"Jiang Qingyan, no matter how much you want to take Jiang Cheng for yourself, you can't do that, right?"

Ravenna's tone was a little angry. She thought Jiang Cheng really died.

"You are all Cheng's ex-girlfriends now, but Cheng has promised me to get back together with me."

Whether it is Tang Yuyou or Jiang Qingyan, they are all Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriends.

But Jiang Cheng has promised to get back together with her. Ravenna looked at Jiang Cheng on the bed with a bit of joy on her face.

"So... Cheng-ge……"

Jiang Qingyan felt a little guilty. Tang Yuyou and Ravenna seemed to be fighting just now. It turned out that the fierce god with Ravenna was also Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriend.

Wouldn't he beat her now? She became a fierce god more than a hundred years ago... She has the lowest fighting power among the fierce gods...

Can she beat them? And her behavior seemed to have annoyed Ravenna, but Jiang Qingyan really didn't know.

It turned out that Ravenna made friends with her in order to introduce her to Jiang Cheng.……

"He has completely recovered. As for when he will wake up, I don't know."Jiang Qingyan sighed lightly,"His injury is indeed not serious, but it is quite dangerous to look directly at the evil spirit. If it weren't for this sister protecting him, his brain would have collapsed.……"

"I'm not your sister."

Tang Yuyou was very upset with Jiang Qingyan. She actually wanted to take Jiang Cheng for herself, and she even wrongly blamed Ravenna.

"I really want to beat you up now!"

Jiang Cheng is in a coma now, and Tang Yuyou doesn't plan to pretend to be gentle.


Jiang Qingyan was a little dumbfounded.

"What? I'm really upset with you. You actually want to take Jiang Cheng for yourself, and I wrongly blamed Ravenna.……"

However, Tang Yuyou took action the next second. She was very dissatisfied with Jiang Qingyan's behavior.

If Jiang Qingyan really deceived them all, wouldn't that mean her trick was really successful?

Tang Yuyou then disappeared directly into the ward with Jiang Qingyan, and disappeared with the two women.

Eleanor was a little confused.

"Sister Ravenna……"

Ravenna snorted. Even a clay figure would be angry. How could she not be angry at Jiang Qingyan's behavior?

It would be better for Tang Yuyou to teach Jiang Qingyan a lesson. That way, she wouldn't have to do it.

"You and Jiang Qingyan deceived me together, and you still have the nerve to call me sister?"Ravenna looked at Eleanor.

"That's not what Master asked me to do... I dare not disobey Master's request!"

Eleanor blinked.

"He is actually the master's ex-boyfriend……"

She really ate a lot of gossip. The Lord of the Tenth Throne, Ravenna, was related to Jiang Cheng.

That unknown evil god was related to Jiang Cheng.

Her master, a rising star in the circle of strange doctors in the horror world, a famous new evil god in the chaos camp, was also related to Jiang Cheng. If all three evil gods were related to Jiang Cheng... wouldn't it shock the horror world if it got out?

You have to know that any evil god has a very high status in the horror world.

"Don't spread what happened today, understand?"

After all, she, Ravenna, is the tenth throne of the Chaos Camp, the famous Lord of the Night. If she spreads it, where will she put her face? Originally, because the goddess Natalia was killed by Tang Yuyou, she was a little embarrassed in the Chaos Camp.

"I know……"

Would she dare to tell it? If she told it, her life would be in danger, and her master would definitely kill Gui to silence her.

"I don't know anything."

Eleanor looked like she knew nothing, and then she said seriously,"Sister Ravenna, I'm leaving first. If Master comes back, please tell her."


After Eleanor left, she and Jiang Cheng were the only ones left in the ward.


Ravenna looked at Jiang Cheng lovingly. She reached out and stroked Jiang Cheng's cheek.


Then Jiang Cheng opened his eyes.


When she found out that Jiang Cheng had woken up, Ravenna looked at him with some joy.

"Brother Cheng, are you awake? That's great!"

Ravenna lowered her head, her face full of self-blame

"Brother Cheng, it’s all my fault… I shouldn’t……"

If she hadn't accidentally appeared in front of Jiang Cheng in her true form, how could the subsequent events have happened?

"Xiaona, I don't blame you."

Jiang Cheng was a little confused. He knew that he had seen Ravenna's true form at that time, but now, no matter what, he couldn't recall what Ravenna's true form looked like.

"Why can't I remember what you look like in your original form?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Ravenna seriously.

"Of course not. With your current strength, you can't look directly at the real body of the evil god.……"

Ravenna rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng

"In short, if you encounter the true form of the evil god in the future, never look directly at him.……"

"But if the evil spirit really has bad intentions...you will also be in trouble if you stay next to him."

Ravenna found that Jiang Cheng was really a little weak. Compared to her now, he was really too weak.


She can't protect Jiang Cheng all the time, but Jiang Cheng might be in danger in the future.

"Brother Cheng, please become stronger as soon as possible. Only by becoming stronger can we……"Ravenna bit her teeth lightly. She wanted to merge with Jiang Cheng so much, but it was a pity that Jiang Cheng was too weak now.……


How could Jiang Cheng not understand what Ravenna was going to do?

"Where is Yuyou?"

Ravenna was the only one in the ward. Tang Yuyou was missing.

With Tang Yuyou's personality, she shouldn't disappear, right? And it seemed that Tang Yuyou protected him.

Anyway, he had to thank Tang Yuyou.


"Brother Cheng, is Jiang Qingyan your ex-girlfriend?"

Ravenna's question made Jiang Cheng stunned for a moment. How did Ravenna know that Jiang Qingyan was her ex-girlfriend?

Could it be that……


Jiang Cheng certainly remembered that he had an ex-girlfriend named Jiang Qingyan. It seemed that she was a doctor like Zhou Menghan.

But Jiang Qingyan seemed to be a psychologist, while Zhou Menghan was an internist. They were in completely different professions.

""Tsk tsk tsk, Cheng brother, how many ex-girlfriends do you have?"

Ravenna really thought it was a coincidence that she could actually meet Jiang Cheng's two ex-girlfriends in the horror world.

One is really a coincidence, and the other is that Jiang Cheng probably has a lot of ex-girlfriends. If the numerator increases and the denominator remains unchanged, the probability will of course increase.

"Xiaona, if I tell you, you will……"

He can handle Lin Sixue and An Weiwei, but Ravenna is a fierce creature. If she knew that he has two hundred ex-girlfriends, can he really handle it?

"No, as long as Cheng has me in his heart, I don't care."

Ravenna smiled

"Two hundred……"

After getting Ravenna's answer, Jiang Cheng didn't plan to hide it anymore. They would definitely know it sooner or later.

The smile on Ravenna's face gradually disappeared.……

"Two hundred?!"

She thought Jiang Cheng might have seventeen or eighteen ex-girlfriends, but it turned out that Jiang Cheng had two hundred ex-girlfriends?

"Are you a stud pig? Brother Cheng, you actually found two hundred girlfriends?!"

Ravenna was a little stunned.

However, if she said Jiang Cheng was a stud pig, wouldn't that mean they were... ugh!

"Well, it seems I don't need to help you find women anymore, two hundred……"

She was afraid that Jiang Cheng couldn't handle two hundred of them. What if Jiang Cheng died?

"So, your two hundred ex-girlfriends all appeared in the horror world and became weird, right?"

If Jiang Cheng had seventeen or eighteen ex-girlfriends, she might be jealous, but Jiang Cheng has two hundred ex-girlfriends.

So she is jealous? She must be jealous!

She really just wants Jiang Cheng to have her in his heart, and he must put her first.

"I guess so... I guess they all turned into weird ones."

Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Uh huh... Brother Cheng, I don't care how many ex-girlfriends you have, you must have me in your heart"

"Can I?"

Ravenna looked at Jiang Cheng affectionately.

"Well...I definitely have you in my heart, Xiaona……"

Ravenna was in Jiang Cheng's arms at the moment. Looking at Ravenna's beautiful red lips, Jiang Cheng kissed her directly.


After a long time

"Um... Brother Cheng, you are so bad, you only know how to provoke...……"Ravenna's eyes were full of charm.

"So, where is Yuyou?"

Jiang Cheng was still a little curious about where Tang Yuyou was.

"Tang Yuyou is beating Jiang Qingyan now? That woman actually wants to take you for herself, she must be taught a lesson!"

Ravenna's words stunned Jiang Cheng

"Tang Yuyou is beating Jiang Qingyan?!"

No wonder Lei Wenna knew that Jiang Qingyan was his ex-girlfriend. It turned out that they had already met Jiang Qingyan?

"Jiang Qingyan is a master-level cunning doctor. You just looked directly at my true form, so much so that you……"

"In order to save you, Tang Yuyou and I brought you to Yeying Hospital. Jiang Qingyan is the director of Yeying Hospital."……"

So I recognized him.

"Humph, it turns out that you are the man who abandoned Jiang Qingyan, Brother Cheng, you are really amazing"

"But, what is the reason for you and Jiang Qingyan to break up?"Ravenna was a little curious.

Jiang Qingyan had always been a little brooding. She said that the reason why the man broke up with her was very ridiculous.

If it was another reason, she would understand, but Jiang Qingyan really couldn't understand the reason for his breakup.


He seems to have some impression

"The reason I broke up with her was that her last name was Jiang, and mine was also Jiang. Our village did not allow marriages between people with the same last name, as that would disrupt the moral code.……"

His reason should be that, he remembered it very clearly.

Ravenna's eyes widened, she found Jiang Cheng was really a scumbag, not to mention his two hundred ex-girlfriends, the reasons for breaking up were so outrageous.

But so what? She really loved Jiang Cheng, she loved Jiang Cheng so much that she couldn't extricate herself.

The reason Jiang Cheng broke up with her seemed to be that she didn't eat coriander? He liked women who could eat coriander.

It seemed quite outrageous.

"Uh-huh, Cheng-ge, do you really love me? The reason you broke up with me is also ridiculous."

"I used to not eat cilantro... but after breaking up with you, I eat cilantro every day, and even when I go out to eat noodles, I have to add cilantro."


Ravenna's words made Jiang Cheng a little embarrassed

"Xiaona... isn't that in the past?"

Can he say that he doesn't like coriander?

(The income has hit the bottom, please give me some free gifts)

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