With the appearance of Tang Yuyou, Liliqina and Lamia both took a defensive posture, their eyes were full of vigilance.

Only Youshen appeared, where was their master?

"My relationship with them is very pure, we were just sitting together chatting just now."

He was obviously just chatting with Liliqina and the others, waiting for Tang Yuyou and Ravenna to finish the fight.


Jiang Cheng already has girls on his left and right, and now he's telling her that his relationship with Ravenna's two maids is particularly pure?

Are you treating her like a fool ?

"Where's Xiaona?"

Tang Yuyou has appeared for a few minutes, but Ravenna has not appeared.

"Why... do you feel sorry for your little lover?"

Tang Yuyou looked at Jiang Cheng with a sneer.

"You feel sorry for your lover, but why don't you feel sorry for me?"

Tang Yuyou already knew that Lei Wenna was her girlfriend after she broke up with Jiang Cheng.

She originally planned to be gentle with Jiang Cheng, after all, she and Jiang Cheng hadn't seen each other for so long.

But now she is particularly angry.

"Yuyou, I feel bad for you too. I was worried when you guys were fighting.

Jiang Cheng said seriously.

"I would feel bad if you got hurt."

He looked at Tang Yuyou seriously. He was sincere. He would feel bad if either of them got hurt.


"I killed Ravenna."

Tang Yuyou had a cold face. She didn't have any good feelings towards the"Lord of the Silent Night" Ravenna.

"You killed her?"

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. Ravenna had told him that Tang Yuyou had killed Natalia, so Tang Yuyou might really attack Ravenna.

"What's wrong, don't you believe it? She's not as strong as me, and she's provoking me, so I can only fulfill her wish."

Dare to snatch a man from her, Tang Yuyou, and be so arrogant. They have new and old grudges, so of course they have to deal with Ravenna.


Liliqina on the side exclaimed that it was impossible. She didn't think that the ghost god could defeat the master in such a short time.

How could the master's fighting power be so low? Moreover, as Ravenna's maids and her followers, they would have a connection with Ravenna.

"No... Impossible?"

However, when Lilikina was about to contact Ravenna, she suddenly found that her communication channel with Ravenna had been cut off.

Lamia also began to try to communicate with Ravenna, but she fell into the same situation as Lilikina.

The two women began to look at each other, with unbelievable expressions in their eyes.

"how come……"

Seeing the reactions of Lilichina and Lamia, Jiang Cheng changed from being unconvinced to believing.

Their expressions showed that something was really wrong with Ravenna.

"Did you really give Xiaona to……"

Jiang Cheng's heart was particularly complicated. Tang Yuyou actually touched Ravenna? He really couldn't believe it at all.

"Tsk, you really only care about whether your little lover is okay."Tang Yuyou snorted coldly, Jiang Cheng only cares about Lei Wenna and not her.

How could Jiang Cheng be like that?

"Don't slander me. I care about you too, but aren't you fine now?"

"You are all my ex-girlfriends. I will be sad if anything happens to any of you.……"

Jiang Cheng saw that Tang Yuyou didn't seem to believe him, so he had to be honest with Tang Yuyou.

"Now you dare to admit that she is also your ex-girlfriend? Why didn't you just say it directly? What were you doing earlier?"

Tang Yuyou was very angry.

"Yuyou, you won't really give Xiaona to……"

He still didn't quite believe it, because in his memory, Tang Yuyou wasn't the kind of person who was unreasonable and didn't know right from wrong.

She didn't know why she killed Natalia, but Tang Yuyou wouldn't give Ravenna to...

He didn't believe it.

"Youshen, it's impossible. How could the master...……"

Lilichina looked unconvinced.

"Why have we lost contact with our master?

It was as if they had completely lost contact with Ravenna, as if Ravenna had completely disappeared.

The two women were a little terrified at this moment.

"I only dealt with her clone, as for her real body... she provoked me, I can't just do nothing, right?"

She could choose not to vent her anger on Jiang Cheng, but if she didn't teach Ravenna a lesson after Ravenna provoked her like that, wouldn't that mean that she, Tang Yuyou, was afraid of Ravenna? They were both Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriends.

She couldn't show weakness.

Then, Tang Yuyou turned her gaze to Jiang Cheng, with a deep look in her eyes.


Tang Yuyou only dealt with Ravenna's clone? What about Ravenna's real body?

"Cortana's Body……"

Jiang Cheng didn't want any of them to get into trouble. No matter who they were, they were all women he loved deeply.

Moreover, they were all his most precious treasures. Later on, it would be possible to raise their favorability to 95.

After signing the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, their power would be his power.

"Humph, I used a special method to exile her to another dimension. With her ability, it won't be a big deal."

It's just that it will take some time for Ravenna to return to the horror world from another dimension.

That was the lesson she taught Ravenna.


Because she didn't like Ravenna, and Lilichina and the others were so close to Jiang Cheng just now.

If Jiang Cheng hadn't been there, I'm afraid Tang Yuyou would have killed Lilichina and the others.

Dare to covet her man?

"No wonder……"

Lilichina finally understood why they had completely lost contact with Ravenna and could no longer sense Ravenna.

"Lilichina, why don’t you go first?

Jiang Cheng could sense that Tang Yuyou was very unhappy with Lilichina and Lamia, probably because he was there.

Otherwise, Tang Yuyou would have taken action directly.


Facing Tang Yuyou, Lilichina and Lamia both felt tremendous pressure.

After all, they were only at the ghost king level, while Tang Yuyou was a ghost god, a fierce god-level existence with strength slightly stronger than their master.

With just a glance from Tang Yuyou, they could all be wiped out.

Lilichina gave Jiang Cheng a look in return, telling him that she hoped Jiang Cheng would take care of himself.

They could not help much.

Then Lilichina and Lamia disappeared in front of the castle, leaving only Tang Yuyou and Jiang Cheng at the scene.

"Hey, Yuyou, I remember you were an idol before? Now you have become a ghost god in the horror world……"

He was really surprised.

At that time, someone in the entertainment industry wanted to take advantage of Tang Yuyou, but Tang Yuyou was his 22nd ex-girlfriend. Before that, he had received a lot of rewards through the system.

With his financial resources, he naturally solved the problem for Tang Yuyou. With Tang Yuyou's backing, no one dared to take advantage of her. As for how Tang Yuyou was doing after he broke up with her, he didn't know. He no longer paid attention to her.

"Is it not possible? Do you know that I will become a fierce god just to build an empire for you?"

She has always believed that Jiang Cheng should appear in the horror world. Jiang Cheng has cleared the obstacles for her in the real world, so she must also build an empire for Jiang Cheng in the horror world.

As a result, she has been waiting for Jiang Cheng in the horror world for thousands of years, and has been looking for Jiang Cheng for thousands of years.

She has not waited for Jiang Cheng, but Tang Yuyou has never lost hope. If Jiang Cheng does not appear in the horror world.

At worst, she can work harder and return to the real world later. If Jiang Cheng has... she can also find a way to resurrect Jiang Cheng.


"Our time flows differently... but it's possible that you appeared at an earlier time point"

"Anyway, in the real world, it has only been more than a month since you had the accident."

Jiang Cheng listened to what Tang Yuyou said, and he didn't know how to answer Tang Yuyou.

"I appeared at an earlier time point?"

Tang Yuyou's pretty face showed a hint of doubt.

"Well... most likely."

At present, it seems that the earlier his ex-girlfriends dated, the earlier they appeared in the horror world.

Tang Yuyou was his 22nd ex-girlfriend, and she has become a fierce god and has been in the horror world for thousands of years.

Ravenna should be his 44th ex-girlfriend, and she has also become a fierce god and has been in the horror world for thousands of years.

So... that should be a pattern.

"Tell me, how many people have you dated since you broke up with me?

Jiang Cheng told her that he had dated two people before he started dating her.

What about after she broke up with Jiang Cheng? Ravenna was one... but there must be more than one.


Should he tell Tang Yuyou the truth now? When he runs into other ex-girlfriends in the future, it seems that Tang Yuyou will know everything.

But if he tells Tang Yuyou now, he may accidentally anger Tang Yuyou and his life will be in danger.

It would be a bit too exaggerated to say that he has dated 200 people.���

"Well, five... I have already met two in the horror world, they both became weird, one of them was recently talked about, she has been in the horror world for more than 120 years"

"But in the real world, you two are in trouble together."

Let's talk about five first, five is not a small number, let's see how Tang Yuyou reacts, and then Jiang Cheng will plan what to say next.

"Five? A little less, right?"

"According to your timeline, it should have been ten years since I broke up with you."Tang Yuyou didn't believe that Jiang Cheng had only dated five girls in ten years.

But now the point seems to be that all his ex-girlfriends appeared in the horror world at the same time and turned into something weird?

Although she has become a fierce god, she still doesn't know why she appeared in the horror world inexplicably.

And then turned into a cat demon.

She has a physical examination every year, and she was applying a facial mask at that time, but her eyes went black.

When she opened her eyes again, she had appeared in the horror world and turned into a little cat demon.

"Is it that everyone you talked to has had an accident?"

She understood what Jiang Cheng meant.


Jiang Cheng still believes that everything was done by his Tongzi, but Tongzi has never admitted it. What can he do?

"It’s a bit strange."

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