The Church of the Gods

"The Archbishop has gone to see Lord Youshen. If Lord Youshen takes action, Jiang Cheng will definitely be fine."

"Lord Youshen is……"

Jiang Qinyu's heart was still lifted up, she was worried, and Elisa beside her was comforting Jiang Qinyu.

Elisa could only comfort Jiang Qinyu

"What if the Phantom God doesn't take action?"

Jiang Qinyu was a little depressed. What if the Phantom God doesn't take action? The Phantom God has nothing to do with her and Jiang Cheng.

It can be said that Jiang Cheng is not important to the Phantom God at all, and the Phantom God is unlikely to take action because of this.

"No... Jiang Cheng……"Just when Eliza was about to speak, she fell silent again.

She didn't know whether to tell Jiang Qinyu that Jiang Cheng was most likely the Son of Revelation.

He was the Son that Lord Youshen had been looking for.

She believed that Lord Youshen would definitely rescue Jiang Cheng, and that she was just the maid of Lord Silent Night, so she was not a concern.

"But what?"

Jiang Qinyu's mind was now completely focused on Jiang Cheng, but she still noticed what Eliza said.

"He is the Holy Son revealed by Lord Youshen, and he is exactly the same as the portrait Lord Youshen gave us."

"If Lord Youshen knew about this, he would definitely rescue Jiang Cheng."

After thinking about it, Eliza thought it would be okay to tell Jiang Qinyu directly.

"Jiang Cheng... is he the Holy Son?"

Jiang Qinyu was a little stunned.

"I can only say that the probability is……"

Eliza thoughtfully

"Anyway, he looks exactly like the person in the portrait, so you really don't have to worry too much. Jiang Cheng should be fine."


Jiang Qinyu sighed. She had finally gotten together with Jiang Cheng. Now Jiang Cheng might be in trouble. How could she not worry?

At this moment, in front of the statue.

Originally, all the nuns were praying, but now only Jiang Qinya was left in the nave.

Jiang Qinya began to complete a certain prayer ritual towards the statue.

"Qinya... why are you calling me?"

A soft voice came from the statue, and Jiang Qinya knelt on the ground.

"Lord Youshen!"

Her face showed a bit of fanaticism.

"Lord Youshen, we found the Son of God in your revelation……"Jiang Qinya said seriously


Youshen's tone became a little excited

"Is he exactly the same as in the portrait? Qinya...what's his name?"

"He looks exactly like the portrait, and his name is Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Qinya answered Youshen's question seriously.

"Jiang Cheng?"

"Where is he?"

Ghost's tone was very excited at this moment.

"He... had just been taken away by Lilichina, a maid of the Lord of Silent Night."

"What? That stinky woman Ravenna actually……"

As the light of the statue disappeared, no matter how Jiang Qinya called out to the Ghost God, she could no longer get any response.

Jiang Qinya already knew that Jiang Cheng must really be the lover that the Ghost God had been looking for.……

"He is actually the lover of Master Youshen... How could it be possible?……"

Jiang Qinya frowned.

She had always regarded Youshen as her mother. If Lord Youshen's lover was her father, then wouldn't that mean

Jiang Cheng was her father? So Jiang Cheng was her father?

But Jiang Cheng was related to her sister. If Lord Youshen knew about Jiang Cheng and her sister... and... there was actually a place for Jiang Cheng in her heart now. She didn't know why Jiang Cheng was so magical.

She was actually moved.

Jiang Qinya frowned and walked into the house. After Jiang Qinya came back, Jiang Qinyu and Eliza were a little excited.

"Qinya, what's the situation?"

Jiang Qinyu looked at Jiang Qinya seriously. Seeing Jiang Qinya frowning, she guessed...

Jiang Qinyu's heart skipped a beat.

"Lord Ghost God will save him."

Jiang Qinya felt a little complicated. She had never been in love before, but she knew that there was no room for two tigers in one mountain.

On one side was her biological sister, and on the other side was Lord Ghost God who adopted her and raised her.

If something really went wrong, who would she help?

The scoundrel... would only create problems for her!

"That's good, that's good."

Jiang Qinyu breathed a sigh of relief. With a fierce god like Youshen taking action, Jiang Cheng should be safe.

"May the Lord of the Underworld protect Jiang Cheng……"

Eliza made a prayer gesture, and Estelle beside her also began to pray.

"Lord Ghost God’s glory will live forever!"


Silent Night Valley, inside the castle

"Lilichina, that man is actually the master's man? It turns out that the man the master has been looking for is hers……"

Lamia still couldn't believe her eyes. Their master's man was an ordinary human.

Of course, that man was really handsome.

"I guessed it a long time ago. The master has been looking for him all the time. He must be very important to the master."Liliqina said seriously.


Lilichina was a little disappointed. She finally met a charming little man, but he turned out to be her master's man.

"Why are you sighing? As the master's maids, we also have the opportunity to serve the master's man."


So, Master's man, what should we shout?

"Brother Cheng.

Jiang Cheng and Ravenna sat together outside the castle. It was already evening and the sun was setting.

Ravenna leaned against Jiang Cheng.

"Do you know that I really love you?"

She didn't know how much effort she had put in, how much energy she had spent at the beginning.

But she still couldn't find Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was the only man who treated her well. Her father had been beating her since she was a child, and she had to do all the work in their family. Her grandparents didn't like her very much.

Only Jiang Cheng... treated her well in the true sense and paid a lot for her.

When they broke up, he even left her three million, and she used that three million to open a store.

The store was getting bigger and bigger, but she still couldn't find any trace of Jiang Cheng. No matter how she looked, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Do you love me?"

Ravenna looked at Jiang Cheng seriously.


Of course he loves Ravenna


Ravenna hugged Jiang Cheng and kissed him again. After a long while, she let go of him when she realized that Jiang Cheng's Yang Qi was almost gone.


Ravenna sighed softly. It was a pity... I couldn't do anything now.

I could only hug and kiss her.……

"Brother Cheng, is it true that the only way to become stronger is through the horror game?"

Ravenna looked at Jiang Cheng in confusion.


Through the Netherworld Marriage Book, he can also become stronger.

However, no matter how high the ghost energy value is, he needs Yang energy to get close to his ex-girlfriends.

And Yang energy can only be increased by completing tasks and leveling up, and then it is the ghost profession.

However, in the Netherworld Church, Jiang Cheng cannot grind the ghost teacher's tasks, and he can't improve the level of the ghost teacher.

I hope the next copy is a middle school or university, he has to grind the professional tasks as soon as possible to unlock a new ghost job

"Hmm... Xiaona, how about I give you a massage? I'm a master-level weird masseur."

A master-level weird masseur needs to get good reviews from five unspeakable beings or above to be promoted to a great sword master.

Giving it to Ravenna should count?

"Huh? You are actually a master-level weird masseur?"

Ravenna was a little surprised

"The horror game should have just started not long ago, right? You have already become a master-level spooky masseur?"You are worthy of being her Ravenna's man, amazing!

Master-level spooky jobs are rare in the horror world. Jiang Cheng actually……

"Okay, then you give me a massage. I just had a fight with a bitch a while ago and my back hurts a bit."

Ravenna said with a bit of anger in her tone.


Jiang Cheng knew that Ravenna was probably talking about Youshen, who was most likely his ex-girlfriend.……

"How did you get into a conflict with the Phantom God?"

Jiang Cheng was a little curious, but he also had to know what the conflict was between Ravenna and the Phantom God.

If it could be mediated, he would of course mediate it, otherwise if both of them knew... wouldn't they have to face the Shura Field again?

"That stinky woman killed one of my sisters!"

Ravenna gritted her teeth.

That was the female weirdo that Ravenna had chosen for Jiang Cheng. In the horror world, the higher the status of a person, the more partners they would have.

For example, there was a slaanesh who had tens of thousands of female partners. It can only be said that Ravenna hoped that she could give Jiang Cheng a better life in the horror world.


Ravenna's sister should be a fierce god of the Chaos camp. If it is one of his ex-girlfriends... then doesn't it mean that his ex-girlfriend gave his ex-girlfriend to him?……

"What's your sister's name?"

"Natalia is pretty, she was born and raised in the horror world, she knows a lot about it."Ravenna sighed,"It's a pity that the stinky woman gave her to……"


She really treats Jiang Cheng too well. With a good woman like her, Jiang Cheng will definitely……

"Local weirdness?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If his ex-girlfriend accidentally killed another ex-girlfriend, what would he do?

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh!

"Most of the horror world is local weirdness, and people like me who come from the outside world are outsiders."

"But in the horror world, there is no discrimination against outsiders. Strength is respected anyway."

Ravenna thought Jiang Cheng didn't understand the situation, so she explained it to Jiang Cheng seriously.

"Can the projection massage I give you also be projected onto the real body?"

Jiang Cheng pondered for a moment, and he looked at Ravenna in confusion.

"Yes, but it will only work a little bit, right? Anyway, you have to give it a squeeze.……"


Just as Jiang Cheng and Ravenna stood up, a voice full of anger came from the sky.

That voice... Jiang Cheng also sounded a little familiar.

"Ravenna, you stinky woman, how dare you find someone to steal my man?!"

As the figure emerged from the sky, Jiang Cheng's pupils shrank sharply. It was really his ex-girlfriend.

He finally remembered her name, his 22nd ex-girlfriend, Tang Yuyou!

"Honey, how are you?……"

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