet-black feather to Jiang Cheng at this moment, her little face was very rosy at this moment.

She was particularly embarrassed?


Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, you must accept it!"

Estelle's pretty face flushed. After she handed the black feather to Jiang Cheng, she quickly disappeared into the middle hall in the night.

This made Jiang Cheng a little confused.

"Is it just a feather?"

Jiang Cheng looked at the dark feather in the faint moonlight, and the dark feather exuded a fragrance of a young girl... a little bit of fragrance, the smell was a little bit unique.

He had to smell it again, Jiang Cheng put the feather in front of his nose and sniffed it gently.

"What's this smell? It's a bit strange……"

That fragrance was very unique, and Jiang Cheng couldn't tell it apart at all.

"How did Estelle take her……"

"You bastard, you actually put her feather in front of your nose and smelled it... You are really perverted!"

A crisp and somewhat angry voice came from the side. It was Jiang Qinya's voice.

"Qin Ya……"

Jiang Cheng blinked innocently.

"Isn't this a feather?"Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled. Why did Jiang Qinya seem so angry?

Seeing that Jiang Cheng seemed to really not know, Jiang Qinya was a little angry.

"You don't know what part of the body that feather is from? You don't know what the meaning of her giving you that part of the feather is?"

"I don't know...don't tell me……"

Jiang Cheng seemed to know something. The feather came from... that part of Estelle's body?


Looking at Jiang Qinya's eyes, Jiang Cheng completely understood that the feather really came from that part of Estelle.

What should I do? I feel a little socially dead.

"I really don't know!"

Jiang Cheng quickly put away the feather that Estelle gave him. He was a little embarrassed.


What could she say? From Jiang Cheng's look, he really didn't know, but that little girl Estelle was so bold to attack Jiang Cheng directly...

Sister was right, Jiang Cheng was indeed a very popular man. If she didn't take the initiative, I'm afraid...

But can she really take the initiative? How can she let that stinky hooligan get away with it so easily!

She had to find a way, a way to have the best of both worlds.

"Qinya, what do you want to talk to me about?"

He had already completed most of the linear tasks, and now only the linear task of cleaning the central hall was left.

"You should go back and rest early, and complete the task tomorrow. Sister has something to talk to you about."

Jiang Qinya glared at Jiang Cheng. Even the little girl Estelle could be so proactive. Even she was interested in Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng only had seven days left in the Ghost Church... Seven days, she had to think about it first.

"Qinyu wants to talk to me about something?……"

To be honest, Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed to be in front of Jiang Qinya. Apart from anything else, he was seen by Jiang Qinya smelling the feather from Estelle's body...

It was really embarrassing, but Jiang Cheng really didn't think of the feather as that kind of body.

He thought the feather was a bit like the tail feather of a phoenix, and it was just an important feather of Estelle.

But the feather in that part seemed to be an important feather.

"By the way, how do you know that feather is from Estelle's place?"

Jiang Cheng left a question for Jiang Qinya.

"Then I'll go first, Qinya, you should go to bed early, good night."

After Jiang Cheng disappeared into the night, Jiang Qinya looked disgusted.

"How could I like such a scoundrel? I really don't know what's good about scoundrels."

(Please give me some free gifts. If there are a lot of gifts, I will add another chapter tonight)

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