"What's your name?"

Eliza smiled and looked at Jiang Cheng. He was really a handsome and good-looking human. The ghost gods treated them all equally, so Eliza didn't think there was anything wrong with humans.

"Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng followed Eliza and walked into the huge church. He found a tall sculpture inside.

It was a sculpture of a woman with an unclear face, long hair, and a particularly full chest.

So... the ghost god is a woman?

"May the Lord of the Ghost God protect you."

Eliza prayed to the statue.

"Your name is... Jiang Cheng?"

Isabella tilted her head, looking at Jiang Cheng thoughtfully, with a subtle and strange look in her eyes.


"Lord Youshen is a kind god, and his kindness is well-known. You don't have to be afraid."Isabella looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile.

"Coopers chose you to be a priest not only because you look great, but also because you are stronger than other humans."

Yang Qi is the measure of human strength, and Wei Qi is the measure of weird power.

Jiang Cheng's Yang Qi is much stronger than others. Others are just ordinary people, but Jiang Cheng at least has the power of a mid-level evil ghost.

"Please follow me. I will pray for you. The archbishop is not here, so I will pray for you."

Following behind Eliza, Jiang Cheng was still looking at the tall statue... The face of the statue seemed to be covered by some force, so Jiang Cheng could not see the face of the statue clearly.

There were several nuns kneeling in front of the statue, and they were praying seriously.

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, as a priest, you must serve Lord Youshen sincerely and not have any other thoughts, understand?"

Eliza looked at Jiang Cheng seriously, with a serious look in her eyes.


"Please change into the priest's robes."

Elisa walked out, leaving Jiang Cheng alone in the room.

The priest's robes are different from the nun's robes in black and white, and the priest's robes are decorated with red.

Jiang Cheng is going to be a missionary one day...

At this moment, Elisa walked to the other side of the room, and then she opened a locked box.

As Elisa took out a piece of old yellowed parchment from it, she smoothed the parchment, and as Elisa looked at the contents on the parchment, her eyes widened slightly.……

"They are exactly the same... Is he the Holy Son mentioned by the Phantom God? But... why is he a human?"

Eliza's face was filled with shock and confusion. Just now when she met Jiang Cheng, she found that Jiang Cheng looked familiar...

Just now she found that Jiang Cheng actually looked exactly like the Holy Son in the Phantom God's revelation.

But the Holy Son revealed by the Phantom God should be a monster, not a human...

Jiang Cheng is a living human.

That is completely different from the Phantom God's revelation. At this moment, Eliza is very confused.


"What is going on?"

Eliza said to herself.

"It seems that I have to wait for the archbishop to come back and ask Lord Youshen for instructions... What exactly is the problem."

Their Youshen Church is one of the twenty-two churches in the horror world. Only the archbishop of each church has the ability to contact Lord Youshen.

She is only the head of the nunnery, managing the nuns and priests in the Youshen Church...

Of course, the Youshen Church is mainly composed of women, and there are very few priests. Most of the priests are just used for hard labor.

Jiang Cheng looks exactly like the Son of God in the revelation, so... Jiang Cheng must be related to him.

Regarding Lord Youshen's revelation, only the archbishop and the head of the nunnery in the Youshen Church know, and other lower-level people certainly don't know.

"Lord Ghost God...your most faithful believer prays to you."

Eliza got ready for prayer again, and she prayed earnestly in that direction.

Jiang Cheng in the room had already changed into a priest's uniform. Looking at himself in the mirror, Jiang Cheng was also a little surprised.

Not to mention, he looked even more handsome.

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, you look quite handsome.

Eliza found that Jiang Cheng looked much more handsome after changing into his priest uniform.

"You bring"

"Our duty is to spread the faith of Lord Youshen."

Eliza gave Jiang Cheng a black book.

"It contains the teachings of our Phantom God Religion, which is from Lord Phantom God.……"

Jiang Cheng understood it. It was like the Bible. It contained information about the origin of the ghost god and the belief in the ghost god.


"Please follow me, I will pray for you, and after the prayer, you will be the priest of our Youshen Church."


On the other side.

Following behind Floraliya, Jiang Qinyu was a little scared because she was separated from Jiang Cheng.

But she looked around with a vigilant look on her face. Floraliya led them to the inside of the church.

"Originally, it was supposed to be Dean Eliza who prayed for you to become nuns of our Phantom Church, but Dean Eliza had something to do, so I will pray for you."

"Your next job is to pray to the Lord of the Underworld, serve the believers from outside, and pray.……"

"Put on your nun uniforms."

Floraliya's voice was a little cold. After she finished speaking, they began to choose the appropriate nun uniforms from those nun uniforms.

Jiang Qinyu did the same.

"After changing your clothes, follow me. We are going to the nave to become nuns. You must serve the Lord of the Ghost God sincerely."



"Miss Eliza, do you like food?"

Eliza is the head of the nunnery of the Phantom God Church. Above her should be the archbishop, so she is a high-ranking official in the Phantom God Church. If he wants to complete his mission in the Phantom God Church, he must have a good relationship with Eliza.


"I like delicious food."Eliza nodded. How did Jiang Cheng know that she liked delicious food? She seemed to have never told Jiang Cheng.

"I am a special chef.

Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

"Are you a top-grade weird chef?" Eliza couldn't help but turn around and look at Jiang Cheng. She was a little surprised.

A human being... is actually a top-grade weird chef?

"Yes."Luckily, Eliza is a foodie, otherwise Jiang Cheng really doesn't know how to build a good relationship with Eliza.

"That's good."

Eliza looked at Jiang Cheng for a few more times. The man in front of her looked exactly like the Son of God revealed by Lord Youshen, and he was actually a top-class weird chef.

She liked food.

"I can cook for you if I have a chance."

Jiang Cheng found that Eliza's favorability had jumped from 20 to nearly 70, which was a huge increase.


If Jiang Cheng is really the Son of God in the revelation, then Eliza has eaten Jiang Cheng's food, isn't it a good deal?

The Son of God's status is second only to Lord Youshen. Their Youshen Church is the last church among the twenty-two Youshen Churches.

The bishop of their church is only a demon-level, and the first bishop of Youshen Church is an unspeakable existence.

She is just a red-clothed

"You can call me Eliza."

Eliza smiled sweetly.

If Jiang Cheng is really the Son of God in the revelation, she will definitely have a good relationship with Jiang Cheng.


While Jiang Cheng was chatting with Eliza, he noticed that Floraliya was walking over. Behind her were the female players who had changed into nun clothes, including Jiang Qinyu.

The nun clothes set off Jiang Qinyu's plump figure. Her white and slender thighs would be fatter if they were a little fatter, and thinner if they were a little thinner.

The fullness of her chest stood out proudly.

It was a bit strange...

Jiang Qinyu and Jiang Qinxin looked exactly the same, which always gave Jiang Cheng an illusion.

It was really a bit strange.……

"Dean Eliza."

With the appearance of Floraliya, Eliza's eyes were also attracted by the group of nuns. She then began to look at the new nun following Floraliya.

When Eliza's eyes fell on Jiang Qinyu's face, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.


Jiang Qinyu looks exactly like the archbishop. In their Ghost God Church, only Eliza has seen the real appearance of the archbishop.

But the archbishop is a weird one. Jiang Qinyu in front of her is a human? Why...

Such a scene made Eliza's brain a little crazy.

Not only did she encounter a human who looked exactly like the Son of God in the revelation of Lord Ghost God, but she also encountered a human who looked exactly like the archbishop.

What's going on?

The archbishop never told her that she had a sister? Eliza was very puzzled at the moment.

"Dean Eliza?

Floraliya found that Eliza seemed to be in a daze, and she couldn't help but call Eliza again.


Eliza came to her senses and smiled.


She nodded to Floraliya and said hello.

"Since you have time, you can handle their prayer ceremony, right?"

If Eliza is present, she certainly can't pray for the new nuns, that would be beyond the law.

""Damn scumbag?"

Jiang Qinyu, who was behind Floraliya, of course also saw Jiang Cheng. She found that Jiang Cheng became more handsome after wearing the priest's uniform. He was handsome in a different way.

But why was there only Jiang Cheng? What about other male players? Jiang Qinyu was a little confused.


Eliza nodded.

She still had some doubts in her heart. Why? And her doubts would probably not be resolved until the archbishop came back.

A human who looked exactly like the Son of God in Revelation.

A human who looked exactly like the archbishop of their church.

The key was that both of them were human, not weird.

Eliza's brain really crashed, and she couldn't react for a while.

"Dean Eliza is the head of the nunnery of the Phantom Church. All of us nuns are under her management. You guys can go over there."

Floraliya turned around and looked at the people behind her.

"Come over here."

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