"Is the boss of your Bloody Hotel so cruel?"

Jiang Cheng really felt a little phantom pain... If he directly confiscated the tools used in the crime, how could the demon royal family not hate the boss of the Bloody Hotel?

"So, did the succubus tell you something? Now I don't know if the succubus was sent by Bristol to get information."

"Some time ago, Brister was promoted to the evil level. If he knew that the boss was seriously injured,……"

"The consequences are serious." Caroline looked serious, her scarlet eyes revealed a solemn look, she looked at Jiang Cheng seriously.


Jiang Cheng got a lot of information from Caroline's words. Bristol should be the name of the demon king.

"That succubus should be most likely sent by Brist."

But Jiang Cheng thought that the male succubus was most likely sent by Brist to get information.

Unlike other male succubus, he is a professional fencing athlete who likes men. The demon king has lost his tools, so he must have become a distorted person.……

"Why do you say that?"

Caroline didn't quite understand.

"If you think about it carefully, Brister has become a eunuch. Would he be mentally twisted?"

"That succubus is a professional athlete. What kind of person will be his target?"

"Didn't you say that succubi usually attach themselves to more powerful beings?"

"Brister is already a Sha-level, very qualified, and must be just the right target for the succubus to attach to, right?"

Jiang Cheng looked like he knew everything.


She understood. She really understood.

"Bah, Jiang Cheng, why do you seem to know everything?……"

But why did Jiang Cheng know all that? Caroline looked at Jiang Cheng suspiciously.

"How could I be? My sexual orientation is normal! I like women."

"Isn't it okay for a woman to be weird?" Caroline asked

"Of course, beautiful women are also OK, I am not a professional athlete!"

He is a straight man, okay, there is no way he is gay!

When Jiang Cheng was talking to Caroline, they had already walked to the door of 811.

"Knock on the door."

Caroline still had a thoughtful expression. Jiang Cheng's words made sense. Otherwise, why would a red-clothed succubus hide in their Bloody Hotel?

"Bang Bang Bang……"

As the door opened, Jiang Cheng knew the occupant inside. He was a handsome man, but his face was extremely pale and he had dark circles under his eyes.

His posture was also a little strange.

"Manager Caroline, what do you want to talk to me about now?"The man knew Caroline strangely, and he was a little confused.

His voice was a little hoarse and a little haggard.

"Gal, did you do something?"

Caroline's words made Gal stunned for a moment, and then he shook his head quickly,"I stayed in the room the whole time, how could I have done anything."

He liked Caroline, how could he let Caroline know that he had been with another woman some time ago?

"Mr. Gal, the surveillance video shows clearly that you have been with a beautiful woman. Jiang Cheng said from the side.

Gal is the kind of man who has found a service but dares not admit it directly. He has seen many

"You've already done it, why are you embarrassed to admit it?"

Jiang Cheng's words made Gal look a little unhappy. He didn't know Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng was so handsome, and he was with Caroline.

"Gar, Jiang Cheng is right. Richards knows what happened. He doesn't know what you did in the room, but he knows everything that happened outside.

Caroline nodded.

"Yes, a few days ago, a very beautiful woman asked me if I needed any service. She was so beautiful, so of course I agreed to her request."

Gar could only admit it.

He just didn't know why, but now he felt a burning pain.

He was very strange... He probably didn't eat chili peppers, he didn't like eating chili peppers the most.

""Garr, did he tell you anything?" Caroline didn't care whether Gal had done anything with the succubus. She was relieved that Gal was fine. After all, he was a guest of the Bloody Hotel. If a guest of the Bloody Hotel died suddenly while staying at the hotel... it would affect the reputation of the Bloody Hotel.


"All right"

"Mr. Gal, that was a male succubus, we came to you mainly to get information."

Jiang Cheng originally didn't intend to tell Gal the truth, but who made Gal look at him like that?

"What? That beautiful woman is a male succubus?!"Gar's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it.


He finally understood why he felt so hot and painful. He ran to the bathroom and vomited.

""Fuck you!"

Gal cursed in the bathroom.

Caroline rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng and said,"Why did you tell Gal the truth? Tell him..."……"

The blow is quite big

"They have the right to know the truth.

Jiang Cheng said righteously. He would not say that it was because of the look in Gar's eyes that made him uncomfortable.

Jiang Cheng closed the door for Gar.

"Jiang Cheng, what you said makes sense. That succubus should be sent by Bristol to get information."

After that, Jiang Cheng followed Caroline to check the guest of Room 603. The guest of Room 603 was also a very handsome male weirdo. His reaction was the same as Gar's at first.

And the standing postures of the two were also very similar. What does that mean? It means that the two have been hooked.

It must be said that the male succubus is really cunning! Disguised as a beautiful woman, and then seduced men.

Then the offense and defense were exchanged. It can only be said that it is really good at playing

"Manager Caroline, Mr. Jiang Cheng, is that beautiful woman really a male succubus?"The handsome man was a little bit unconvinced.

But when Caroline nodded, and he felt a little pain, he believed it.

But his reaction was completely different from that of Gal. Gal looked like he had lost all hope in life, while he was a little... well... a little intriguing to Jiang Cheng.

After solving the problems in the two guest rooms, Caroline sighed softly.

"Jiang Cheng, you should go back and rest first. It's getting late. You can sleep a little longer tomorrow and don't have to work."

"I'll give you a day off."

Caroline thought. She had to go back and talk to her grandmother. After all, the big boss was asleep. The most powerful person in the Bloody Hotel was her grandmother, Isabella.

She was able to discover that the guest in Room 502 was a hidden succubus. It was all because of Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng helped them in the Bloody Hotel.


He was really tired now. He went back to sleep early and continued to level up as a chef tomorrow. He had to get the third weird job as soon as possible. The best way was to become stronger as soon as possible.

"Caroline, what do you want to talk to me about?" Isabella was doing yoga at the moment, and her beautiful figure was clearly visible.

"Grandma, a red-level succubus sneaked into our hotel and stayed in the hotel for five days, but the succubus has now escaped."

"It was Jiang Cheng who found the succubus and injured him.……"Caroline looked at Isabella seriously.

The two of them really looked like a pair of sisters.

"A succubus ran into the hotel?"

Isabella frowned.

"I don't know how Richards did it, or how a succubus got into the hotel."

Isabella said with a bit of blame in her tone.

"Grandma, do you want to tell the boss about this? I guess the succubus was sent by Brister to get information.

Caroline thought it was a very important matter.

"The boss is sleeping and healing now, don't disturb her rest. You just said that Jiang Cheng injured the red-clothed succubus?"Isabella was a little curious. Is

Jiang Cheng so powerful?

"Well... Jiang Cheng did it. When I went over, there was only a pool of blood on the ground."

Isabella's heart was pounding.

Jiang Cheng was very handsome, and he was a special-grade weird masseur and a junior weird chef. Now he could directly injure a red-clothed succubus.

Succubus are not good at fighting, but at the red-clothed level, they also have the fighting power of fierce ghosts.

Jiang Cheng is simply a perfect match for her mate selection... I don't know if he is really strong.

Hmm, when there is a chance, she must test Jiang Cheng's fighting power.




Chu Xuan had been curled up in bed. Today was her first day in the horror world, and she couldn't sleep at all.

She was a little scared.

The place they were living in was very clean and quiet.

But the Bloody Restaurant was full of weirdness. After turning off the lights, it was pitch black. Chu Xuan was really a little scared.

"Chu Xuan, why aren't you asleep yet?"

He must have been busy outside for an hour or two, right? But Chu Xuan hasn't slept yet.

"I'm afraid alone……"

Chu Xuan was trembling a little, and her voice was trembling a little

"It's quite safe, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Jiang Cheng was not afraid at all, he was relieved, anyway, none of his ex-girlfriends were named Vivian, and his ex-girlfriends were all human.

So the boss of the Bloody Hotel must not be his ex-girlfriend, he can always have a good rest in the Bloody Hotel.

"Go to bed early. I want to sleep too.

When Jiang Cheng came back, Chu Xuan stuck her head out from under the quilt.


Chu Xuan was about to talk to Jiang Cheng about what happened outside, but she found that Jiang Cheng had fallen asleep.

But she was still a little scared.

Chu Xuan sighed softly. Why was the dormitory assigned to them a standard room?

It would be great if it was a king-size bed room, but it was a pity that it was not a king-size bed room.

"Thank you, bro.……"

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