The next day, early morning


"Stop making trouble……"

After this battle, Jiang Cheng successfully raised the favorability of both of them to 95, but his Yang Qi was seriously insufficient, and the original Yang Qi value of nearly 130,000 was only a few hundred.

Jiang Cheng finally knew what the big treasure Lin Sixue had been talking about. He could only say... he was really good at playing.

But the system didn't seem to reward him. What about the reward for every ex-girlfriend's favorability reaching 95 or above?

If Lin Sixue and An Weiwei were not here now, he would definitely scold the system.

"Little Chengcheng... um... should I call you Big Chengcheng?" An Weiwei's eyes were full of affection. She looked at Jiang Cheng with interest.


She bit her two little canine teeth, and she looked really cute.


"You are so lucky, little Chengcheng."

An Weiwei's face was a little red now. She could only say that it was very crazy. She didn't know how to describe it.

But she was very curious about one thing... Jiang Cheng's... could actually repair her hidden injuries. Her hidden injuries were almost completely repaired.

And Lin Sixue actually went directly from the initial red clothes to the intermediate red clothes, successfully advancing to the

"How about signing the Netherworld Marriage Book first?"

An Weiwei is a high-level red-clothed person. Jiang Cheng doesn't know if he will also gain the power of a high-level red-clothed person after she signs the Netherworld Marriage Book.


Lin Sixue was indeed inferior to her, and she took advantage of Lin Sixue's sleep to let Jiang Cheng stay in the coffin with her...

As expected, the current coffin suits her better, and she prefers to stay in the coffin.

Really good.

She will be the first person to sign the netherworld marriage certificate with Jiang Cheng, and she, An Weiwei, is Jiang Cheng's eldest wife...

No matter what, she is older than Lin Sixue, and Lin Sixue must call her sister


As An Weiwei began to sign the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, Jiang Cheng suddenly found that a lot of blood clan power had merged into his mind.

He was not a blood clan now, but he was better than a blood clan. He had the abilities of blood clans, but he did not have the weaknesses of blood clans.

Of course, the weaknesses of blood clans were definitely not sunlight or something.

""'ve become a vampire?"

An Weiwei was surprised to find that bat wings appeared behind Jiang Cheng. She shouldn't have given Jiang Cheng the first hug?

" are still human?"

Jiang Cheng, a human, could actually transform into a bat? That really surprised An Weiwei.

"It is the power of the Netherworld Marriage Certificate. After signing, I can share your power."

Did An Weiwei not know that after signing the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, he could share their power?


"It's the power of the Netherworld Marriage Book……"

An Weiwei knew that she could share her power with Jiang Cheng after signing the Netherworld Marriage Certificate.

She was a little happy.

After Jiang Cheng finished their copy of the Bloody Hotel, he would definitely return to the real world, and he would definitely have the next copy.

If Jiang Cheng shared her power, he would also have the power to protect himself, so that Jiang Cheng would not be in danger when she was not with him.


"Xiao Chengcheng, us?"


At this moment, Lin Sixue woke up from the Simmons bed. When she opened her eyes, she found that she was the only one left on the bed.

Lin Sixue's face was a little red. It was just a copy, but Jiang Cheng's fighting ability in that aspect became so fierce.

But she actually succeeded in being promoted to the middle level of the red ghost... much stronger than before.

It seems that Jiang Cheng……


At this moment, when Lin Sixue was looking for Jiang Cheng and An Weiwei, she found……

""Okay, An Weiwei, you two are eating alone behind my back!"

Lin Sixue gritted her teeth.

There was her big treasure on the bedside, but An Weiwei had already used it, and she was very disgusted.

When Jiang Cheng climbed out of the coffin, he found Lin Sixue standing beside him, looking at him with a faint gaze.

"Hey, when did you wake up?"

Jiang Cheng's face turned red. It seemed that Lin Sixue had been awake for a while.

"Humph, I was woken up by the vibration of the coffin." Lin Sixue was a little dissatisfied,"Brother, why didn't you call me to join you?"

"Um... didn't that mean you should take more rest?" Jiang Cheng showed that he cared about Lin Sixue.


An Weiwei climbed out of the coffin with a slightly red face. She was a little happy.

Her hidden injuries were completely healed, and her strength even showed a trend of reaching a higher level.

As expected... Jiang Cheng was really able to……

"Lin Sixue, you have to call me sister from now on, understand? Don't always call me by my first name, I have already signed the netherworld marriage certificate with Xiao Chengcheng."

Lin Sixue:"!!!"

"You have already signed the Netherworld Marriage Certificate?……"Lin Sixue gnashed her teeth and said,"An Weiwei, I was with my brother first, and I am the wife."

"Brother, where is the Netherworld Marriage Certificate? I want to sign it too!"

No, she must also sign the Netherworld Marriage Certificate with Jiang Cheng, so that they will be completely bound together

"Sign, sign, sign. You can sign."

As Lin Sixue signed the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, he found that the power about Lin Sixue also flowed into his mind.

【Name: Jiang Cheng】

【Sex: Male】

【Level: 5 (0/500)】

【Ghost Coins: 322,800】

【Assets: 50% of the property rights of Kairi Community, 100% of the property rights of Bloody Hotel】

【Yang value: 82/130000】

【Weirdness value: 620000/620000 (high-level red clothes)】

【Occupation: Weird Masseur (Master), Weird Chef (Special), Weird Teacher (Primary)]

Jiang Cheng discovered that his personal panel had two more items, one was assets, and the other was an additional Weird Qi value.

620,000 Weird Qi value? Equivalent to a high-level red-clothed……

"An An, what is Gui Qi?"

Jiang Cheng was a little curious. Is it equivalent to the spiritual energy in the immortal novels? Yang Qi is actually equivalent to life value.

"Weird energy is the source of the strange power in the horror world. The higher the value of Weird Energy, the stronger the power."

"If I were to describe it in numbers, I would probably have 420,000 Gui Qi points now."

In the battle with Jiang Cheng, her hidden injuries were repaired, and her Gui Qi points increased by about 10,000.

"What about you?"

Jiang Cheng then looked at Lin Sixue. An Weiwei had a Gui Qi value of 420,000. What about Lin Sixue?

Would it be 620,000 minus 420,000?

"About 200,000."

Lin Sixue snorted. Although there was a small gap between the middle and high levels of the red-clothed warrior, the gap between her and An Weiwei was nearly 200,000 Gui Qi.

That meant An Weiwei's strength was twice hers... Of course, strength couldn't be calculated that way. Lin Sixue was capable of fighting against the high-level red-clothed warrior.

"I understand.

Jiang Cheng now really understands.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

He is now more powerful than the two of them. He, Jiang Cheng, has finally risen from the slums and is singing.

However, his Yang Qi is only 82.……

"What are you laughing at?"

An Weiwei and Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng in confusion. Why did Jiang Cheng burst into laughter?

"I now have 620,000 Gui Qi, I also have the strength of a high-level red-clothed warrior, and I can use all your powers.……"

Sure enough, they are all his wings!

"Can the Netherworld Marriage Certificate share power?"

Lin Sixue is not stupid. She immediately understood what Jiang Cheng meant. Jiang Cheng shared the power between her and An Weiwei.……


Lin Sixue also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It would be better if you become stronger, otherwise if you encounter any ferocious monsters in the next instance, I won't be able to protect you."

"Not all the weirds in the horror world are as easy to talk to as we are."

Lin Sixue certainly hopes that Jiang Cheng will become more powerful. She can't follow Jiang Cheng to protect him.

The horror world is actually very dangerous. Jiang Cheng was just lucky to meet her in the first copy and An Weiwei in the second copy. What if the third copy is that kind of ferocious weird? What should Jiang Cheng do?

There is still half a month left in the Bloody Hotel. Jiang Cheng plans to see if he can master the weird chef profession in the Bloody Hotel.

Anyway, he has nothing to do.

""An'an, Xiaoxue, why don't you two take a good rest? I'm going to work first." His Yang Qi is almost gone now. If something happens with the two of them, he might really die under the peony flowers...

Moreover, he must ask his system why the favorability of the two has now reached 95.

But what about the reward? He has not seen the reward given to him by the system yet.

"You are the boss of the Bloody Hotel now, what is your job?" An Weiwei rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng,"I have been waiting for you in the horror world for more than 150 years, little Chengcheng, do you think you can satisfy me once or twice?"

"Brother, I have been waiting for you for more than a hundred years.……"

At this moment, An Weiwei and Lin Sixue's eyes shone with light again.

"No! I really can't do it now, give me some time to recover!" Jiang Cheng was a little terrified. The two women looked at him like a hungry wolf pouncing on its food. He really can't do it now. No matter what the upper limit of his Yang Qi is, it only takes 24 hours for Jiang Cheng to recover from a small amount of Yang Qi to the full value. If he eats something tonic, he will recover faster.

He is now a top-class chef and can make a good meal with the tonic George gave him before.

"I'm going to work!"

Jiang Cheng then hurried to the elevator, leaving only Lin Sixue and An Weiwei.

"Tsk... no more?"

Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng's back with disdain. Jiang Cheng's current continuous combat ability is really not as good as before.

"Lin Sixue, you have to call me sister from now on, understand? I am older than you.……"An Weiwei looked at Lin Sixue seriously

"An Weiwei, I was the first one to get back together with my brother!" Lin Sixue was very dissatisfied,"I am the boss."

"How about a fight? Whoever wins will be the big sister?"

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