"What on earth is going on? Why are we hiding in the house?"

"I don't know... Anyway, hiding is definitely the right thing to do. Now more than half a month has passed. We had 20 people at the beginning, but now there are only eight left.……"

"Curiosity kills the cat, don't you know? Don't think about getting a high score, the most important thing is to get out alive."

Unlike other human players, they have been living in fear for the past half month, while Jiang Cheng is... well, a little scared... after all, he has to deal with the Shura Field.

At this moment, in the lobby of the Bloody Hotel

"First, trick Brister into the Red Hotel. Don't let him run away later."


Lin Sixue and An Weiwei hid in the dark together. Now Lin Sixue has begun to call An Weiwei"sister".

Jiang Cheng didn't know how the two of them were older or younger. The two women had been arguing fiercely a day ago.

Isabella was now staying with Caroline and following Jiang Cheng in the lobby.

"Jiang Cheng, Bristol is a demon king, don't be too confident."

Caroline looked at Jiang Cheng with some worry. She knew that Jiang Cheng had turned into a red-clothed man, but there was still a big difference between a red-clothed man and a demon king.

"You give the Netherworld Bone Harp to the boss, and the boss will definitely be able to deal with Bristol. As for the other weird things he brings, we can deal with them."

Isabella also echoed on the side. Jiang Cheng's fighting ability in that aspect is extremely strong, but it does not mean that fighting against Bristol is also...

She and Caroline already know how fierce Jiang Cheng's fighting ability is...

But they have never seen the battle between Jiang Cheng and the weird.

"Take them by surprise and attack them when they are unprepared. Now Brister must think that An An is seriously injured."

"And we have to get rid of Brister once and for all to prevent future troubles."

How could he possibly let Brister off if he dared to cause trouble for his woman? He is a man, he can't just be a gigolo now, right?

"Isabella, you and Xiaoxue will deal with those minions later, okay?"

He has already told Lin Sixue and An Weiwei about the arrangement.


Looking at Jiang Cheng with a confident face, Isabella really likes Jiang Cheng more. She likes men like Jiang Cheng who are responsible. He is not like her ex-husband...

When Jiang Cheng was about to talk to Caroline, a voice came from the side and interrupted Jiang Cheng.

"Caroline, where is Xiao Weiwei?"

At this moment, as several figures walked in from the door, Jiang Cheng also saw the true face of Brist.

One had two horns on his head, demon wings on his back, some dark red scales on his body, and bloodshot eyes. He was a very standard demon image.

But he looked a little ugly. How should I put it? His face was covered with sores, but he was quite big, at least more than two meters tall.

Behind him were several weird and horrible monsters, all of which looked weird.

Some looked like a big toad.

And there was actually a weird one inside that looked a bit like a cockroach. Jiang Cheng had never thought that there really were cockroach people in the horror world.

Another one looked a bit like a piece of squirming meat paste, with a lot of maggots surging on it. In short, it looked very disgusting.

The few behind Brist should all be the red-clothed level weirds that Caroline said Brist shouted.

Before Caroline spoke, Brist turned his gaze to Jiang Cheng next to the two women.

"Hmm? There are human players in your Bloody Hotel? There are more than 20 players in my castle, and they taste really good!"Brist licked his lips, and he made an expression that he was not satisfied.

"Human flesh is really delicious."

Bristol said with emotion

"Why didn't you tell me about Xiao Weiwei's injury?"

Brist's eyes were still on Jiang Cheng. He found that Jiang Cheng was really handsome, much more handsome than his Xiao Tiantian.……

"How about giving me that human? Give him to me, and I won't have to bother Xiao Weiwei."

"As long as little Weiwei apologizes to me."

Brist still had a smile on his face, but his voice was a little cold. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Jiang Cheng with his sharp nails.

There are such handsome humans. If they... And he discovered that men are actually more comfortable than women.

The feeling of being shocked is really indescribable.

He even had to thank An Weiwei for helping him find a new world. There was such a handsome man in the Bloody Hotel.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng winked at Isabella, who was standing beside him. Isabella understood what Jiang Cheng meant.

With the appearance of the Nether Bone Harp, Jiang Cheng played the Nether Bone Harp. A long and heavy sound of the piano rang out in the hall, and the weird people who were originally unprepared were stunned in an instant.

""Get started!"

Lin Sixue and An Weiwei also came from the side. In just a few seconds, they directly dealt with the eight red-clothed level brought by Brister.

When Brister came out of his trance, he found that all the people he brought were gone.……

"What is this?"

Brist was shocked. He was already at the Sha level, but he was still affected.

Then, under the gaze of the women, the Nether Bone Harp in Jiang Cheng's hand turned into a white light and merged into Jiang Cheng's body. The jade-like bone armor wrapped Jiang Cheng.

"Nether Bone Harp? How is that possible!"Brister's eyes widened. Because An Weiwei was a vampire, Brister had learned about the vampires.

He knew that the Nether Bone Harp was an unspeakable artifact lost by the vampires five hundred years ago. It was the sacred artifact of the vampires.

Legend has it that the Nether Bone Harp can be transformed into bone armor, which has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

As the bone armor wrapped around Jiang Cheng, he found that his ghost energy value was losing thousands per second.

Moreover, he found that he seemed to have become stronger again.

"How can you call her"Little Weiwei"?

Jiang Cheng then rushed towards Brister at an extremely fast speed.

Brister was horrified.

"You are not a human? Are you a vampire?"

No matter from which angle Jiang Cheng looked at him, he could tell that he was a human. But if Jiang Cheng was a human, why couldn't even a demon-level like him catch up with his burst of speed?

The most important thing was that he could actually use the holy weapon of the vampires.

"What's wrong with humans? Did humans eat your rice? You look down on humans so much."

As Jiang Cheng punched Brister's head, Brister suddenly raised his hand to block Jiang Cheng's attack.

He took a few steps back under Jiang Cheng's attack.

"If your attack only has this much power, it won't work." Brister's tone was a little sarcastic, and his eyes also revealed a bit of interest.

He didn't mind playing with Jiang Cheng, after all, Jiang Cheng was really handsome, and he liked him very much.


Then Jiang Cheng suddenly threw a second punch at Brister. The previous punch was Jiang Cheng testing his current strength. He only used about 10% of his strength.

When that punch met Brister's fist, Brister's arm was hit by a huge force. In an instant, bones burst out of it.

Jiang Cheng's punch landed directly on Brister's chest and pierced through Brister's chest.

Brister was stunned... He thought Jiang Cheng's strength was only as strong as before, but...……

"Is the devil only able to use brute force?"

Jiang Cheng was a little disappointed. He thought Bristol would have some other abilities, but it turned out that Bristol only seemed to be able to use brute force.

"I thought the evil demon kings would be very powerful, but... they are so vulnerable."Jiang Cheng sighed.

He was really disappointed. His battle was not exciting at all, which disappointed Jiang Cheng.


As Jiang Cheng withdrew his hand, a bloody and powerfully beating heart was beating in Jiang Cheng's hand.


At this moment, the other women in the hall were also completely stunned. Jiang Cheng... was he so powerful? He actually defeated Brister in just a few minutes?

As Jiang Cheng exerted force, he directly crushed the beating heart. Brister stared with bloodshot eyes in disbelief.

He fell straight to the ground.


"Brother, you are so awesome.……"Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng with some admiration. Jiang Cheng has really become much stronger.

"Of course, demons can use more than just brute force, but Bristol only knows how to use brute force. It's true that he is a member of the demon royal family, but he is the last one in the royal family. Can you understand that?"

"Otherwise, how could he, a demon king, be near Tiantang City? Tiantang City is just a small county town in the horror world."

An Weiwei knew that Jiang Cheng could have a power comparable to that of a demon level because of the Nether Bone Harp.

And Bristol was too careless, otherwise it would have taken a few more minutes to deal with Bristol.

She said that because she didn't want Jiang Cheng to be too proud and complacent. She didn't need the help of the Nether Bone Harp, and she was already in her prime. It only took a few minutes to deal with Bristol.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

Can't he just pretend to be awesome? There's really no love for him.

However, he found that his punch just now consumed a lot of his Qi. That punch used at least 500,000 Qi.

And the bone armor transformed from the Nether Bone Harp amplified his strength, at least increasing his strength several times.

"How was my punch just now? Elegant, right?"

With the existence of the bone armor, Jiang Cheng finally no longer worried that he would not be elegant or quick in the future fights.

After the battle just now, the bone armor was still as white as jade, without any blood stains.

Unfortunately, with his current Gui Qi value, the Nether Bone Harp was only enough for him to use for about ten minutes.

""Elegant, very elegant, okay?"

An Weiwei rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng's thoughts were all on his face.

How could she not understand?

"Xiao Chengcheng, now you are not only good at martial arts... your fighting ability has also become very strong."

"With the Netherworld Bone Harp, you should have no problem fighting against ordinary evil-level monsters."

"But don’t be complacent."

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