"Can't save him?"

Eleanor's words completely stunned Ravenna. Tang Yuyou beside her had almost the same reaction.

"How could I not be able to save him? I clearly protected his mind at the first moment... Impossible."

Tang Yuyou couldn't believe it. She and Jiang Cheng had been separated for thousands of years, but Jiang Cheng was going to die the moment they met?

"Eleanor...really can't be saved?"

Ravenna didn't believe it either, and her self-blame and guilt reached a peak.

Eleanor found that Ravenna and Tang Yuyou's expressions were a little... sad? That means that the handsome man in front of them should be very important to both of them.

She didn't know Tang Yuyou, but Ravenna was the tenth throne of the Chaos Camp, the Lord of Silent Night.

So, that handsome human man was Ravenna's lover? It seemed that this was the situation at the moment.

"I mean I can't save him, but Master should be different." Eleanor coughed dryly, as if she had just had a big misunderstanding with the two of them.

"Eleanor, why didn't you say so earlier?"

Ravenna was speechless. She thought Jiang Cheng was really hopeless.……

"What is your master doing?"

Eleanor's master is naturally the director of Yeying Hospital, the master-level strange doctor she knows, Jiang Qingyan

""Master is out of town for a consultation, but should be back soon."

Eleanor said thoughtfully, her eyes now turned to Jiang Cheng who was lying on the bed.

"He...how should I put it, his brain is now polluted and the damage is quite serious"

"But it seems that someone protected him at the first moment, otherwise, with his current strength, he would be immediately shocked if he looked directly at the evil spirit.……"

Eleanor believes that someone protected Jiang Cheng, otherwise Jiang Cheng would have become a scum now.


Ravenna sat next to Jiang Cheng, her face still full of self-blame

"Brother Cheng, it's all my fault. Please don't get hurt. If you get hurt, I won't be alive either."

Ravenna looked at Jiang Cheng affectionately. She was really a little drunk at that time, so she accidentally……

"Sister Ravenna, who is he to you?"

Eleanor was a little surprised. Just now she guessed that Jiang Cheng and Ravenna had a very close relationship, but now Ravenna directly called him"Brother Cheng", and she seemed to be ready to commit suicide for love.

Doesn't that mean that the handsome human in front of her is Ravenna's man?


Who is Jiang Cheng to her? Her boyfriend...but she and Jiang Cheng have broken up, and they haven't gotten back together yet.

"You are sure that your dean can cure him, right?"

Tang Yuyou's attention is now all on Jiang Cheng, otherwise she would have been angry when Ravenna held Jiang Cheng's hand.

Jiang Cheng is her man.

"The master is a master of strange medicine, there will definitely be no problem."Eleanor nodded.

"His injury is serious, but not particularly serious. The main reason is that I can't clean the pollution in his brain... Otherwise, I can also heal his injury."

She is only a high-level ghost king, and she can't clean the pollution brought by the evil spirit.

As for the injury in Jiang Cheng's brain, she can heal it, but the pollution exists, and she is powerless.


Tang Yuyou looked at Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the bed with a very pale face and no blood on his lips.

She felt a little distressed.

"Ravenna, I hope you can use your brains next time. At least before he becomes a fierce god, our real bodies cannot appear in front of him."

Tang Yuyou said in a serious tone.

"He is too weak now."

She didn't dislike Jiang Cheng, but now Jiang Cheng is really too weak compared to them.


Ravenna did not refute Tang Yuyou's teachings, on the contrary, she accepted it humbly.

After all, it was her fault, she admitted it.

But she still did not accept Tang Yuyou. Jiang Cheng was her man, how could it be Tang Yuyou.

When Jiang Cheng woke up, she had to let Jiang Cheng make a choice, either to be with her or with Tang Yuyou.

Want her to follow him with Tang Yuyou? Absolutely impossible. Even if she, Ravenna, fell into the abyss, she would never follow Jiang Cheng with Tang Yuyou.

"Ravenna, what happened?……"

As a pleasant voice sounded from outside the ward, a look of joy appeared on Ravenna's face.

"Jiang Qingyan, you are finally here."

Looking at Jiang Cheng's pale face, Ravenna has been blaming herself.

She is also distressed.

So, she naturally hopes to treat Jiang Cheng as soon as possible. She has to apologize to Jiang Cheng.

She really didn't mean it.

"Xiaoying said the situation was serious, so I rushed back immediately.……"If Ravenna asked her to repay the favor, she would definitely come back immediately.

Jiang Qingyan had long black hair and was wearing a white coat. There was a smile on her delicate face.

Her dark red eyes looked at Ravenna seriously.

Ravenna should be in particular need of her help now. After all, she owed Ravenna a life.

So she stopped her work immediately and returned to the hospital without stopping.

At that time, she was treating a woman strangely.

"Cheng's brain was injured. I accidentally used my original body……"Ravenna explained to Jiang Qingyan seriously.

Jiang Qingyan knew that Ravenna had a lover who she had not seen for many years, but she broke up with him.

At that time, Ravenna was in a bad mood and had come to her to talk about those things. Jiang Qingyan knew all about it.

She and Ravenna were in the same boat. After she broke up with that man, she was silent for a long time. During that time, she even had some thoughts of committing suicide.

But because he always encouraged her when he was with her, she always had a goal in her heart.

To become an excellent doctor, because of some things that happened at that time, she lost some confidence and even planned to give up.

However, it was he who inspired her and accompanied her through the most difficult days.

He was like the first ray of sunshine in winter, warming her heart, but... just when she was about to be with him completely, he broke up with her for a somewhat ridiculous reason...

Therefore, Jiang Qingyan always thought that she and Ravenna were in the same boat. They were the kind of people.……

"Brother Cheng? Ravenna, that's your sweetheart, right?"

The name Ravenna mentioned should be her sweetheart, right? Jiang Qingyan was a little curious.

Ravenna actually waited for her sweetheart in the horror world. It turned out that her sweetheart was in trouble...

No wonder it was so urgent.

Ravenna's sweetheart has appeared, so what about her him? Jiang Qingyan felt a little irritable.


But when Jiang Qingyan saw the man on the bed clearly, she was completely stunned.

Wasn't that Jiang Cheng? Was n't that Jiang Cheng that she had been thinking about all along?

Jiang Qingyan's look of being struck by lightning was not noticed by Ravenna and Tang Yuyou.

After all, their focus at the moment was on Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Qingyan, can you save him?"

Ravenna waited for a while but didn't get an answer from Jiang Qingyan. She turned around and looked at Jiang Qingyan.

She noticed Jiang Qingyan's stunned expression.

"Jiang Qingyan?"

Ravenna thought Jiang Qingyan's expression meant that the situation was a bit serious, and Jiang Qingyan couldn't treat Jiang Cheng?


Jiang Qingyan came back to his senses and quickly straightened his expression. Jiang Cheng... turned out to be the lover of Ravenna?

So they both fell in love with the same person and broke up with the same person... They really sympathized with each other.

Even the cause of the disease was the same?

"Can you save her? You must try your best."

Ravenna looked at Jiang Qingyan seriously.

"His...brain area is heavily polluted. I have to clean up the pollution in his brain first, and then treat his brain area."

"Ravenna, why don't you go out and wait?"

Jiang Qingyan had of course seen through Jiang Cheng's injuries, and her heart was now very complicated.

"Eleanor, you will be my assistant, we will start the treatment immediately."

After Ravenna and Tang Yuyou walked out of the ward, only Jiang Qingyan and Eleanor were left in the ward, along with Jiang Cheng who had been unconscious on the bed.


After Ravenna and the other two girls left, Eleanor found that Jiang Qingyan had not made any move. She looked at Jiang Qingyan with some doubts.

Then Eleanor found that Jiang Qingyan was looking seriously at the man named"Jiang Cheng" on the bed, and her eyes were a little...

Eleanor didn't know how to describe it. It was a bit like resentment, and a bit like the look of Ravenna's sister just now?

Eleanor shouted and found that Jiang Qingyan was still in a daze, so she couldn't help but shout again.

"Master...what's wrong with you?"

Why is her master a little bit abnormal? She looks a little strange, as if……

"Well, let's get started."

Jiang Qingyan's heart was a little confused now. The man she had been thinking about turned out to be Ravenna's ex-boyfriend... and���She actually ran into Jiang Cheng in this situation, looking at the bloodless face on the hospital bed.

That face that had appeared in her mind for countless years and made her always miss it.

Should she tell Ravenna directly? But if she told Ravenna, wouldn't she become a competitor with Ravenna?

But Jiang Cheng was also very important to her, and now she finally saw Jiang Cheng again.

She hoped that she could be with Jiang Cheng forever.

"Master? What happened to you today?……"

Jiang Qingyan said he was going to take action, but she stopped moving, which made Eleanor even more confused. Could it be that Ravenna's man had something to do with her master? Eleanor's head hurt a little, she didn't understand.

"Well, let's get started."

Jiang Qingyan came back to her senses and began to think about her plan. Should she tell Ravenna directly that she couldn't save Jiang Cheng and then keep Jiang Cheng all to herself? As for the favor she owed Ravenna, she could just find another opportunity later...

But if she did that, she had to find a very thorough reason, at least so that Ravenna wouldn't notice anything.


As Eleanor became Jiang Qingyan's assistant, the two of them started to get busy in the ward.

"Eleanor, come here.……"

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